Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 404 Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin were arrested!

Chapter 404 Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin were arrested!

"Ran Ran, show it to Shopkeeper Tong quickly!" Xiao Jingyao said anxiously.

Xiaonuituanzi didn't waste any time, and gently placed three little fingers on Shopkeeper Tong's wrist, and then lifted his eyelids.

"Ran Ran, how is he?" Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but ask.

"Uncle Fifth, don't worry. Grandpa Tong is fine. He will wake up in a while." Xiao Naituanzi said as he took out his golden needle and injects it on Shopkeeper Tong's body in an orderly manner!

After a few golden needles went down, the little breast dumpling sent some inner energy to Shopkeeper Tong's body.

"Cough cough!"

But after a short while, shopkeeper Tong woke up a lot. He opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Nai Tuanzi and said, "Quickly, save Mr. Six and the two young ladies!"

"Uncle Tong, what's going on? Who did it?" Xiao Jingyao asked anxiously.

"It's the people from the city defense department. They colluded with Wang Xiancheng! The two maids who were following Tianyin broke in with someone and took them away. Ahem..."

After the shopkeeper Tong said these words, he was already out of breath and coughed.

After slowing down for a while, he continued: "The Sixth Master is chasing us out, but it has been a while. You guys go quickly!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's heart fell to the bottom.

"Jing Yan, Jing Rui, Jing Han, the three of you come with me to save people!" Xiao Jingyao stood up, his tone was full of coldness, and his whole body was filled with a chilling air.

This was the first time for the three Xiao brothers to see their fifth uncle like this.

It looked like it was going to destroy the world at any moment.


The three of them responded in unison.

Xiao Naituanzi stood up, took out a lot of talismans from his pocket, and stuffed them all into Xiao Jinghan's hands.

"This will fix your formation! It can increase a lot of power~"

Seeing this, Xiao Jinghan hurriedly put away the Fu Zuan and nodded solemnly towards Xiao Naituanzi.

The little girl turned to look at Xiao Jingyao, "Fifth uncle, you must bring back my sisters Qingqiu and Wang."


Xiao Jingyao also nodded solemnly, "Waiting for the fifth uncle to bring you back and have a good rest, I will leave this place to you for the time being!"

"Okay." Xiaonuituanzi responded crisply.

The four people left in a hurry, and Xiao Naituanzi moved all the people who still had a breath in the other courtyard to one place.

Although she is quite strong, she cannot hold down a large number of people.

Just moving these people together took up a lot of energy on her part, not to mention she had to save them.

The little breasted dumpling is busy here for several hours.

By the time she finished her work, she was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

Fortunately, Magistrate Xue came here with a few people later, brought her a lot of food and drink, and ordered people to clear out all the dead people.

"They are all asleep. It's up to you to watch them until my fifth uncle and brothers come back!"

After finishing her meal, the little girl looked at Magistrate Xue and yawned as if she was about to fall asleep at any moment.

When Magistrate Xue heard this, he nodded hurriedly.

He has to rely on this little baby in front of him to cure the poison in his body!

He was being unfair and disobeying her.

What's more, this little doll's strength should not be underestimated, and he was impressed.

Before going to sleep, Xiao Nai Tuanzi took out his medicinal wine and took a sip, then fell asleep.

Things didn't go so smoothly for Xiao Jingyao.The commotion last night was quite loud, and many people returned to the city early in the morning with serious injuries.

Soon, the conspiracies of Tianyin and Wang Xiancheng were exposed.

This is really hard to accept for the people who regard Tianyin as a fairy!
In order to find out more information, everyone ran out to join in the fun.

When Xiao Jingyao and others went to the city guarding army and horse department, a lot of people gathered there.

In order not to hurt these people, Xiao Jingyao could only ask Xiao Jinghan to use formations to separate the people from the Army and Horse Division, while he took Xiao Jingyan and Xiao Jingrui into the Army and Horse Division.

Inside the Military and Horse Division.

Wang Ling, the commander of the army and horses guarding the city, led a team of elite soldiers and stood behind the demon girls Tianxin and Qing Ning. In the hands of these two demon girls, they were holding two people, Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin.

At this moment, both of them had fainted and suffered large and small injuries on their bodies.

When Qing Ning saw Xiao Jingyao, she put her sword directly on Li Qingqiu's neck and said coldly: "If you want to save your sweetheart, use my senior sister in exchange!"

Xiao Jingyao's eyes fell directly on Li Qingqiu's body, his hands were squeezed tightly, and his eyes were red.

"Ha!" Xiao Jingyao sneered, "Your affairs have become known to everyone. Do you think you still have a chance to escape?"

I don’t know if these two women are really stupid or have ulterior motives!
After capturing Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin, they did not take the opportunity to escape, but instead entered the Bingma Division Mansion.

"Do as I say or I'll kill them!"

Tian Xin spoke coldly and moved the blade of the knife to Li Qingqiu's neck.

Seeing this, Qing Ning followed suit and brought the knife edge a little closer to Wang Wenxin's neck.

When Xiao Jingyao saw this, it was inevitable that he would take action.

Xiao Jinyan, who was beside him, whispered something in Xiao Jingrui's ear.

Xiao Jingrui nodded and said in a loud voice: "Okay, I will bring that woman Tianyin right away. You must not hurt my fifth aunt, otherwise... if you hurt her even a little bit, I will shave Tianyin." A layer of skin.”

After saying that, Xiao Jingrui turned around and left!
Xiao Jingyao turned to look at Xiao Jingyan, and immediately understood what he meant.

At the moment, Tianxin and Qingning still don’t know that Tianyin is dead! their chance!

"Witch, where is Mr. Li Liu!"

Xiao Jingyao didn't see Mr. Li Liu, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Ha! Dead!"

Qing Ning replied disdainfully.

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jingyan were shocked at the same time.

If Uncle Liu is really killed in Ba County, then...

Not long after, Xiao Jingrui brought over a woman with disheveled hair and scars all over her body.

This woman looks exactly like Tianyin, and her clothes are exactly the same as usual.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyan raised his eyebrows slightly.

If he hadn't seen Xiao Naituanzi kill people with his own eyes, he would have been deceived by the "Tian Yin" in front of him!

He couldn't help but admire his younger brother for being able to obtain a "Tian Yin" in such a short period of time.

Xiao Jingyao pulled the bruised and unconscious "Tianyin" over from being tied up with five flowers, and clasped her neck with his backhand.


"Hey, there are two of us here. Which one do you want to change? Is it your sweetheart? Or..."

"Of course it's Qingqiu!"

Before Tian Xin finished speaking, Wang Wenxin suddenly woke up and interrupted her.

(End of this chapter)

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