Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 405: Reversal, the entire army was annihilated!

Chapter 405: Reversal, the entire army was annihilated!
"Master Xiao Wu, leave me alone! Save Qingqiu!" Wang Wenxin shouted weakly.


As soon as she finished speaking, Qing Ning, who was holding her, grabbed her hair and pulled it back hard.

Wang Wenxin screamed in pain, her legs were a little unsteady due to the injuries on her body, and she was trembling!


Qing Ning slapped her face again, looked at Xiao Jingyao and said coldly: "Exchange this little bitch for our senior sister and let us leave! After we leave safely, we will naturally let your little lover go!" "

"No! If it's Qingqiu, I'll go with you!" Wang Wenxin said while holding back the pain.


Her words attracted another slap from Qing Ning, and then Xing Zi spat at her, "Bah! You bitch is going to die. If I leave you? If I leave you, can we still leave?"

Wang Wenxin was thrown to the ground by Qing Ning and was in so much pain that she couldn't get up for a long time.

Xiao Jingyao clenched his fists tightly, grinding his molars and said: "Okay, as you wish, it's my cousin from the Wang family!"

"Master Xiao Wu, no!"

Wang Wenxin raised her head and shook her head at him.

She has been a damned person for a long time, and she is lucky to be able to survive for such a long time!

Even if she dies now, she will not lose anything!

She was very satisfied to be able to witness Qingqiu and Xiao Wuye getting married before she died!

Although Xiao Jingyao also wanted to replace Li Qingqiu, this moment, he could not ignore Wang Wenxin's life.

He could see that Wang Wenxin was determined to die.

Once it was Qingqiu, she was afraid that she would kill herself just to protect them from threats.

However, he knew how much Qingqiu cared about her relatives and this cousin!
If Wang Wenxin died because of this, Qingqiu would feel uneasy for the rest of his life.

And Wang Wenxin will also become the eternal love between him and Qingqiu.

That hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Therefore, Wang Wenxin must not die!
"Okay, let's change it to Wang's cousin!" Xiao Jingyao said decisively!

As he said that, Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiao Jingyan beside him.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinyan nodded slightly, winked at Xiao Jingrui, and quietly retreated.

Xiao Jingrui pressed "Tianyin" and slowly stepped forward.

Over there, Qing Ning led Wang Wenxin step by step toward the middle.

When the two reached the middle, they quickly exchanged the hostages and returned to their own areas.

Xiao Jingrui quickly took Wang Wenxin out of the Army and Horses Department Mansion.

At the same time, Xiao Jingyao was also ready to snatch people.


Qing Ning snatched "Tian Yin" back, then quickly untied the rope that tied her body, and then lifted her hair.

And at this critical moment, "Tian Yin" suddenly opened his eyes and sprinkled a handful of medicinal powder from his hand.


Tian Xin and Qing Ning didn't pay attention and were hit at the same time.

"Tian Yin" took the opportunity to quickly snatch the unconscious "Li Qingqiu" over.


Before "Tian Yin" could stand still, "Li Qingqiu" suddenly opened his eyes, and a short dagger in his hand was inserted directly into "Tian Yin"'s abdomen.

The white knife goes in, the red knife goes out.

The attack was clean and neat, leaving no room for error.

"Tian Yin" covered the wound on her stomach in disbelief, and saw "Li Qingqiu" quickly stabbing Xiao Jingyao, who was stunned, and shouted, "Master, be careful."

Listen to this voice, who is it if it’s not Ji Feng?

Xiao Jingyao came to his senses, quickly dodged "Li Qingqiu's" attack, and kicked her wrist holding the dagger sideways. "clang."

The dagger fell to the ground, "Li Qingqiu" turned around, stabilized his body, turned his palm into a fist and struck directly at Xiao Jingyao's life gate.

Xiao Jingyao recognized that the person in front of him was not the person he had longed for. He was worried about Li Qingqiu's safety, but also resented Tianxin and Qing Ning for playing tricks on him. Therefore, he always used deadly tricks to defeat him!

Neither party expected that they had such a "tacit understanding" and both used fake hostages.

The war is about to break out.

The commander of the army and horses, Wang Ling, led his men to kill them.

Xiao Jingyan came back again and again, with the long sword in her hand pointed at Wang Ling.

At the same time, Xiao Jingrui's melodious piano music sounded outside.

Xiao Jinghan, on the other hand, supported the formation alone and controlled the entire Bingma Division.

There were many people watching the excitement at the entrance of the Bingma Division, and Xiao Jinghan had to guard against them.

Thinking of the talismans given to him by Xiao Nai Tuanzi, Xiao Jinghan took them out one by one and used them in the formation according to some of the methods Xiao Nai Tuanzi taught him.

As each talisman and seal entered the formation, the scene in the Bingma Division quickly changed.

In addition, Xiao Jingrui's sound attack had an effect.

In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone was under control!
Xiao Jingyao asked Xiao Jingyan to take the lead in bringing the injured Ji Feng back.

And he slowly walked towards Tianxin and Qingning, who were already tied up by Wuhuada.

"Tell me! Where is Qingqiu?"

Xiao Jingyao was full of murderous intent and kicked Tianyin in the stomach.

Tianxin huddled together in pain.

Then he laughed again.

He gritted his back molars, with a look of defeat on his face, "Xiao Jingyao, want to know where that woman is? Please beg me! Please beg me, and I will tell you!"


Xiao Jingyao took out his long sword and swung it towards her face with a "swish" sound.


Tianxin immediately let out a shrill scream.

Blood slowly flowed down her cheek and wet her clothes.

After being "sculpted", a face that looks like a flower and jade has a somewhat broken beauty.

There is no doubt that Xiao Jingyao knows how to grasp the seven inches of Tianxin.

On weekdays, what Tianxin cares about most is her face!
Now that her face was destroyed, it was simply more painful than killing her.

Beside, Qing Ning started to tremble when she saw this.

Xiao Jingyao looked like a talkative person, but he didn't expect his heart to be so cruel.

I don't know if they saw through their plan or if they hit by mistake, they were able to kill all their hundreds of people with just a few people.

In the end, they underestimated them.


How can the Xiao family, who can make Master both love and hate them, be ordinary people?
They are too greedy!
I could have escaped smoothly!
But because he overestimated himself and underestimated his opponent, he wanted to arrest a few Xiao family members to make them guilty!

Unexpectedly, an entire army was defeated and almost the whole army was wiped out!


Xiao Jingyao, a person named Xiao, should regard it as their last gift to their master!
I hope that in the end, Master will not blame them!

Qing Ning thought so and suddenly started laughing!

"Xiao Jingyao, are you afraid you don't know? Your sweetheart was sent away by us early in the morning!"

"Where did he send it!???" Xiao Jingyao pointed his sword at Qing Ning and asked through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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