Chapter 406 Li Qingqiu is missing!

Qing Ning's eyes were fixed on Xiao Jingyao. When he heard his words, a hint of mockery flashed across the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly stretched his neck forward and committed suicide!
Xiao Jingyao: "..."


Seeing this, Tian Xin burst out laughing.

"Xiao Jingyao, let me go! Let me go, how about I tell you where your sweetheart is?"


Xiao Jingyao hated others threatening him the most!
He raised the knife in his hand and slashed Tian Xin's face again, "I tell you, if Qingqiu loses even one hair, I will definitely make your life worse than death!!"

"Jing Yan, take these people back and interrogate them one by one."

"Hang Qing Ning's corpse at the city gate and keep it there for ten days!"

"Take Tianxin, a demon girl, to parade around the streets and let her have a good taste of the suffering of the common people."

"Xiao Jingyao, how dare you!" Tianyin was a little scared after hearing Xiao Jingyao's instructions!

She doesn't have the decisive courage like Qing Ning!

She is still gambling in her heart!

Bet on Li Qingqiu's weight in Xiao Jingyao's heart.

As long as he can't find Li Qingqiu, she won't kill her!

When Master receives the news, he will come back to save her!
But... right now, Xiao Jingyao didn't kill her, but he let her bear the anger of the people alone.

They have killed so many people and deceived the people for so many years. It is conceivable that if they were dragged out to the streets, the end would be even more miserable than if they killed her!
no, do not want!

This is not what she wants!

"Xiao, you can't do this! The woman you love will die if you do this!"


Xiao Jingyao snorted coldly, his brows were filled with frost, but his eyes were clear!
"I guess... you still want to use Qingqiu as bait to lure my Xiao family there!?"

"You finally caught such a weak spot and let Qingqiu die?"

"Qingqiu is the daughter of the head of the Li family in Jiang Lin, the apple of the Li family's eye! You must be very clear about the status of the Li family in the imperial court and the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Your great cause has not yet been accomplished, and now the puppet has been destroyed by us again! Do you think you and the master behind you have the ability to bear the wrath of the Li family!"

"Come here, the one who put this bitch in a cage is telling all the people to come and watch!"

"Stinky shoes, smelly socks, rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves...throw them away, smash them! Just let me breathe!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingrui walked in, looked at Tian Xin eagerly, patted his chest and assured Xiao Jingyao: "Don't worry, fifth uncle, I promise to do everything right for you!"

Although Xiao Jingyao said harsh words in his heart, he was still worried about Li Qingqiu's safety.

There is also Mr. Li Liu, whose whereabouts are unknown now.

He handed over the mess in the Bingma Division to the three Xiao Jingyan brothers and quickly returned to the other courtyard.

When we arrived at the other courtyard, the corpses in the other courtyard had been packed away, and the people from the Yamen and Shopkeeper Tong were cleaning up the blood stains in the other courtyard.

"Where's Ranran!"

Xiao Jingyao grabbed a person and asked.

"Master Xiao, Miss Ranran has been busy all day and night and has consumed too much. She just went to bed! Magistrate Xue is over there!" the boy replied.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao let go of him and hurried towards the side room.

When we arrived at the wing, Xiao Naituanzi had already fallen asleep.

Xiao Jingyao called her several times, but she had no big reaction.Magistrate Xue came in and reminded her, "This little girl drank something before going to bed. I don't know what it was, but it smelled like medicine and alcohol!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao understood!
This little girl is afraid that she is too exhausted and drank that health wine!

According to the previous two experiences, this girl may have to sleep for at least three days.

Xiao Jingyao was so anxious that he slammed his fist on the table next to him angrily.

With a "pop" sound, the table was instantly shattered into pieces and scattered on the sides.

Magistrate Xue's heart suddenly jumped.

At this moment, he wanted to ask about his son Ji Feng's condition, but he moved his lips but did not dare to ask anything.

"Look! Magistrate Xue, send people to look for them immediately! We must find the whereabouts of Li Liuye and Qingqiu as soon as possible!" Xiao Jingyao ordered in a deep voice, "Send your people to guard the Tianxian Temple and let our two Zhang Biao and Wu Tong are back!"

When Magistrate Xue heard that Mr. Li Liu and Li Qingqiu were missing, he immediately hurried down without further delay to give orders!

When Wu Tong and Zhang Biao came back, it was almost dark!
But Xiao Jingyao didn't get any news about Li Liuye and Li Qingqiu.

"Five masters!"

Zhang Biao called out respectfully.

Zhang Biao and Wu Tong struggled for two days and one night, but still had no water. At this time, they were exhausted.

"Li Liuye and Qingqiu were taken away. There is no news yet." Xiao Jingyao frowned and spoke tiredly.

Wu Tong glanced at Zhang Biao, who raised his hands and said solemnly: "There should be a lot of people paying attention to Mr. Li Liu's identity. I will go find out now!"

"In addition, Zhao Hu brought a group of people here earlier on the order of Fourth Master Xiao and is on standby! I will contact you now!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's ugly face finally improved a little.

"Go find someone as soon as possible, the sooner the better!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Yes!" Zhang Biao responded, turned around and went out.

Here, the three brothers Xiao Jingyan and their men imprisoned all the people from the Bingma Division in the dungeon of the county government office.

Thanks to the magistrate Wang, there are quite a lot of cells in this county government office. It is not a problem to hold three to five hundred or thousands of people.

As for Tian Xin, after being dragged around the street in a cage by them, he was already beyond recognition and was in a state of madness.

She regrets it!

I regret not dying as decisively as Qing Ning!

This time, life is simply worse than death.

But what's the use of regretting it?

These brothers of the Xiao family directly blocked all the ways for her to commit suicide!
Right now, she can't live or die!

When she was locked up in a dark dungeon, she didn't even have the strength to knock herself to death!

His whole body was filled with a foul smell.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the hateful faces of the people on the street looking at her appeared in her mind.

Smelling the smell on my body, I thought of having stinky shoes and socks thrown at me, or even having shit thrown at me.

In this way, she was tortured to the point of going crazy!

That night, as soon as Xu Shi arrived, Zhang Biao and Wu Tong came back with Li Liuye and others.

Also returning with them were Xu Yan and Zhao Hu.

Zhao Hu and Li Liuye were both injured, but they were already bandaged!
(End of this chapter)

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