Chapter 407 Xu Yan is here, Tianxin confesses!
"Why are you here?" Xiao Jingyao looked at Xu Yan with a sloppy look on his face.

Xu Yan replied in a deep voice: "The Huichun Hall is opened in the name of my Xu family, so I naturally want to come and have a look! The most important thing is that Ran Ran sent a message asking me to come!"

"Ran Ran... Ran Ran asked you to come?"

Xiao Jingyao really didn't know about this.

"Yes." Xu Yan nodded, "Ran Ran said there were not enough doctors here, so I came here in person!"

After answering this, Xu Yan got down to business, "I met Li Liuye and Zhao Hu outside the city of Ba County!"

"At that time, they were entangled with a few men in black. They were about to win, but unexpectedly a Taoist priest came out!"

"That Taoist priest is still an old acquaintance. He is the bitch named Xuanzhen that we met in the Yonglin Secret Path."

"He set up a formation to trap Zhao Hu and Li Liuye, and almost killed them."

"Where is Li Qingqiu? Have you seen Li Qingqiu?" Xiao Jingyao said excitedly.

Now that Mr. Li Liu has been found, only Qingqiu is left!

Xu Yan took a deep look at the once high-spirited and heartless Mr. Xiao Wu, and shook his head with regret.

Then he added, "Since Mr. Li Liu has chased outside the city, he must be chasing Miss Li. It will be clear when they wake up!"

"Then when will they wake up?"

Xiao Jingyao excitedly pulled Xu Yan's arm.

Xu Yan pursed his lips slightly, looked at Xiao Jingyao with a somewhat unbearable look in his eyes, and said, "As soon as possible... I should wake up tomorrow morning!"

Xiao Jingyao let go of his hand.

However, in the next second, Xu Yan suddenly took action, pricking the back of Xiao Jingyao's neck with a silver needle from the tip of his finger.

Xiao Jingyao was caught off guard and fainted completely after just one glance.

Zhang Biao and Wu Tong were both shocked by Xu Yan's move.

Xu Yan supported Xiao Jingyao's body and looked at the two people: "Hurry and help him into the room, let him have a good rest!"

"Right now, he is worried about Miss Li's whereabouts. He is afraid that he will be uneasy if there is no news! If there is news, according to his style, he will immediately rush to save people! Either way is nothing now. Good thing!"

When the two heard this, they felt that Xu Yan was right.

Zhang Biao helped Xiao Jingyao into the room, and when he came out, the three brothers Xiao Jingyan had just returned.

Xiao Jingyan explained the matter briefly and comprehensively, and then said: "Those people in the Bingma Division don't seem to be right. Can Dr. Xu go and have a look?"

Xu Yan glanced at the Xiao eldest son, who had the same face as Xiao Jingxuan but seemed to have a worse temper, and frowned slightly.

"Hey, what's your name, Little Miracle Doctor Xu? Ran Ran calls me Brother Xu, and I'm older than you guys. Why don't you... follow Ran Ran and call me Brother Xu?"

The three brothers of the Xiao family: "..."


As soon as this stack of words came out, the goosebumps on my arms were about to fall off!
"Ahem, let's call him Brother Xu!" Xiao Jingrui said with a good temper and boldly. Although his face was full of exhaustion, his tone was brisk.

"Yes." Xiao Jingyan thought for a while, nodded calmly, hummed slightly, and continued the topic, "Brother Xu, please go and show it to the people in the Military and Horse Division!" "No problem!" Xu Yan nodded.

Originally, he came here specially to help. When he arrived in Ba County today, he happened to have a lot of things to catch up on!
A large part of the people in the Bingma Division are locals from Ba County. Logically speaking, they would not collude with Tianyin Yiwang County Cheng and others. Now that everyone in the Bingma Division has rebelled, if there is no one among them I’m afraid it’s impossible to point to other factors!

People like Tianyin and Tianxin are good at bewitching, so it is very possible that they have been bewitched by these people!
"Mr. Xu, let me go with you! I also have the truth charm given by Ran Ran. Maybe those people know the whereabouts of Miss Li." Wu Tongtong.

"Do you still have the truth charm?"

Everyone looked at Wu Tong in surprise.

Wu Tong touched his nose and asked unnaturally, "Is there something wrong with this?"

"I bought them from Ran Ran before. There were ten in total, and I only used two. There are not many strict-mouthed people in the county government. They will be picked up after a few whips! There is no need to waste such a good thing! And I can't rely on this truth talisman for everything, right!?" Wu Tongtong.

"Okay! It's great to be ambitious!" Xiao Jinghan patted Wu Tong on the shoulder and said.

If he had known that Wu Tong had the truth talisman on him, he would have used it for Tian Xin, so why did he let them worry for so long.

Soon, the group of people went to the Yamen together, and Wu Tong soon found out whether Wu Tong was the truth teller.

Li Qingqiu was taken to the capital!

And their master is the current Princess Protector.

The daughter of the Ye family, Ye Zhengyong's daughter Ye Zhaozhao, was only eight years old, but was regarded as a lucky star by the royal family and the people of Dazhou.

According to Tianyin's explanation, Ye Zhaozhao is not a real daughter of the Ye family, and they don't know what she is.

And Ye Zhaozhao seems to be very afraid of the Xiao family!

No, it should be said that I love and hate it at the same time!

She wanted to kill all the Xiao family members, but she seemed to care about all the luck of the Xiao family members.

So, she used evil magic and used those Taoist priests to slowly absorb the power of the Xiao family's luck for her use!
This time, due to Wang Xian Cheng's fault, Tianxian Temple suffered a disaster. Tianyin's plan is to bring back several Xiao family members to make up for their mistakes!
At the same time, they also wanted to use Xiao Jingyao's feelings for Li Qingqiu to make Xiao Jingyao take care of them and let them live.

I thought it was a foolproof plan, but I didn't expect that the Xiao family didn't play according to common sense. First, Xiao Naituanzi killed Tianyin directly, and then Xiao Jingyao and several brothers from the Xiao family used fake Tianyin to defeat their army!
As for the people in the Military and Horse Division, they are all controlled by Gu!
As for the origin of Gu, Tianxin is not very clear about it. They were all taken from Wuming Mountain!

Among the people they have rescued, the adults will be made into puppets. As for the children... after they "die", they will be sent to Wuming Mountain. As for what they will be used for specifically, they don't know.

I just heard that the Taoist priests in Wuming Mountain are very powerful and can refine elixirs of immortality.

There are also many Taoist priests living on this unknown mountain. Many of them are wandering Taoist priests. At first, they did some tricks and deceptions, but in the end they were lured to the mountain and learned a lot of skills.

And those puppets, Tianxin also told the truth!

There is an underground palace in Tianxian Temple, and the last two hundred most powerful puppets are hidden in it!

However, when they left, they had already made preparations to destroy the Tianxian Temple, so they also destroyed all the mechanisms of the underground palace!
If you want these puppets to be born, you may need the formation spell from the Wuming Mountain, or the princess who protects the country will come in person.

Finally, from between the lines of Tianxin's words, it was revealed that Ye Zhaozhao seemed to have some relationship with Southern Xinjiang.

It's just that she is not the person Ye Zhaozhao likes, and she doesn't know that clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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