Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 408: Growing taller, the grievance of the little breast dumpling!

Chapter 408: Growing taller, the grievance of the little breast dumpling!
Xiao Jingyao had already woken up before dawn.

After resting for a while, the man looked much more energetic.

Hearing that Li Qingqiu was taken to the capital and related to Ye Zhaozhao, he handed over the affairs of Ba County to Xiao Jingyan, explained a few words and went to the capital in a hurry.

Xiao Jingyan was worried that he was too worried about Li Qingqiu, so he asked Zhang Biao to leave with him.

Xiao Jingyao did not refuse, and he and Zhang Biao disguised themselves and quietly headed towards the capital.

After sending the two of them away, all the remaining mess was handed over to the three Xiao brothers.

Because this puppet and Gu incident was so big, it not only caused a sensation in Ba County, but also in several surrounding counties when they received such news.

Xiao Jingyan took the opportunity to publicize the matter, causing more and more people to pay attention to it.

At the same time, Xiao Jingyan also connected this incident with the incident of Governor Zhou, causing people to publicize it, intentionally or unintentionally, overtly or covertly, and gave the Ye Party faction a shit basin.

In this case, the imperial court will definitely pay attention to it and send people to investigate what happened back then again.

Three days later, Xiaonuituanzi finally woke up.

After she woke up, she actually grew taller visibly to the naked eye.

The internal strength has sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, growing a lot.

Seeing her wake up, Xiao Jingyan's brothers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's Sister Qingqiu and Sister Wang?"

Xiao Naituanzi asked Xiao Jingyan the first thing he said.

She was so tired at the time that she fell asleep without holding on.

In fact, I have been thinking about Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin!

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyan looked at her with soft brows and said warmly: "Your sister Wang was a little frightened, but she was not seriously injured. Now that she is well, she can go back to Chun Tang to help!"

"What about Sister Li!?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

Xiao Jingyan didn't hide anything from her, and told her what happened when Li Qingqiu was taken away and Xiao Jingyao went to the capital.

After hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi frowned severely.

This is the second time Xiao Naituanzi has heard the name of Princess Ye Zhaozhao!

The first time was at Lu Qing’s place!

She had long been thinking that there was something wrong with the Princess Protector, but she didn't expect that she was the one who took away the luck of her father and uncles, and who was the one who made the puppets!

What kind of lucky star is there in the Great Zhou Dynasty?

Use sorcery, refine puppets, take away people's luck, and kill countless innocent people...

How can such a person deserve the word "lucky star"?

After she gets rid of those stinky Taoist priests here, she must go and meet her for a while!

"Are you hungry!? Let's eat something first!" Xiao Jingyan said.

He didn't say it was okay, but as soon as he said it, Xiaonuituanzi's stomach couldn't help but growl with hunger.

The little girl stuck out her tongue, jumped off the bed and followed Xiao Jingyan out the door.

As soon as I went out, I saw Xu Yan walking towards me!

"Brother Xu!???"

Xiaonuituanzi was very surprised to see Xu Yan and ran over with a smile.

Xu Yanden immediately grinned at her and pinched her little face.

"You finally woke up! You don't know how busy the medical center has been these days. I'm almost exhausted!"

After saying that, he carefully observed the little breast dumpling and said in surprise: "We haven't seen each other for more than a month. How come you, little girl, seem to have grown a lot taller?" Xiao breast dumpling blinked with an innocent look. Big bright eyes, confused, "Really?"


Xiao Jingyan nodded. He had discovered this just now, but he hadn't had the chance to speak.

"Hee hee, it's good to grow taller! Grow up quickly!" Xiaonuituanzi said happily.

Besides, she'll be five soon!

One year older again!
Xu Yan had kept a serious face these past few days. At this time, he saw a rare expression of joy on the face of the little breasted dumpling, and he felt much happier. He joked: "After a while, you little girl will probably fall off." Teeth, you will become a little dumpling with missing teeth by then!"

As soon as he heard that his teeth were about to fall out, Xiaonuituanzi immediately covered his mouth, blinking and staring at Xu Yan in disbelief.

Seeing his teasing face and smile in his eyes, Xiaonuituanzi glared at him fiercely and stamped his little feet.

"Hmph! Brother Xu is lying. When I get back, I will file a complaint with Sister Pingting and ask her to deal with you!"

Xu Yan: "..."

Mentioning Yu Pingting, a happy smile appeared on Xu Yan's face.

The old man has already recovered the white lazy marrow. After Pingting's injuries are healed, it will be their wedding day!
How much he resisted getting married before, now how much he looks forward to it!
Xu Yan stretched out his hand to rub Xiaonuituanzi's hair, raised his eyebrows and said, "A child will start to lose his teeth when he is five or six years old! Especially you, who loves to eat so much, will definitely lose his teeth earlier than other babies!"

Hearing this, the little girl with small breasts pouted her little mouth and hummed, feeling a little unhappy!

She doesn’t want to lose her teeth!
How can you eat when you have lost your teeth? ?

I can't even speak clearly!

She doesn't want it!

Seeing Xiao Naituanzi's expression, Xiao Jingyan guessed what she was thinking, and said gently, "When teeth are lost, new ones will grow at the same time. It won't have any big impact."

"Really?" Xiaonuituanzi looked up at Xiao Jingyan with an expression that said, "Don't lie to me."

It's not like she has never seen a five- or six-year-old baby.

"Yes." Xiao Jingyan nodded lightly, "Your brother Xiaoqi lost his teeth. Did you notice it?"

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi couldn't help but open his mouth into an "oh" shape.

Did brother Xiaoqi lose his teeth?

Why didn't she notice it? ?

Xiao Xiaoqi: Wuwuwu... my sister doesn't care about me too much!So sad!

Xiao Jingyan took Xiaonuituanzi down to wash up, and then took him to the dining table in the living room.

At that time, Xiao Jinhan and Xiao Jingrui had come back and were sitting at the dining table talking to Xu Yan.

In the past few days, the two of them have been busy with matters concerning the Tianxianguan Underground Palace, the county government, and the charity hall.

Visibly slimmer, he looks more mature and steady.

As soon as the two of them saw the little breasted dumpling coming, they immediately stopped talking and grinned at the little breasted dumpling.

"Ran Ran, are you finally awake!?" Xiao Jingrui couldn't wait to step forward and pulled the little breast dumpling to sit next to her.

After seeing Xiao Nai Tuanzi take action that night, Xiao Jingrui's admiration for Xiao Nai Tuanzi rose to millions of levels.

Thinking about how he proudly wanted to teach the little girl Tuanzi Yin Gong before, he felt a little embarrassed!
Sure enough, Master was right!
Real masters hide their secrets!

His little sister is just too low-key!

He must learn from Ran Ran!

The little girl glanced at Xiao Jingrui. She also wanted to say loudly that she was amazing, but someone had to believe it!
She feels aggrieved too!
(End of this chapter)

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