Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 409 The Li family’s alchemist was taken away!

Chapter 409 The Li family’s alchemist was taken away!
Looking at his fourth brother who was suddenly affectionate towards him, the little breast dumpling looked at him with a confused look on his face.

Fourth brother has been exhausted these days! ?

Or take the wrong medicine?

Why doesn't it look like him anymore?
Xiao Jingrui didn't notice anything wrong with the way Xiaonuituanzi looked at him, so he kept picking up vegetables for her with chopsticks.

During the meal, the little milk dumplings ate a little strangely, but at least they were full.

After the meal, everyone went to work again.

Xiao Naituanzi followed Xu Yan. First, he went to see Uncle Li Liu and Zhao Hu. After confirming that they were both in good health, he followed Xu Yan to the county government office.

As soon as Magistrate Xue heard that Xiao Nai Tuanzi was coming, he hurriedly went out to welcome him.

He finally realized that the big-breasted baby in front of him was the real master!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have believed that a four- or five-year-old baby could burn so many puppets to ashes by himself?

I'm afraid if you tell anyone, some people will think it's a fantasy!Are you kidding?

"Little girl, are you here?" Magistrate Xue looked at Xiaotai Dumpling with a smile, and the expression on his face was as flattering as he wanted.

When the previous events came to light, he, as the county magistrate, might have made a huge mistake. If he didn't do something practical to make up for it now, he might not be able to save his life.

Right now, before the Imperial Censor and the Imperial Envoy arrived, he had to do some meritorious deeds.

At present, the most important thing is these city defenders who have been poisoned.

I heard that this little girl is not only good at martial arts, but her medical skills are also top-notch. If I can get his help...

The little girl looked at Magistrate Xue's old face intently, puffed up her cheeks, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Can you speak normally?"

Magistrate Xue was stunned.

The little breasted dumpling said again in disgust, "You look so ugly!"

Hmm... It looks like a dog that pleases its owner!

But she couldn't say this!

My father and mother told me to be polite when going out!

However, if he shows this expression again, she will be rude!

Xu Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud when he heard Xiao Nai Tuanzi's words, "Mr. Xue, don't worry, our Ran Ran is a little girl with a righteous heart. She will take good care of those who have been poisoned." watch."

"Magistrate Xue can go do other things and don't have to worry about us."

Magistrate Xue: "..."


His hot face touched someone's cold ass.

"Okay, then if you need anything, just ask me!" Magistrate Xue said sarcastically.

Xu Yan nodded and said "hmm" softly.

As soon as Magistrate Xue left, Xu Yan took Xiao Naituanzi into the dungeon by familiar means.

The dungeon at this time was full of people.

All of them were languid, as if they had taken drugs and couldn't bring themselves to have any energy.

The little breasted dumpling frowned and took a look.

"Open the door and bring two soldiers out!" Xu Yan ordered the cell leader inside.

The cell leader responded, opened the door with the key, and pulled two soldiers out.

The two soldiers glanced at the little breast dumpling expressionlessly without any reaction, their eyes were dull and they looked like they were begging for death.

The cell leader brought chains to the two men and then stood respectfully on the other side.

The little girl took a step forward and placed three fingers on the wrist of one of the soldiers.

After pondering for a while, he let go and put his hand on the wrist of another soldier.

"What do Ran Ran think?"

As soon as the little girl put down her hand, Xu Yan asked. "It's indeed Gu!" Xiao Naituanzi said seriously.

Xu Yan was not very sure and said: "I have felt their pulse, and it seems to be very similar to the poison we used among the common people in Yongren. Could it be that the people who planted the poison last time are also related to Tianyin and his group? "

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded, "They're the same!"

Hearing this, Xu Yan felt bad.

These people are so disgusting!

It seems that the things that happened in Yonglin are also related to these people.

"Since it's the same Gu, then I'll have someone prepare the medicinal materials." Xu Yan said.

Xiao Naituanzi thought for a while and said: "Go to the other courtyard and call Grandpa Xun too!"

"Grandpa Xun? Who is it?" Xu Yan was not sure.

"That's the alchemy master brought here by Grandpa Li!" Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xu Yan with a confused look on his face, "Haven't you seen Brother Xu?"

Xu Yan: "???"

"If it were in another courtyard, I'd never seen it!"

Small breast dumpling: "???"

The two looked at each other and said, "Is something going to happen?"

After saying that, the two people hurried back to the other courtyard.

Xiaonuituanzi hurriedly went to the room where the old man lived a few days ago.

This look...

Sure enough, the person disappeared.

Xu Yan entered the room and took a look around, then said, "His luggage is still there. There are signs of fighting in the room. He must have been taken away."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiao Jingyan and other people did not live in this courtyard before, and they probably didn't know that old man Xun lived here. In addition, many people in the courtyard had died before, but no one noticed that old man Xun was missing. .

The little girl pursed her lips, went to Xun Lao's house to find some of his clothes, and then cast a spell to quickly lock in a position.

It's the direction outside the city!

"Where?" Xu Yan asked?
Xiao Naituanzi briefly described the location. Xu Yan frowned slightly and asked, "Isn't this location the place that Young Master Wang wanted to buy?"

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi looked up at Xu Yan, "How does Brother Xu know?"

Xu Yan said: "Isn't Shopkeeper Tong injured? I have been taking care of him these past few days. I mentioned this during our chat, saying that his young master wanted to buy the peach blossoms planted on the hilltop there."

After hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi roughly understood!

Since it was over there, it was very likely that the old man was taken to Wuming Mountain these days.

Old man Xun is a junior alchemist.

If he was really taken away by those people... then he would have to refine the elixir.

Xu Yan thought of the children who were also bewitched and murmured, "Isn't those children used to make some medicine?"

"And last time in Yonglin, those who had their hearts cut open and their livers ripped out..."

Xu Yan felt excited all over when he thought of this.

The last time Yu Pingting was arrested, she almost...

The little girl shook her head, walked out of Old Man Xun's room on her short legs, and then ran to the room where Xiao Jingyan lived. .

Seeing this, Xu Yan was a little confused, and then hurriedly followed.

As soon as he stepped into the house, a pen was stuffed into his hand by Xiaonuituanzi.

Then Xiaonuituanzi took his hand and sat at the table, pointing to the paper laid out on it and said: "Brother Xu, write a letter for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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