Chapter 410
"Letter?" Xu Yan was confused, "To whom?"

"Write to me, Senior Brother Xuan Yin!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

This senior brother Xuan Yin has been to Wuming Mountain for several days, and he should have a clear idea of ​​the situation in Wuming Mountain! ?
Xu Yan: "???"

He still didn't know that Xiaonai Tuanzi's senior brother was sent to Wuming Mountain by Xiaonai Tuanzi to work as an undercover agent.

When he was suddenly asked to write a letter, he was really confused.

Xiao Naituanzi saw that he hadn't started writing, so he said, "Ran Ran, Brother Xu, just write it!"

As he spoke, Xiaotuanzi held his chin with his small hands, walked twice in front of Xu Yan, and then said a series of words.

Basically, they asked Xuan Yin about his situation in Wuming Mountain, asked him if he had found out the true purpose of those Taoist priests, and then asked him to pay attention to whether the old man was there, and if he was there, take care of him!

After Xu Yan heard what she wanted to express, he started writing.

At that time, he also realized that this senior brother Xuan Yin had actually sneaked into the enemy's camp.

After finishing writing, Xu Yan asked doubtfully, "How are you going to send this letter?"

"Use this!"

Xiao Naituanzi took out a piece of talisman from his pocket, and then folded it into a paper crane.

Then he muttered a few words to the paper crane, but in an instant, a ray of golden light burst out from the paper crane.

Immediately, she folded the letter written by Xu Yan and placed it directly under the paper crane.


Xiao Naituanzi patted the paper crane's head, and saw that the paper crane suddenly seemed to come to life, spread its wings and flew out the window.

Watching the paper crane fly into the sky and disappear before his eyes, Xu Yan felt as if he was hallucinating.

Is this still possible for delivering letters?

He also wants to learn and write letters to his wife every day!
"Ran Ran, can you...can you teach me something?" Xu Yan looked at the little breast dumpling eagerly and asked.

Xiao Naituanzi shook his head, "You need to learn magic to do this! Brother Xu is not suitable for academic magic!"

"Moreover, not only does Brother Xu need to know the magic, but the person who receives the letter also wants to learn it!"

"Senior Brother Xuan Yin is from the same sect as Ran Ran. Although he is a great monk, he also knows the Taoist teachings of the Grand Master and the Third Master!"

Xu Yan: "..."


Just pretend he didn’t say it!
Xuan Yin was delivering food to people when he received the letter from Xiao Nai Danzi.

I thought that the old Taoist was some great figure on this unknown mountain, but I didn't expect that he was just an outer disciple.

The last time I went down the mountain, it was just a mistake.

In fact, this person's status in Wumingshan was extremely low, and he only got a chance to show his face by relying on flattery.

Xuan Yin went up the mountain for a few days, pretending to be stupid and trying to please him, and finally entered the inner gate and became an old Taoist priest serving tea and water.

There are not many disciples in this inner sect, there are quite a few who are outside.

Therefore, although Xuan Yin's job was to serve tea and pour water, with his sharp tongue, he was able to get some information in a short period of time.

As for the old man Xun that Xiao Naituanzi mentioned, he still had to look for it.

"Hey, it's Senior Brother Qingyun. You've just come back. Are you ready for dinner? I'm going to bring you food now?"

As soon as Xuan Yin finished delivering the meal, he saw a young Taoist priest with an immortal style come in and he came forward to greet him enthusiastically.He had inquired about this Qingyun, and he was the most favored disciple of Taoist Nanhuai, the biggest leader here.

He is also the person with the most powerful magic among the Sanqing Temple in Wumingshan, besides Taoist Master Nanhuai.

It is said that he not only knows magic, but most importantly, he can also make elixirs.

Therefore, in this unknown mountain, both outer disciples and inner disciples would flatter him when they saw him.

Today was the first time that Xuanyin saw the Taoist Priest Qingyun.

When Qingyun saw Xuan Yin, he raised his head and glanced at him lightly, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"No need! I'm a poor man!" Qingyun said coldly, then strode away with his hands behind his back.

Xuanyin: "..."

As expected, he is the most favored disciple of Taoist Master Nanhuai. He is indeed different from others. He looks arrogant and conceited - simply arrogant.

However, the harder it is to crack a nut like this, the more you know.

If he wants to know more, he has to get closer to him.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Xuan Yin had just walked to the outer door when he saw two older Taoist priests coming back in a hurry carrying a food box, looking very anxious.

When the outer disciples saw this, they all avoided it and took the initiative to make way.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin also hurriedly moved out of the way.

When he passed by him, a vague smell of blood suddenly hit his nose.

Xuan Yin's heart trembled, and his eyebrows jumped fiercely.

Seeing the two Taoist priests sending the food boxes to the backyard of the inner gate, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in my heart.

If he guessed correctly, what was in the food box was... human heart and liver.

"Hey, what are you doing standing there? Want to be lazy?"

Just as Xuan Yin was thinking, he heard the voice of the steward from the outer door.

Xuan Yin hurriedly lowered his head and said respectfully, "Don't dare, don't dare!"

"Yes." The steward said softly and lectured: "Don't think that because you showed your face to the inner disciples because of your cleverness, you can enter the inner sect! I tell you, stop daydreaming."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xuan Yin nodded with a flattering expression, "The person in charge of teaching is that I see that these inner disciples are no better than us outer disciples! What they do can be fatal. Although we are not that capable, can we save our lives?"

"Well said!"

Hearing this, the steward nodded in agreement.

In fact, most of the outer disciples here were deceived. Once they enter here, it is difficult to get out again.

Although I don't have to worry about food and clothing, I don't have that much freedom after all.

Guan Shi was also a man who devoted himself to cultivating Taoism, but his mind was unstable at that time, so he was deceived and came here. What a mistake that will lead to eternal hatred!
"It's good that you know!" The steward glanced at Xuan Yin coldly. He looked down upon Xuan Yin a little. He only wanted to cling to the inner disciples and only knew how to speak glibly!
Such people will sooner or later become cannon fodder for those inner disciples.

Xuan Yin didn't care at all about the steward's disdain!On the contrary, after getting along with each other these days, he still admires this steward!

He thought that if the steward hadn't been drugged and couldn't leave here, he probably wouldn't have stayed to serve the so-called inner disciples inside.

As for the other outer sect disciples, they all want to squeeze in to the inner sect for one reason or another.

Xuan Yin rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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