Chapter 411 Reply
Two days later, Xiaonai Tuanzi received the letter from Xuan Yin.

In the letter, he mentioned that Old Man Xun was taken to Wuming Mountain and was forced to help those people refine elixirs.

He also mentioned that the children who had been poisoned were locked up in the backyard of the Sanqing Temple in Wumingshan.

In addition, it was also mentioned that Taoist Nanhuai was refining the elixir of life.

The bones that appeared in Yonglin before were also related to these people and so on.

Xiao Jingrui helped read the letter. After reading Xuan Yin's letter, the veins in his hands had already popped.

"Damn, it's really nasty!"

"Isn't this something we have known for a long time? Now it has just been confirmed." Xiao Jingyan said calmly: "Now, we already know that this puppet is related to the Princess Protector, and also to the person in the unknown mountain. It’s related to Taoist priests.”

"Your Majesty puts so much emphasis on the Princess Protector. I'm just afraid... that the so-called elixir of life was made for His Majesty. It would be troublesome."

Hearing this, everyone else couldn't help but become worried.

The current His Majesty was a good monarch when he was young, but now that he is older, he has been obsessed with the art of Xiudao.

There are many Taoist cultivators in the palace.

If it is true as Xiao Jingyan said, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to handle!

Xiao Jingrui didn't have so many worries. He once said, "Just practice Taoism. Is it necessary to sacrifice so many lives?"

"In the words of our Ran Ran, that is something that is detrimental to one's morality! Karma, not to mention immortality, even death is not a pity now! After death, you will go to Abi Hell and fall into the realm of animals. "

"That's right! So what about the emperor? We, the common people, have their country first. If the emperor is unkind and unjust, and ignores the lives of so many people for his own selfishness, why should we be sincere to such an emperor? ? So what if it's the other way around?" Xiao Jinghan also echoed.

"I think what they said is right!" Xu Yan also agreed very much.

Then he added, "Such a big thing, I'm afraid I can't hide it even if I want to! Even if the emperor favors the princess who protects the country, he will still care about the people."

"Right now, if you want to trip up the Princess Protector, you may have to find evidence that they are colluding with each other!"

"Yes." Xiao Jingyan nodded and told Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui, "We have been working harder these days. Now before the people from the court arrive, we need to investigate the case of Governor Zhou as soon as possible, and also find the king. Evidence that the county magistrate, Tianyin and the Princess Protector colluded with each other."

"Yes." Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinhan both nodded at the same time.In the past two days, Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xu Yan have been refining elixirs for those who have been poisoned.

On the third day, all the elixirs were finally refined, and Xiao Jingyan and Wu Tong finally investigated some clues about Governor Zhou's case.

Those people in the Bingma Division took the elixir, and all the poisons on their bodies were cured.

According to the law, these people cannot be released at this time.

But now it is treated as a special case.

There are many people in Ba County at this time, and there are people from all three religions and nine schools, which are most likely to cause troubles. There are not enough manpower in the Yamen, so they can only be released first, even if they are guilty.

As for the rest, let's wait until the imperial envoy sent by the imperial court arrives.

Nowadays, if something like this happens in Ba County, the auction will naturally not be held.

After Li Liuye recovered from his injuries for a few days, he took his people and left Ba County, a place of right and wrong.

Of course, he left not to escape, but to return to Jianglin to dispatch troops to the capital to rescue Li Qingqiu.

With the power and strength of their Li family, even the emperor would have to suffer a certain fate. If Qingqiu was really brought to the capital, then they would have to dig deep to find him.

As soon as Mr. Li Liu left, many other merchants who had joined in the fun naturally left one by one.

For them, this county is very dangerous.

The person who caused the poison has not been completely found yet.

Who knows if they might be targeted accidentally?
Nothing is as important as life, so taking action is the best option.

On the tenth day of August, apart from the people of Ba County, there were only some loyal people left in Ba County.

They also want to see how the subsequent period will be handled.

The most important thing is that it is said that there is a mastermind behind Tianxian Temple and Wang Xiancheng. They want to know who is so heartbroken.

(End of this chapter)

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