Chapter 412 Here comes the clue~
After treating the people from Bingma Division, Xiao Naituanzi went to Huichun Hall to help.

These days, people are panicking because of the poison. The entrance of Huichun Hall is full of people every day. People who are sick or not want to see the doctors of Huichun Hall to prevent them from being poisoned.

The people at Huichun Hall understood these people and had people issue number tags to them so that they could come in batches for medical treatment.

Those who are sick are treated, and those who are not sick are given peace of mind.

After a few days, some people actually looked healthy but were found to be sick.

We also found dozens of people who had been bewitched.

Most of these people were young men, including a few children.

As soon as these people were found out, every one of them was terrified.

The family members of these people immediately knelt at the door of Huichun Hall and begged their father to sue their grandmother.

Xu Yan announced the symptoms detected, so that people should come to the hospital as soon as they discovered this situation.

This busy work lasted for more than ten days.

Among them, Xiao Jingyan and Magistrate Xue cleared out everything in the secret passage behind the county government office.

In this secret passage, in addition to the puppets, there are also many bones.

It doesn’t take much thinking to figure out that these bones are probably the bones of people who couldn’t survive the poisonous poison.

This secret passage directly became their burial place.

After investigation, it was found that the age of these bones ranged from more than ten years to about one year.

At the same time, Xiao Jingyan and others also discovered a secret room connected to the secret passage in Wang Xiancheng's home.

In the secret room, Xiao Jingyan found a pile of medical books and a memorial stained with dust.

After the mountains of bones were cleared out, an uproar arose.

The people were cursing Wang Xian Cheng, Tian Yin and others behind their backs every day.

Regarding the insults from the people on the street, everyone's ears are almost ringing from hearing these days!
In the evening, Xiao Jingyan gathered everyone together and took out all the things in the secret room of Wangxian Cheng's house.

"Medical book?"

Xu Yan picked up one first, glanced at it, put it down, and quickly picked up another one.

The more he looked, the more solemn his expression became.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingrui also took it and started reading it, but he was just a layman and couldn't figure out the reason after reading several books.

"Is there anything wrong with this medical book?" Xiao Jingrui asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyan did not answer, but instead cast his eyes on Xu Yan and Wu Tong.

Wu Tong flipped through a few books and said: "These medical books come from the Huaiyang Li family. The Huaiyang Li family is the Xinglin family. Ten years ago, it is said that they offended a certain powerful person and the entire family was wiped out overnight!"

Xu Yanze said: "The ancestors of the Li family in Huaiyang worked as imperial doctors for the previous emperors, and then returned to Huaiyang! Their reputation in Huaiyang is very famous. The Li family has a son who worships the wizard from southern Xinjiang as his teacher. Good at voodoo."

"These medical books and handbooks indicate some ways and methods to cure the poisons. As for the poisons that the common people have been affected by, this handbook has records!" Xu Yan took out a handbook as he spoke.

There are densely packed words on it, and you can tell at a glance that the person who wrote this note is an extremely serious person.

There was sadness on Wu Tong's face, and he clenched his fists tightly and said: "It seems that the murder of the Li family in Huaiyang was done by this Wang County Cheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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