Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 413: Luring the wolf into the house and catching the turtle in the urn!

Chapter 413: Luring the wolf into the house and catching the turtle in the urn!
Wu Tong's words can be said to be extremely certain.

The person he and his father arrested before, who had not spoken for two years after being interrogated, was the former entourage of the eldest son of the Li family in Huaiyang.

They had searched for a long time before they found this person. He was one of the few survivors among the hundreds of Li family members in Huaiyang, but he disappeared after the Li family's accident and kept his name anonymous, hiding his traces.

And they also found out that Governor Zhou had a close relationship with the eldest man of the Li family in Huaiyang.

The reason why Governor Zhou went to Ba County to investigate was largely because of the Li family.

Later, after getting Xiao Naituanzi's truth charm, the man also confessed a little, but he really didn't know much.

And it was only because he was threatened that he used his identity to steal some evidence and memorials that Governor Zhou had already controlled.

Later, Xiaonai Tuanzi got an account book from the king's bookkeeper by mistake.

That account book records some money bribed by the Li family's enemies and the Qian family to the magistrate of Qianba County.

And what a coincidence, this Qian family is the ancestral family of Wang Xiancheng.

Many doubtful points were connected, enough to get a glimpse of some of the truth of that year.

The reason why the Li family in Huaiyang was destroyed was probably because the people behind the scenes were afraid that they would discover their secrets!
"The people appointed by the imperial court should have almost arrived. Before arriving, we will publish the clues we found." Xiao Jingyan suddenly said.

"No!" Wu Tong was the first to stand up and object.

"If we let people know what personal and material evidence we have in our hands, wouldn't it be a warning to others?"

Wu Tong tightened his palms. They had not found out many things yet. How cruel were those people behind them?Wouldn't it be better for them to prepare in advance if they knew what evidence there was?

If the evidence is destroyed because of this, the Governor Zhou case may never come to light.

When Xu Yan heard Xiao Jingyan's words, he couldn't help but glance at him and asked: "You want to confuse the truth with the fake? After luring the wolf into the house, you can catch the turtle in the urn?"

Xiao Jingyan raised her eyebrows slightly and hummed slightly. "This is the fastest way to reverse the case of Governor Zhou. We may not be able to find any evidence after many years. But since some people have done something, they will naturally be confused when they hear this news."

"We just need to be ready and wait for them to throw themselves into the trap."

"As for the evidence we have obtained... Warden Wu can rest assured that although the Xiao family has declined a bit, they still have some connections in the past."

"That's right." Xu Yan also nodded in agreement.

"For such a big case, it is simply giving people credit. In addition, there are so many people paying attention to this matter now. There are many people who want to accept such a good job."

Wu Tong was still a little worried after hearing this.

After all, this matter also involves the Princess Protector.

You must know that the impact of Princess Protector on the people is no less than the impact of the puppet appearing in this county.

Once she came forward, it was more effective than an imperial edict.

Governor Zhou’s case was handled by Ye Zhengyong back then!
Can she watch her biological father fall into such a whirlpool?
"Brother Wu, don't worry, Ranran just made a divination, it's good luck~"

Xiao Naituanzi seemed to have noticed Wu Tong's worry, and said something in a sweet voice.


When Wu Tong heard this, his eyes lit up.

He didn't have to believe others, but he believed Ran Ran's words [-] times!
"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded, and then clenched his little hands tighter.

Hmm... She had a hunch that she would soon meet the so-called Princess Protector!

She wanted to see if the Princess Protector really had three heads and six arms!
(End of this chapter)

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