Chapter 414 The imperial envoy is here!

On August [-]th, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Ba County was not very lively because of the puppet incident.

But this does not prevent the Xiao family brothers and sisters and Wu Tong, Wang Wenxin and others from celebrating the festival.

Wang Wenxin originally planned to leave and go home for the holidays, but when she thought about Li Qingqiu's matter, she wanted to stay.

On the morning of August [-]th, Wang Wenxin asked shopkeeper Tong to find someone to decorate it.

No matter what it looks like outside, this small courtyard is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and it looks lively.

This was the first time for Xiaonuituanzi to celebrate such a festival, and she was extremely excited.

"It would be great if my parents and grandmother were all here!" At night, Xiao Naituanzi said while looking at the lanterns hanging on the tree.

She has been out for so long, she misses them so much!

And the masters, those stinky old men don’t know if they miss her!
Hearing her words, the three Xiao brothers looked at each other, with unconcealable melancholy in their eyes.

Compared to Xiao Naituanzi, they also left home earlier.

Not to mention the Mid-Autumn Festival, every lively festival has nothing to do with them. On such days, they can only pray that the moon in the sky will be bigger and brighter, so that their thoughts and sorrows can be brought to their loved ones. around.

"Don't worry, it won't be too long! Every Mid-Autumn Festival from now on, our family will have a lively time together." Xiao Jinghan rubbed the hair of Xiaonuituanzi, but her eyes were looking at Xiao Jingyan and Xiao Jingrui .

All the brothers understand what this means.

Xiao Jingyan looked up at the sky. Although the moon was round today, it was not that bright, and the surface seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze, furry and blurry.

"Hey, look at you like this!"

Xiao Jingrui suddenly spoke up, with a hint of disgust and indifference in his tone, "Isn't it just a small festival? Why is it so sad?"

Seeing him pretending not to care, Xiao Jingyan glanced at him without saying a word.

"Young Master Xiao, Ran Ran, are coming over for a reunion dinner soon!"

Wang Wenxin arranged for someone to place the table in the garden and cooked several dishes by herself.

"I'm coming!"

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xiao Jingrui were the most generous, so they ran over happily.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Xiaonuituanzi shrugged his little nose and said with joy on his face.

Wang Wenxin was full of smiles, "I just made something casually. If it's not as good as what the master made, you just have to make do with it!"

"Is this enough? This is much better than the ones we had before!" Xiao Jingrui said.

When I was learning piano from my master, my life was so miserable!
Not to mention such a rich table of dishes, even three dishes and one soup can excite him for a long time.

What he saw before him was no different from the meals he had eaten when he was following his master!

"Sister Wang is so humble!" Xiao Jinghan also echoed.

"Come, come, come, everyone, sit down and eat!" Wang Wenxin smiled and distributed chopsticks to everyone.

After getting along for a while, several people became familiar with each other, and there were no scruples or restraints. They soon started eating happily.

The next day, Xiao Naituanzi and others received a letter from Xiao Jingyao.

At this moment, he has arrived in the capital, but he has not heard any news about Li Qingqiu yet.

He also said that the imperial envoy sent by the imperial court appeared to be from Ye Zhengyong, but in fact he and Prince An were from him, so he just asked them to cooperate with the investigation.

In addition, Xiao Jingyao also sent some people to them, all of whom were from Xiaoyao Palace. If necessary, just ask Ji Feng to contact them.

Xiao Naituanzi listened to Ji Feng read the letter to him, and after thinking about it, he took out the paper, pen, and cinnabar.She drew several talismans and seals at random, and then asked Ji Feng to write a letter on her behalf. Then she took out a 10 tael silver note and handed it to Ji Feng.

"Brother Ji Feng, please help me bring these to my fifth uncle and tell him to rescue my sister Qingqiu!"

Looking at the banknotes and talismans, Ji Feng nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, my subordinates will definitely let these things be handed over to the master."

"Well, thank you brother Ji Feng!"

However, two days later, the people sent by the imperial court had arrived in Ba County.

Magistrate Xue personally led people to greet him.

This gentleman's surname is Li. He is in his thirties. He looks like a gentleman. He is dressed in official uniform and walks with dignity.

When he entered the city, Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyan took a look.

Xiao Naituanzi stared at this person for a long time, and then his eyes fell on the two guards with knives beside this person.

"What are you looking at?"

Xiao Jingrui couldn't help but feel a little curious when she saw Xiao Naituanzi's eyes staring intently over there, but obviously not looking at Mr. Li again.

The little girl's eyes wandered around, and she pointed at one of the guards and said, "There's something wrong with him."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyan glanced at the person pointed by Xiaonuituanzi and said in a deep voice: "This person is quite close to Master Li. I think he is a close guard."

"Then isn't this Mr. Li untrustworthy?" Xiao Jinghan looked a little unhappy.

The fifth uncle said that this person was one of theirs, but if the person next to him had any dissatisfaction with this Lord Li, then...

"I don't care whether it is trustworthy or not." Xiao Jingyan said indifferently: "Let's go back first."

"Hmm." Several people nodded.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the courtyard, I saw the monsoon coming from outside.

"Young Masters, Miss Ran Ran." Ji Feng called out respectfully, and then said: "Xue County Magistrate would like to invite some of you to the county government office for a banquet tonight."

"Yes." Xiao Jingyan nodded slightly and indicated with his eyes that Ji Feng would go back to another courtyard to talk about anything.

Ji Feng understood and followed them respectfully.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, Xiao Jingyan asked about Mr. Li.

Ji Feng's heart trembled, and he glanced at Xiaonuituanzi subconsciously, and asked doubtfully: "But what did Miss Ran Ran see?"

"Hmm... Judging from his appearance, Uncle Li suffered a lot when he was young, but his eyebrows are pure and clear, and there is a faint light between his eyebrows. He should be a good person."

"However, he was destined to be a villain... his life was not so smooth!"

"There is also the uncle next to him. His brows are high on the left and low on the right. His facial features appear to be regular, but his career palace is collapsed. He has thin lips and the tips of his ears. He is a eloquent person, but this man's temples are darkened, and there is a faint wisp of blood all over his body. Yuqi, he doesn’t look like a good person~”

Hearing this, Ji Feng frowned tightly.

If that guard is not a good person, then Master Li... can he still be trusted?

Or...this Lord Li is good, but the guard is a spy placed by someone else?

In this case, wouldn't it mean that those people have already figured out the details of Mr. Li?
You haven't touched him for so long, just want to know something about their actions from him?

(End of this chapter)

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