Chapter 417 Zhou Zhongren remembered!
"Instead of saying that the little girl is powerful, it is better to say that the three brothers of the Xiao family are not to be underestimated."

As soon as Chen Liang heard this, he became even more convinced of his conjecture.


He sneered and said, "On the surface, Xiao Jingxuan looks like an upright gentleman, but I didn't expect him to be no different from those secular people."

Hearing this, Li Xian next to him didn't quite understand what he meant and was confused, "Huh?"

"Prisons are favored over daughters!" Chen Liang said matter-of-factly, "In order to hide his two sons and nephews, he pushed that little girl out to block the knife! Isn't this patriarchal?"

Mr. Li: "..."

Li Xian: "..."

This brain circuit... I really don’t know how to describe it!
However, this is not a bad thing for them!
It also saves them the trouble of not being.


Mr. Li coughed slightly and said: "Okay, you all go down and rest first. We will start investigating the case tomorrow! Not only the court is watching this matter, but the people are also watching!"

"We have to be very alert! We must not let anyone discover any mistakes. Besides... you should understand what should be said and what should not be said, right?"

"Yes!" Chen Liang and Li Xian responded in unison.

Before the two left, Mr. Li gave Li Xian another meaningful look.

Li Xian understood and nodded calmly.

Half an hour later, Li Xian returned again with a homing pigeon in his hand.

"grown ups!"

Li Xian respectfully presented the carrier pigeon with both hands.

Mr. Li raised his hand and took down the letter bound to the carrier pigeon.

After opening it and taking a look, Mr. Li's eyes flashed with a trace of ridicule. After closing it, he put it back intact.

"Let this carrier pigeon go!" Master Li said solemnly: "When we come out this time, we will find a better opportunity to send that idiot to see the Buddha!"

Li listened to the music first and responded, "Yes."

The adults have put up with that bitch for so long, and finally they are going to take action.

Here, Xiao Jingyan and others returned to the other courtyard.

Xiao Jingrui looked at the little girl and said, "Little girl, you did that on purpose when you were at the county government office, right? Did you deliberately take away that guard?"

Although Xiao Jingrui was asking her, his tone was extremely affirmative.

"Hehe... He's just an idiot! Isn't Ranran very powerful!" Xiao Naituanzi smiled with a very proud expression.

That person doesn't look very smart!

And he was just Uncle Li's guard. Before Uncle Li could say anything, he spoke first.

If you don’t punish him, who should be punished?

Moreover, the eldest brother still wants to talk to that Uncle Li.

The guard who is not too smart and has become someone else's spy will naturally be punished!
"Awesome!" Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the little breast dumpling.

If the little breast dumplings hadn't come out, they might have to find another time to contact Mr. Li.

But with the little breasted dumpling here, they will have a reason to send this guard away when they see him from now on!
This is a lot more convenient!

Wang Wenxin smiled and interjected, "This is an idea. Ranran, can you give me a hint or something the next time you do something like this? So that we can prepare in advance!"

"That's right, that's right!" Xiao Jingrui nodded in agreement, "You don't know, I was scared by you when you suddenly cried!"


Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi licked his lips at Xiao Jingrui and said a word of disgust.However, her mouth and face were full of disgust, but her eyes were full of smiles.

The fact that the fourth brother can be fooled by her little trick shows that the fourth brother cares about her very much!

She has decided!

When she returns home in the future, she will definitely say good things to her fourth brother in front of her mother and ask her mother to increase his pocket money.

"This time, we have confirmed that Mr. Li and we are on the same boat, so we will fully cooperate with him in the next matter!" Xiao Jingyan said.

"Yeah." Several others nodded calmly.

Wang Wenxin said: "There isn't much we can do here. The most we can do is ask the old people in Rishan Hall to cooperate! As for the rest, it's all finalized."

"Yeah." Xiao Jingyan nodded.

At this moment, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's pocket suddenly buzzed.

The little girl patted her pocket gently, yawned loudly at everyone, and then said: "Ranran is sleepy, so go to bed first~"

After Xiaotuanzi finished speaking, he quickly ran back to his room.

Several people saw this and said nothing.

After Xiao Naituanzi returned to her room, she closed the door and took out the money sword.

"Uncle Zhou!"

As soon as the money sword came out, a black shadow couldn't help but appear.

When the little girl saw him, her big eyes couldn't help but light up, and she said with some surprise: "Uncle's skills are even more powerful than before~"

Zhou Zhongren smiled and said solemnly: "It's a blessing in disguise."

The last time he wandered around the county government office for a whole night, he was seriously injured by the array arranged inside. In addition, that place was the place where he had been tortured to death, so it was inevitable that he would feel fear in his heart.

After returning, he was extremely weak.

After these days of dedicated practice, his skills have improved to a higher level.

"Hehe, Uncle Zhou's shadow has been able to condense now~, given time, Xinxu will be able to cultivate his true body!" Xiao Naituanzi said happily.

It is against the law of heaven for a dead person to cultivate his true body.

But this Uncle Zhou’s body is full of golden light of merit!
He got this by himself!

Zhou Zhongren was naturally very happy when he heard this.

Meeting the little breast dumpling was his fate.

It would undoubtedly be a good thing if he could really cultivate his true form. If he couldn't, he might have some regrets, but he would be happy to be able to stay with Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

"Thank you, little girl!"

Zhou Zhongren thanked him sincerely, and then said: "After my skill increased, I remembered everything that happened before!"

"You remember?"

The little girl's eyes lit up and she looked at him intently.

"Yeah." Zhou Zhongren hummed, then fell into silence, and the expression on his face became extremely painful.

After a while, he slowly said, "They locked me in that dungeon and tortured me to death!"

When he said this, Zhou Zhongren almost gritted his teeth.

That memory was too painful for her.

(End of this chapter)

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