Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 418 Evidence hidden in the Li family in Huaiyang!

Chapter 418 Evidence hidden in the Li family in Huaiyang!
It turned out that just ten years ago, Zhou Zhongren was appointed as the Governor-General of Jiangnan, taking charge of the Jiangnan region and enjoying supervisory responsibilities.

Not long after arriving in Jiangnan, he received a visit from an old friend from the past.

That old friend was Li Quansheng, the eldest son of the Li family in Huaiyang.

Li Quansheng had a very good personal relationship with him. The two of them went back and forth and had a very good relationship.

This Li Quansheng is also a relatively loyal person. The Li family is originally from the Xinglin family, and the medicinal materials business is doing very well. The Li family is also highly sought after and loved by the people in Huaiyang.

The Li family is kind-hearted and often donates items to the people.

But somehow, some people ate the food donated by the Li family and suddenly died!
The cause of death was found to be that the grain donated by the Li family was moldy.

Some people have weak stomachs and die from vomiting and diarrhea after eating a few meals!

The Li family handled this matter very well. They caught the culprit and gave the deceased an explanation.

But the culprit came from the Li family, and the Li family's reputation has also been affected.

But who knew that the good times would not last long, and after that, the Li family made mistakes one after another in the medicinal materials they prescribed to patients.

There is nothing wrong with the prescription, but it is mixed with fake medicine.

People like the Li family always pay attention to their reputation, and they cherish their feathers even more, so they reported themselves to the government.

But who would have known that the repeated investigations would lead to the Li family themselves.

Li Quansheng felt very strange, as if someone was deliberately targeting them, so he informed Zhou Zhongren of the matter, hoping that Zhou Zhongren could help investigate or analyze it.

Zhou Zhongren naturally cannot accept this matter easily. After all, there is a local magistrate, and rash intervention is a taboo in officialdom. Even if he is a superior, he must follow the rules and procedures and wait for local officials to report before he can intervene.

But not long after that, more than 40 members of the Li family suddenly died overnight.

Before his death, Li Quansheng also left a confession, etc., indicating that he committed suicide out of fear of crime!

Not only that, he couldn't bear to leave his family and slaves and killed them all!

At the time, this case was extremely sensational and shocking.

Zhou Zhongren couldn't care less about his friend's death, so he went to Huaiyang to investigate in person.

The most suspicious thing is the suicide note.

But Zhou Zhongren invited many people to compare, and they all came to the same conclusion.

Moreover, no one had entered or left Li's house before that, confirming that the suicide note was written by Li Quansheng himself.

But despite this, Zhou Zhongren still did not believe that his friend would commit suicide.

After a period of secret investigation, Zhou Zhongren finally found some clues.

That is Gu.

People in the Li family have the habit of writing detailed consultation records when they see a doctor!
Although those consultation records have been almost destroyed, the people behind them didn't know that the Li family was accustomed to recording some rare diseases and some difficult diseases in separate books for future reference.

Zhou Zhongren heard Li Quansheng talk about this before, so he found records about Gu in a hidden compartment of the Li family.

Then, he found out some things about the Gu, and found out that someone was using the Gu to do secret things behind the scenes. He also found out the source of the spread of the Gu in Tianxian Temple.

Knowing the miserable conditions of people who were poisoned after death, he personally dug Li Quansheng's grave.

After investigating the cause of the Li family's death, he immediately discussed it with Magistrate Cao, the magistrate of Ba County at the time!
But what he didn't expect was that County Magistrate Cao was actually in the same group as those who poisoned him. He secretly drugged him that night and put him in the dungeon.

Zhou Zhongren was stabbed alive by those people in the end, and he died of blood.

Afterwards, they also used illusions to create a murder of Governor Zhou in the street.

The assassin climbed up to the sky in front of everyone.

Then he took advantage of the ignorance of the people and created some rumors about strange powers and chaos.In the end, this matter became so unclear.

When Zhou Zhongren talked about his experiences, he still showed extreme anger.

If Magistrate Cao stood in front of him at this time, he would definitely not be polite!
"Uncle Zhou, don't be angry. Master said that good and evil will eventually be rewarded. It's not that the time has not come for you not to be repaid~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi comforted him with milky milk.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhongrenyou felt comforted.

When he died, he still clearly remembered how much hatred he felt in his heart.

At that time, I thought that even if I turned into a ghost, I would not let them go!
I didn't expect that I would really become a evil ghost, but I didn't expect that I would forget those past events!
Now, after ten years of wandering around, he is back here again.

Restore the truth of the year one by one.

"Ran Ran, go to the Li family in Huaiyang! I hid evidence in that secret compartment, the truth that can prove the murder of the Li family." Zhou Zhongren said.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

The next day, Xiao Naituanzi told Xiao Jingyan what Zhou Zhongren said.

Xiao Jingyan thought for a while and took her and Wu Tong to the old house of the Li family in Huaiyang. Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinghan stayed behind to help Mr. Li investigate the puppet matter.

The Huaiyang Li family belonged to Ba County ten years ago.

But a few years ago, after the court re-planned it, it was assigned to Hua County next door.

The distance from Ba County to Hua County is not far, it only takes an hour by carriage.

With Fu Zuan, a small-breasted dumpling, a few people arrived at the former residence of the Li family in just one stick of incense.

After more than ten years, the Li family's house has become desolate.

There are no people around here, and many places are dilapidated.

As soon as the three of them entered the place, Xiaonaituanzi released Zhou Zhongren and held a parasol for him.

"Master Zhou."

Although this was the second time he saw Zhou Zhongren's ghost, Wu Tong was still a little excited and called her respectfully.

"Yes." Zhou Zhongren nodded slightly, his eyes falling on the dilapidated courtyard in front of him, with a sad look on his face.

How glorious this place used to be, but now...

"Let's go in!" Xiao Jingyan reminded.

Knowing that Xiao Jingyan likes to be clean, Wu Tong walked at the front and cleaned up the cobwebs in the room.

Zhou Zhongren floated at the front.

The secret room mechanism where Li Quansheng hid his things was accurately found.

"It's right there! Move a brick and you can open the secret room." Zhou Zhongren said.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tong immediately stepped forward, found the brick and moved it away.


A voice sounded, and the wall in front of him slowly started to rotate.

"Cough cough!"

The dust was scattered and Wu Tong was choked.

Xiao Jingyan quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, and her other hand did not forget to cover the mouth and nose of Xiao Naituanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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