Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 419 The Li family’s inherited medical book!

Chapter 419 The Li family’s inherited medical book!
Wu Tong's eyelids couldn't help but twitch when he looked at the two siblings.

"Cough cough!"

After shaking off the dust, Xiao Jingyan walked in with the little breast dumplings.

This secret room is not big, with several rows of bookshelves inside.

In addition to a pile of books, there are also many large and small boxes on the bookshelf.

Wu Tong opened the boxes and looked at them, his face full of regret.

"These are some precious medicinal materials. It's just a pity that no one takes care of them here. I'm afraid they won't be used anymore!"

As he said that, he looked through the books again.

These books are all precious medical books and should have been handed down from the ancestors of the Li family.

There are also some records of consultations, recorded by the Li family for generations, which are extremely precious.

It's a pity that these books are also covered with dust at this time.

"There is a small hidden compartment behind the painting. Open it and you will find the evidence I have collected!" Zhou Zhongren pointed to a painting on the wall.

"There was a guard named Wang Er who followed Brother Li back then. After the Li family members died, he disappeared! I was in trouble before I could find him!"

"That second bastard was caught by my father! He was a man. He was imprisoned for two years without any help. Later, Ran Ran's truth charm made him tell a few truths, but he didn't know much. Now. He is still in the prison of Yonglin County Government!"

As Wu Tong spoke, he opened the painting, and then took out a box from the hidden compartment.

Inside the box were several medical consultation records from the Li family, all of which involved Gu.

Not only that, but there are also some ways to cure the poison.

With these, plus the account book that Xiaonaituanzi obtained from Liu Xiancheng before, we can overturn the case for the Li family!

With all the certified evidence, the Li family can rest in peace!
As for Governor Zhou’s case...

That Wang Xian Cheng is already dead, but there is still Tianxin who can serve as a witness.

As long as we catch Magistrate Cao and give him a truth-telling charm, we won't be afraid that he won't admit it.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong's face showed a look of relief.

This top priority issue that weighed heavily on his father was finally revealed and could come to an end!

Xiao Naituanzi put all the medical books into his pocket.

She took away all the remaining medicinal materials that could be used, and left the ones that couldn't be used.

As soon as they returned to the territory of Ba County, Xiaonaituanzi asked them to go back and do their own things.

And she went to Huichun Hall excitedly.


The Li family's medical books were given to Brother Xu, and he asked Brother Xu to spread these medical skills to treat diseases and benefit the people.The people of the Li family will definitely be happy under Jiuquan.

Even though more than half a month has passed, the number of people who come to Huanchuntang for medical treatment remains high.

There are still too many people queuing up at the door with number plates.

The doctors in the Huichun Hall have become visibly thinner, with their cheekbones protruding!His eyes were even darker, and it looked like he was tired.

When Xiaonuituanzi arrived at the medical clinic, Xu Yan was also seeing someone.

Xiaonuituanzi didn't bother him immediately. Instead, she moved a stool and sat down next to him, and then found someone who could write to write a prescription for her.

It’s no secret that little breasted dumplings know medical skills!

Many people know what she is capable of!Seeing her sit down, people immediately came over to ask her to see a doctor.

The little breasted dumpling is always very fast in seeing patients. She gently places her chubby little hands on people's wrists, and in less than a minute, she can spit out a string of medicine names from her little mouth. Come.

The boy next to her waited for her to speak and then started writing on the paper.

For the next hour, the boy barely raised his head, and his arm seemed to have been crippled, and the hand holding the brush was shaking constantly.

Finally, after the last patient finished reading, Xiao Naituanzi took out a bottle of water and started drinking it.

Seeing this, Xu Yan couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

He took the handkerchief and gently wiped the water stains around her mouth, and said, "Thanks to you, we can close the business early today!"

As Xu Yan spoke, he ordered the boy who closed the door to close the door, and then asked the doctors to go back and have a good rest.

As soon as the person took them away, Xiao Naituanzi quickly took out all the medical books found in Li's house from his pocket and pushed them in front of Xu Yan.

Xu Yan paused slightly, his face full of doubts.

"This is?"

"Brother Wu Tong said this is a medical book~, so Ran Ran took it back and gave it all to brother Xu Yan~"

The little breasted dumpling took a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth. His little face was bulging like a little squirrel.

"Medical book?" Xu Yan picked up one, opened it and read it, then picked up another one, then the third... the fourth...

"These...these are the Li family's medical books!" Xu Yan held those medical books, his hands shaking unconsciously.

It was not the medical books that excited him the most, but the notes that recorded difficult and complicated diseases.

Among these medical skills, there are also several unique books.

It can be said that these medical skills embody the efforts of several generations of the Li family in Huaiyang.

In addition, there are some ways to deal with voodoo.

After Xu Yan took these books in his hands, he could hardly move his eyes away.

"Ran Ran, you go back first! I'll stay and take a good look at these medical books! When you go back, Brother Xu will buy you chicken legs to eat!" Xu Yan said excitedly without raising his head.

The little breasted dumpling looked at him and wished he could look like him in the book. He puffed up his little face and jumped down from the stool.

"Brother Xu, those uncles who treat patients are all skin and bones from exhaustion. You have to let them rest! Ranran will come to see patients tomorrow, you can let them take turns to rest for a day!"

After Xiaotuanzi finished speaking in a sweet voice, regardless of whether Xu Yan heard it or not, he put his little hands behind his back and left the Huichun Hall.

When we returned to the courtyard again, it was already getting dark!

Wang Wenxin had someone prepare a table of food and it was waiting for them.

Seeing Xiao Naituanzi coming back alone, he looked at her suspiciously.

"Ran Ran, why did you come back alone? Where are your three brothers!?"

The little girl raised her head and blinked her big eyes, full of innocence, "Aren't they back yet?"

"Didn't they go out with you?" Wang Wenxin looked at her.

Xiao Naituanzi shook his head, "No! Big brother and Wu Tong brother came back first!"

Hearing this, Wang Wenxin rubbed her little head.

"Don't worry, I'll ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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