Chapter 423 Edit, you continue to edit!

... "How were you captured?" Xiao Jingyan asked in a deep voice, "Where is Xiao Jingyi?"

"Hey, brother, why don't you just forget about him?" Xiao Xiaoliu said with dissatisfaction written all over his face, "I don't know what's going on with him. He can't walk when he sees a beautiful sister! Even my little brother is embarrassed. I don’t even know.”

"You don't know that that heartless guy drugged me in order to prevent me from disturbing his relationship with his beautiful sister!"

"Wow, I'm so pathetic!"

"Why am I so unlucky that I end up with such an unlucky brother!"

As Xiao Xiaoliu spoke, he looked at Xiao Jingyan with his own eyes.

Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinhan's faces were full of shock!

"Second brother, isn't this too inhumane? He treats his own brother like this for a woman!" Xiao Jingrui looked at Xiao Xiaoliu with sympathy, rubbed his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay, fourth brother will feel pain in the future. you!"

"Well, fourth brother is better!" Xiao Xiaoliu nodded heavily and looked at Xiao Jingrui aggrievedly, with snot and saliva spraying on him in different ways!

Fourth brother is so innocent!
Looks like a good lie!

From now on, I can protect him from daddy’s whip!
Yes, Not Bad!good!
Xiao Xiaoliu thought happily.

Suddenly, Xiao Jinghan said doubtfully: "That's not right. The second brother has always been calm and reserved, how could he do such a thing?"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

The third and fourth children are probably mutated members of the Xiao family!
He couldn't even hear such an obvious lie!

But Xiao Liu, this kid, didn't follow his second uncle's temperament, but followed his fifth uncle's temperament.

Xiao Jingyan looked at him lightly, with an expression that said, "I see how you can quibble."

Xiao Xiaoliu didn't care whether Xiao Jingyan believed him or not, he just said, "Third brother, you don't know, this ancient hero has always had a hard time with beauty, right? In front of beauty, my brother is nothing!"

"I am the burden and the loser."

"Wow, poor me at such a young age, I have to bear this sin alone! If I hadn't met you here, I might have been arrested by those people and refined the elixir without even knowing it."

"I'm so pitiful!"

Xiao Jingyan: "..."

I'll just watch you make it up quietly!

Xiao Jingrui hugged him quickly!
Well...he will cover this younger brother from now on!

He also knew what it was like to live under the aura of having an excellent brother.

Xiao Jinghan was still doubtful of Xiao Xiaoliu's words.

After all, there is a small breast dumpling in front of him, and judging from the previous correspondence with the second brother, the second brother is a calm person, which is not what Xiaoliu said.

On the other hand, it is said that Xiao Liu has not been a peaceful person since he was a child.

"Brother, we have to find a way to leave here as soon as possible!" Xiao Jinghan said.


Xiao Jingyan nodded and said: "If my prediction is correct, this place is Wuming Mountain."

"Unnamed Mountain? Is that Ranran's senior brother, Master Xuanyin..." Xiao Jinghan said with some surprise.

"Let's take a look first and then talk." Xiao Jingyan said calmly.

Now that a barrier has been set up here, if you want to leave, you still have to wait!

"Wait? Wait for what?"

Xiao Jingrui didn't know why.

"Of course we have to wait for an opportunity!" Xiao Jinghan said.

The fourth kid didn't know how he grew up, but he was even dumber than him.

"Well, I guess there is something in our Xiao family that makes them jealous, or something they covet. If they catch us, they won't let us die easily!" Xiao Jingyan analyzed.

"In this case, they will definitely let people take good care of us!"

“So that’s our opportunity when we deliver food at night.”

Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinhan nodded at the same time.

Xiao Xiaoliu curled his lips, "Isn't it just to run away? I have this!" Xiao Xiaoliu took out a packet of medicinal powder from his sleeve and laughed.

"what is this?"

Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui said in unison.

"Croton flour!"

Everyone: "..."

"Hey, brothers, what are your expressions? Do you look down on me?" Xiao Xiaoliu looked unhappy.

Don't you underestimate him! ?
Even though it was just a small bag of croton flour, it caused his gentle and sinister brother to stumble.

"Where did you get this thing?" Xiao Jingrui asked.

"Of course I won it through a bet!" Xiao Xiaoliu looked proud.

In order to prevent him from running away from home, his father and mother did not give him a single copper coin, and even ordered the senior fellow students in the academy not to talk to him!But so what?Don't you know who he is?He is Xiaoliu!
What if the book is not well read and the handwriting is not good?

He is Xiaoliu!

Is it okay to bet if he can't study well?

Is it okay if you don't want him to dig a hole in the ground?

Isn’t there a saying that says that?

36 lines, number one in every line?

So what if my brother is great?

Wasn't he knocked down by his croton powder?

Xiao Jingyan looked at the croton powder and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Thinking of Xiao Jingyi's description of Xiao Xiaoliu between the lines when she wrote a letter to herself, she couldn't help but bring up a faint smile.

It seems that the life of the second child is not so good after all!
Suddenly, Xiao Jinyan's eyes looked much gentler when he looked at Xiao Jingrui.

Compared to younger brothers like Xiao Xiaoliu, Xiao Jingrui seems to be easier to control.

At least, if Xiao Jingrui throws a piano to him, he can hold the piano and play it to pieces!

"Okay, then at night, it's up to you whether we can escape." Xiao Jingyan said.

"No problem." Xiao Xiaoliu patted his chest and assured.

Then Xiao Jingyan looked at Xiao Jinghan again, "Lao San, can you form another formation in this barrier?"

"Yes." Xiao Jinghan nodded and continued: "But those Taoist priests here are not easy to mess with! My little formation skills are nothing in their eyes!"

"It doesn't matter, my original intention was not to escape."


Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui were a little confused.

However, Xiao Jingyan didn't say much.

Soon, it was evening.

There was a sound of footsteps outside.

In the room, the four brothers looked at each other.

Xiao Xiaoliu's face was full of excitement, and his eagerness to try was beyond words.


The door to the room was opened.

Xiao Jingyan immediately winked at Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinghan.

Just when one of the man's feet stepped in, Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinhan quickly grabbed his arms from left to right and dragged him back.

Xiao Xiaoliu rushed towards the man, sat on the man's body, and poured the whole bag of croton powder into the man's mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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