Chapter 424 It's all in one pot!
"and many more!"

Xiao Jingyan suddenly spoke out and looked at the person lying on the ground in disbelief.

Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui also heard the words and took a closer look.

chap! ! !
After seeing the people on the ground clearly, Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui's pupils shrank at the same time, and then they retracted theirs simultaneously.

"What are you doing!? Why did you stop!"

Xiao Xiaoliu looked at his two brothers with dissatisfaction and put his hand hard on the mouth of the person on the ground.


As soon as Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinghan stopped their hands, Xuan Yin, who was on the ground, sat upright and restrained Xiao Xiaoliu's hand.

"Let go, young master, let me go!"

Xiao Xiaoliu yelled and struggled.

Xuan Yin was not a vegetarian. He subdued Xiao Xiaoliu in a few clicks and successfully shut her mouth!

Xiao Xiaoliu's mouth was already gagged, but he was still desperately trying to use his eyes to signal Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinghan to help him deal with Xuan Yin.

"Hey, you are quite stubborn, aren't you?"

Xuan Yin pinched his chin, and then looked at Xiao Jingyan, "Who is this? Is he also from your Xiao family?"

After Xuan Yin finished speaking, Xiao Xiaoliu's eyes widened in surprise.


Xuan Yin let him go, wiped a handful on his mouth, stood up, and looked dissatisfied at the Xiao family in front of him, "Hey, what did you just give me to eat?"


Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui looked at each other, hesitating and not daring to speak.


Xiao Jingyan made a fist with one hand, put it to her lips, coughed lightly, and turned her head away.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin immediately had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Don't worry, you won't die, it's just an ordinary laxative." Xiao Xiaoliu got up from the ground and said calmly.

"Wha... what? Laxative... laxative?"

Xuan Yin stared at him. Before the medicine took effect, he could already feel the pain in his buttocks.


Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui nodded at the same time.

"Senior Brother Xuan Yin, we just want to escape from here, so... we didn't know it was you!" Xiao Jingrui said apologetically.

Xuan Yin looked at the brothers of the Xiao family and felt really miserable that he couldn't express.

"I...I really...I really owed you everything in my previous life!"

After Xuan Yin finished speaking, there was a gurgling sound in his stomach.

"Hey, you guys eat first and don't think about escaping! I'll come back to you later! Just wait!"

Xuan Yin covered his butt and left in a hurry after saying this.

The four brothers of the Xiao family looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, everyone laughed in unison, and among them, Xiao Xiaoliu laughed the loudest.

"Do you know that person? One of our own?" Xiao Xiaoliu asked first.

"The senior brother who was your sister Ran Ran just now pretended to be like this and lurked here! But we didn't expect that Taoist priest looked quite arrogant at the beginning, but unexpectedly he was just a food delivery person." Xiao Jingrui said.

Xiao Jinghan said, "Think about it differently. A Taoist priest who delivers food on the Wuming Mountain can be so arrogant after he comes down from the mountain. You can only imagine what happened to the other Taoist priests!"

"That's right!" Xiao Jingyan nodded, "The third child is right, we can't take it lightly. Let's make plans after meeting Master Xuan Yin tomorrow!"

"I'm hungry, let's eat!" After Xiao Jingyan said this, Xiao Xiaoliu took the food box next to him and started eating.

At that time, in another courtyard.

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi woke up, she received the Feihe letter from Senior Brother Xuan Yin.She met Wang Wenxin as soon as she went out with the letter.

"Sister Wang, Sister Wang, please read this letter to me quickly." Xiao Naituanzi gave the letter to Wang Wenxin, and then looked at her eagerly.

After Wang Wenxin opened the letter, she quickly browsed it, and then frowned fiercely.

"Ran Ran, your senior brother said that all four of your brothers have been arrested. You are in Wuming Mountain at this time! Controlled by the formation! He also said that a great person seems to have come to the mountain these days. In the past two days, The most powerful Taoist priest, Master Nanhuai, was dispatched to personally pick up the person."

"He also said that those people seem to have reached the final stage of refining the elixir!"

"He also found out that those people who arrested your brothers seemed to be using them to refine elixirs!"

After Wang Wenxin finished speaking, she saw Xiaonuituanzi's little face wrinkled into a meat bun, and there seemed to be confusion in her tone, "Four brothers?"

"I forgot to tell you that Wu Tong had already woken up when you were asleep! He said that your brothers were taken away by a little girl. Although the little girl was not old, she was very How powerful! Not only did he take away your brothers, he also took away those puppets hidden by Tianyin!"

"Also! Your second brother is here, and he said that your sixth brother is lost! Now there are four of your brothers on the unknown mountain, so I suspect that one of them is your sixth brother!"

"Xiao Liu was caught?"

At this moment, Xiao Jingyi came over and happened to hear Wang Wenxin's words.

"If nothing else, it's him!"

Seeing Xiao Jingyi coming over, Wang Wenxin handed the letter in his hand to him, and then said to Xiao Naituanzi: "He is your second brother, Xiao Jingyi."

Xiao Jingyi lowered her head and glanced at Xiaonuituanzi with a gentle expression, "Ran Ran."

The little girl with big breasts blinked her big eyes and called sweetly: "Hello, second brother!"

Xiao Jingyi was instantly captured by her soft and waxy voice!

My heart is also soft.

Sure enough, my sister is still much better than my brother!

Just this sweet smile seems to be able to melt people.

Xiao Jingyi unconsciously reached out and rubbed her little head, then picked up the letter and read it.

When she saw the four brothers being kidnapped, Xiao Jingyi's whole face couldn't help but change.

"It's not necessarily Xiao Liu who was arrested." Xiao Jingyi said.


Wang Wenxin looked at Xiao Jingyi doubtfully.

Xiao Jingyi pursed her lips and said, "I received a letter from Xiao Wu before I came here. I heard that the eldest brother, the third brother and the fourth brother were all coming here, so he came here too."

"Calculate the time, it should be almost here!"

Wang Wenxin: "..."

Suddenly, I somewhat understood the original intention of the Xiao family owner before sending these children of the Xiao family to various places!

This is to avoid being taken over by others!

But now, four of them have been arrested before they even get together!
As soon as Xiao Jingyi finished speaking, Xiao Naituanzi started counting with his fingers.

After he stopped, he heard her say in a crisp voice: "Someone is coming to the door!"

Wang Wenxin: "???"

Before they could react, they saw the boy guarding the door running over in a hurry.

"Miss, there is Mr. Xiao at the door, claiming to be the fifth son of the Xiao family!"

Wang Wenxin: "..."

Xiao Jingyi: "..."

It seems that the one who was caught is Xiao Liu and he can’t escape!

Of the eight sons of the Xiao family, Xiaoqi and Xiaoli were still in grade eight. Four of them were arrested, and one of them must be Xiaoliu.

See how he beats him after he catches him!
(End of this chapter)

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