Chapter 425: Xiao Jingxun!
"Invite people in!" Wang Wenxin said.

"Yes." The boy responded and left in a hurry.

After a while, Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyi saw a dark man dressed in rags.

"Hey, second brother!"

The fifth child, Xiao Jingxun, smiled at Xiao Jingyi, showing eight white teeth.

Xiao Jingyi was really shocked by his dressing up like this!
This face is so dark...except for the white teeth, almost no other color can be seen!

If the person standing in front of me is the boss, I'm afraid he will be thrown out! ?

After Xiao Jingxun finished laughing, his eyes kept rolling, and then he asked doubtfully: "Where is the elder brother!?"

"What? Do you want to be beaten?" Xiao Jingyi raised an eyebrow.

Xiao Jingxun touched his dark face and smiled, "I'm specially prepared for this outfit to meet the boss!"

"What if he's not here?"

Xiao Jingyi: "..." Fortunately, the boss is not here!

Wang Wenxin: "..." What kind of weird brothers are these from the Xiao family?
Small-breasted dumpling: "..." Hmm... This fifth brother is a bit interesting, but I don't know whether his butt is thicker or the fourth brother's?
Mother’s stick is enough! ?
Should she consider giving her mother a thicker stick? ?
"Second brother, call the boss out quickly! His dear brother is here, why doesn't he come out to see him?" Xiao Jingxun looked depressed, "I am dressed up specifically to see him!"

"How about it? It specializes in treating his turtle hair problem! Do you think it works?"

The little girl pulled Xiao Jingyi's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "Second brother, what kind of hatred does fifth brother have with eldest brother!?"

Xiao Jingyi's mouth twitched. He really didn't know how to answer this!
Xiaowu, this brat, is just like Xiaoliu, he likes to do things that make him cheat!
Xiao Wu is like this...if he really appears in front of the boss, he doesn't know whether the boss's problem is good or not. Anyway, he knows that Xiao Wu will definitely get a beating!
The resentful brother and the resentful brother like to love and kill each other like this, and they never tire of it!

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi spoke, Xiao Jingxun noticed Xiao Naituanzi.

After seeing the little breast dumplings, my eyes immediately lit up!

"Is this our little girl!? She's so cute! Tsk tsk... Look at this little face, it's so tender you can almost squeeze it out of your mouth!"

Xiao Jingxun quickly flashed in front of Xiao Naituanzi, bent down and reached out to pinch Xiaonan Dumpling's little face.

The little breasted dumpling reacted faster than him. When his claws reached out, he dodged in a flash.

"You, go and wash up quickly!"

Xiao Jingyi pulled the little breast dumpling and hid behind her, looking at Xiao Jingxun with disgust.

He and the boss have some brothers!
Just come here to treat them!
Fortunately, fortunately, Xiaoba is not like this!
Otherwise he will collapse.

"Second brother, I won't do this to you, right? I haven't seen you for many years, and you dislike me when I see you?" Xiao Jingxun's face was filled with sadness.

"What's the difference between you and those people on the street carrying broken bowls and bamboo sticks?"

Xiao Jingxun: "..."

Isn't the second brother's words too damaging?
However, at this moment, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly poked his little head out from behind Xiao Jingyi, and said with a smile: "Second brother, if you go to the street and cry, you can probably get a lot of coins~"

When Xiao Jingxun heard this, he looked at himself, and suddenly showed his eight bright white teeth, and his tone could not hide his pride.

"Ran Ran said so, which shows that my outfit is still very successful."

As he said that, he raised his eyebrows at Xiaonuituanzi again and bared his teeth and said, "If Fifth Brother goes out with a stick and a broken bowl and can't make any copper, Fifth Brother will come to you!"

Hearing this, Xiaotai Tuanzi immediately covered his pocket.

Why does she feel like her wallet is being cared about by Fifth Brother?
Just when I thought about it, I heard Xiao Jingyi say: "Don't worry, you won't lose the copper coins, at least I will give you one!"

"On a?"

"What if? How many do you want?"

"Second brother, we are brothers!" Xiao Jingyi's mouth twitched, "If it weren't for that superficial brotherhood, do you think you are worth the money I wasted on you?"

Xiao Jingxun is haggard!


Wang Wenxin couldn't help laughing when she heard their brothers bickering.

"Hey, Ranran gave you a meeting gift!"

Suddenly, Xiao Jingxun conjured up a bunch of candied haws from nowhere and handed it to Xiao Naituanzi.

The little girl blinked, swallowed while looking at the bunch of candied haws, and then her eyes fell on Xiao Jingxun's dark hand.


So tangled!

want to eat!

But I’m afraid of being poisoned!
"Don't like it?" Xiao Jingxun was confused, "That's not right. When I wrote to my mother before, she said you like the food!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Are you sure Ran Ran won't get upset after eating the things you took out with your hands?" Xiao Jingyi said angrily.

Xiao Jingxun's hand paused for a moment, then he took his hand back when he thought of something, and scratched the back of his head with some embarrassment, "It seems to be not very clean, but don't worry Ranran, I will wait for five I’ll buy you another bunch.”

After saying that, he went down to wash himself.

Xiao Jingyi turned around and pointed at Xiao Naituanzi's head, saying, "There's probably something wrong with your fifth brother!"

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi couldn't help but giggle.

Fifth brother seems to be quite interesting!

Half an hour later, Xiao Jingxun washed off the dirt on his body and stood in front of them again.

The little girl looked at his face and blinked with her big eyes.

"Fifth Young Master Xiao, are you and Fourth Young Master Xiao twins?" Wang Wenxin was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion.

Xiao Jingxun touched his face and wondered, "Is it possible that my face looks the same as the fourth child's face?"

"Yeah, they're exactly the same!" Little Nipples nodded.

When Xiao Jingxun heard this, he muttered depressedly, "I didn't expect that we haven't been together for so many years, but our faces still look the same! Oh..."

"So they are really twins?" Wang Wenxin was curious.

"That's not true! I'm one year younger than him!" Xiao Jingxun said.

This is also where he is most troubled.

Obviously they are not twins, but he and the fourth child look exactly the same.

Moreover, he ate a lot when he was young, and for a while he was as tall as the fourth child. Outsiders could not tell the difference between him and the fourth child.

"You are not twins. It is really rare for you to look exactly the same." Wang Wenxin said in surprise.

"Hey... maybe it's not necessarily that the fourth child and I were twins in the previous life!" Xiao Jingxun answered casually, touching his face.

After saying that, he asked doubtfully: "By the way, where are the boss and the others? Why don't they come back so late?"

(End of this chapter)

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