Chapter 426: Sucking human essence!
Xiao Jingyi directly handed over the letter from Xuan Yin.

"Look at it!"

Xiao Jingxun reached out to take it, read it at a glance, and then slapped the letter on the table with a "bang".

"What are we still doing here? Go to that mountain! What if the boss and the others are really refined into pills?" Xiao Jingxun said worriedly.

"calm down!"

Xiao Jingyi said calmly: "They obviously want to kill us all, and we haven't been caught yet! They won't do anything to us for the time being!"

"Yeah, everything will be fine!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi said while chewing on the chicken drumsticks.

"Then we just wait like this? Do parents know about this?" Although Xiao Jingxun likes to tease his elder brother, he is still very worried when this happens.

"Don't worry, little miracle doctor Xu has already sent the news back as soon as something happened! It is estimated that there will be news within two days." Wang Wenxin said.

"Yes." Xiao Jingyi nodded, "It is said that the fourth uncle has now held the military power in Jiangnan. I believe there will be news from there in less than two days!"

"Then eat, eat, I'm hungry!" Xiao Jingxun's face changed, he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat happily!
Everyone: "..."

"Come, eat, eat, eat! Ranran, this chicken leg is for you!" Xiao Jingxun ate it himself while not forgetting to take care of the little breast dumplings.

The two foodies wiped out most of the dishes on the table in a short time.

It was the first time for Xiao Jingyi to have dinner with Xiaonuituanzi, and she was really shocked by her appetite!
Wang Wenxin, on the other hand, marveled at Xiao Jingxun's appetite.

This kid looks quite thin, but he eats no less than a small breast dumpling.

The two of them sat together at a table, as if they were competing there.

Wang Wenxin was afraid that there would not be enough food for the two of them, so she asked the kitchen to prepare some.

After the meal, Xiao Jingxun and Xiao Naituanzi both slumped on the stools holding their bellies.

The two looked at each other as if they were seeing someone of the same mind!
"Fifth brother, what are you capable of!?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

"Is being good at eating a skill?" Xiao Jingxun said with a cheeky smile.

The little girl puffed up her little cheeks, "The eldest brother is very good at martial arts, the third brother can do formations, the fourth brother can play the piano, what can you and the second brother do!?"

"Your second brother's martial arts skills are mediocre, but he's good enough to be the top scholar in school!" Xiao Jingxun said.

"As for me, brother, I'm good at mechanism skills. I can make things like flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the ground. I can make many things for you!"

When it comes to his own abilities, Xiao Jingxun is also full of pride.

"Really?" Xiao Naituanzi's eyes lit up, and he turned his head sideways and stared at Xiao Jingxun with burning eyes.

"Of course!" Xiao Jingxun nodded, "What does Ran Ran like? My fifth brother will make one for you tomorrow!"

"Um...this is..."

The little girl rolled her eyes and smiled, "I'll tell you tomorrow!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi jumped down from the stool, took Wang Wenxin and went to the study to write a letter!
After Wang Wenxin finished writing the letter, she looked at Xiaonuituanzi in confusion, "What do you want this for?"

"Fifth brother is good at traps. If we have this terrain map, we can arrange these traps in many places in advance! With the addition of spells, we can catch more people by then!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Wang Wenxin thought for a while and nodded.

Xuan Yin had just laid down when he received the letter from Xiao Tiao Tuanzi.He was really hurt by these brothers from the Xiao family!
I'm almost exhausted!

Xuan Yin almost cried when he saw the letter from Xiao Naituanzi!

This little guy has been living for so many days, and I don’t even care about whether he is doing well or not!

His brothers were arrested, so this letter came in time!


He just deserves to suffer!

I really want to sing a song called "The Cabbage Field is Yellow!"

Although Xuan Yin felt extremely sad, he still got up and started drawing on the paper.

During the days he went up the mountain, he was not idle much.

The job of delivering food to people is not without its benefits. At least he is very familiar with the terrain of both the inner and outer doors!

Not only that, he also had a good relationship with the disciples from the outer sect. He knew all of these clearly when they went down the mountain to buy things and when they poured night incense.

Therefore, he also figured out the roads up the mountain!

He knows where there will be people guarding, where there will be more laxity, where the formations are arranged, and how to avoid these formations!
He drew what Xiaonuituanzi wanted to know without thinking too much.

Fold it and pass the letter to the little milk dumpling!
Just as he was putting the letter out and getting ready to sleep, he suddenly heard a noise not far away!
Xuan Yin felt a chill in his heart and walked over quietly.

After walking into a jungle, Xuan Yin saw a little girl who looked to be no more than seven or eight years old, Taoist Priest Nan Huai, and... the inner disciple Qingli who was being strangled by the little girl's neck and hanging in the air while absorbing something. .

Seeing this scene, Xuan Yin's pupils shrank.


This is a disciple of the inner sect, and his skills are not low, but this little girl...

Moreover, Qingli is usually valued by Taoist Priest Nanhuai!

Now Taoist Priest Nanhuai was watching him die as the essence in his body was sucked out!

And what is the origin of this female doll! ?

What kind of evil kung fu is being refined?

What does the pills refined here have to do with her?
Xuan Yin watched helplessly as Qingli turned from a living person into a mummy, and was finally burned to ashes by the fire set off by the little girl. However, Taoist Nanhuai stood beside him and couldn't even fart. Not daring to let go of one, he still stood in front of the little girl with his head bowed respectfully.

"How many days will it take for the elixir to be ready?"

The little girl spoke up, her voice was extremely pleasant!If Xuan Yin hadn't witnessed the scene just now, he would have been bewitched by the sound!
Who would have thought that such a well-behaved and cute little girl could be the monster that sucked human essence just now! ?

Although there was a "little monster" like Ran Ran who had been a geek since childhood in front of him, it broke his understanding of a child.

But Ran Ran is dedicated to good and never does bad things. Although sometimes she is a little naughty and a little sinister, it is not harmful.

But now he really saw the cruelty of a little girl, which still caused Xuan Yin to feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Princess, three days! Just give Pindao another three days, and he will be able to condense it into a pill in three days!" Taoist Master Nanhuai said tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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