Chapter 427 She is a little baby!

Princess! ? ? ?
What kind of princess is this! ?

Could it be the legendary Princess Protector? ? ?
The more Xuan Yin thought about it, the more it seemed like it!
He would occasionally hear people talk about the Princess Protector when he went down the mountain!

But isn’t that princess a lucky star?
Why are you doing this kind of thing behind your back?

Xuan Yin felt that he had discovered the truth!
Subconsciously, he held his breath again. Really worried, he took out another invisibility charm and stuck it on his body. Then he pricked up his ears to listen carefully to what they were saying!
"Okay, I will give you three days. If something goes wrong this time! I will kill you!" Ye Zhaozhao said.

"Yes, yes!" Taoist Master Nan Huai nodded hurriedly.

Not far away, Xuan Yin looked at the usually aloof Taoist Priest Nan Huai, who was like a grandson at this time, and couldn't help but marvel!
This Taoist Priest Nanhuai’s spells should be very powerful!

But he was so afraid of this little girl!
So is this little girl's magic more powerful than him?

I don’t know if the little girl in front of me faces off against that little girl Ranran, who will be more powerful in magic?

Inexplicably, Xuan Yin felt a little more hopeful.

At this time, the Protector Princess asked again: "Is there any news about the other men in the Xiao family?"

"As for the princess, although there is no news yet, I believe they will be here soon!" Taoist Nan Huai touched the beard at the corner of his mouth with a mean smile on his face.

"The best sons of the Xiao family are here, and the rest of the Xiao family will not remain indifferent!"

"Yeah." Ye Zhaozhao hummed slightly, and then asked: "What's going on with Xiao Jingxuan's daughter? Is she really that powerful?"

When talking about small breast dumplings, Ye Zhaozhao's immature face was full of doubts.

After all, Xiao Jingxuan did not have a daughter at that time!
And for so many years, there has been no news about the Xiao family at all. Why did Xiao Jingxuan suddenly have such a daughter just a few months after leaving the capital?

Thinking of the mistake he made when casting the spell, Ye Zhaozhao couldn't help but show a ferocious look on his face.

"Princess, it is true that Xiao Jingxuan has a daughter!" Taoist Master Nanhuai told Ye Zhaozhao what happened in the past few days, and then said: "One of the two disciples he killed was a poor Taoist. The eldest disciple, Pindao once gave him a ray of the power of the evil god! But the eldest disciple was still easily killed by her."

"Pindao didn't care much about it at first, but this time the affairs of Tianxian Temple and the puppets are all related to her. If it weren't for her, how could those ordinary people destroy so many of our puppets? And they almost destroyed our lives over the years. All your hard work is ruined?"

"Not only that, I heard that she can also do medicine and refine elixirs."


When he heard that he could make elixirs, a faint light flashed across Ye Zhaozhao's eyes.

"That's right!" Taoist Master Nan Huai nodded, "We arrested the alchemist from the Li family a few days ago, and we learned from him that the little girl is a high-level alchemist! It is said that her master is Master Likong! "


Hearing this, Ye Zhaozhao became even more interested in the small breast dumplings.

If such an interesting little girl could be used by her, wouldn't it be beneficial to her great cause...

But before that, she had to explore her bottom first.

Thinking about it, Ye Zhaozhao said: "Now that the little girl is no longer with Xiao Jingxuan, it is a good time for us to take action! Send a few people out and capture the remaining Xiao family juniors."

"Yes." Nan Huai responded.When Xuan Yin heard this, he left secretly.

As soon as he returned to his room, he happily wrote another letter to Xiao Nai Tuanzi, writing down what he heard and his guess about the identity of the Princess Protector.

It was already the morning of the second day when Xiao Naituanzi saw the letter.

After Xiao Jingxun and Xiao Jingyi read these two letters, they couldn't help showing serious expressions on their faces.

"What should I do? Those Taoist priests are best at magic! Father and mother are in danger! And Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba..." Xiao Jingxun was full of anxiety.

"Don't worry too much about Xiaoba. There are many masters hidden in Lushan Academy, and the outside is full of mechanism techniques. It's not that easy for those people to take Xiaoba away."

Although Xiao Jingde, the second eldest son of the Xiao family, is just a teacher at Lushan Academy, Lushan Academy is beyond the jurisdiction of the Four Kingdoms, and the students who study there all have their own origins.

The four countries dare not offend easily!

If those people dared to go to Lushan Academy to rob people, it would be no problem unless they wanted to become enemies of the Four Kingdoms.

This time, if it hadn't been for Xiao Liuer's secret escape, Xiao Jingyi wouldn't have taken him with him.

But I didn't expect this little thing to be so careless that he gave him laxatives and then secretly escaped.

This was the first time I escaped and was caught!
"Alright, alright!"

Seeing their sad faces, Xiao Naituanzi said softly and comfortingly: "Ranran has prepared many talismans for father and mother! Moreover, when Ranran left, he also set up formations in Yonglin. Oh! If someone wants to cause trouble there, it won’t be easy!"

"Is your formation so powerful?"

Xiao Jingxun looked at the little breast dumplings with burning eyes, as if he was looking at some rare treasure!
"Hehe~ It's just so so~" the little breast dumpling replied humbly.

"Don't worry about Ran Ran's ability. You have never seen how powerful those puppets are, and how many martial arts masters were injured! But Ran Ran killed those people directly as soon as he took action!" Wang Wenxin praised road.

Wang Wenxin couldn't express her admiration for the soft and glutinous little breast dumpling in front of her.

As for the skills she knows, it would be great for others to learn the same skills, but she learned them little by little at a young age.

I heard that Tianyin's spells are also very powerful, but this little girl can learn and sell them on the spot. She can solve other people's spells just by following them once.

If she were Tian Yin, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

No wonder Tianyin died so miserably in the end.

This is simply the nemesis of all evil!
"It's not that Ranran is smart, it's that Tianyin who is too stupid! Master said that you should be humble as a human being. One mountain is higher than another~. What is most indispensable in this world is smart people!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi and his wife Seriously.

Hmm... Her sixth master also said that she should keep a low profile on weekdays, and her enemies would only despise her when they see her!Then she can act like a pig and eat a big tiger!
Oh, right!

Master Six also said that this is simply called pretending to be 13.

Although she didn't quite understand what it meant, what the master said definitely made sense!

The senior brothers also said that she was not very likable when she was too smart!

Ranran is a little baby, how can she not be liked?
(End of this chapter)

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