Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 428 The plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain!

Chapter 428 The plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain!

Hearing Xiaotai Tuanzi's words, if one didn't know her, he would really think that she was showing off!

But what she said was true.

One mountain is higher than the other. The most indispensable thing in this world is smart people, and the most indispensable thing is genius.

Moreover, Ran Ran is still so young, and being too high-profile may cause some unnecessary trouble.

Everyone understands the truth that what is strong is easy to break!

Ran Ran's masters educated him very well!
Xiao Jingyi looked at her rosy little face, stretched out her hand to pinch it, and then said: "Now that we know the Taoist priest's plan, we must do something!"

Xiao Jingxun didn't like these conspiracies and schemes the most. When he heard Xiao Jingyi's words, he said: "Second brother, if you have any plans, just tell me. I will definitely cooperate with you."

At this moment, Xiao Jingxun put away all his irregularities and said seriously.

"Take this, and see what kind of mechanisms you can make!" Xiao Jingyi directly gave Xiao Jingxun the topographic map of the Nameless Mountains drawn by Xuan Yin.

Xiao Jingxun took a look, then took the topographic map and started thinking alone.

Xiao Jingyi looked at Wang Wenxin again and said, "Sister Wang, we need to use your Wang family's network to spread the word about Yonglin's formation!"

"In addition, the whereabouts of my fifth brother and I need to be spread to those people. Of course, it is not our real whereabouts."

"Finally, my fifth brother and I need you, Ran Ran, to change us and cover up some of our characteristics that can be regarded as the characteristics of the Xiao family."

Xiao Jingyi thought that when Xiao Xiaoliu came out of Lushan Academy for the first time in his life, no one recognized him, but he was caught by those people in such a short period of time. This is enough to show that those people can pass other judgments. Not a descendant of the Xiao family.

It's very likely that it's blood.

If this is the case, then just cover up his and Xiao Wu's aura.

The little girl tilted her head and thought for a moment, then immediately started drawing the talisman in the air.

After a while, four talismans fell down, and Xiao Naituanzi took a hair from Xiao Jingyi and Xiao Jingxun respectively.

She had her hair wrapped in two of the talisman bundles, her eyes were closed and she was mumbling something.

As the terms in her mouth continued to sound, the talisman wrapping their hair suddenly lit up, flashing with blue light, and then disappeared in front of them.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingxun couldn't help but open his mouth in an "oh" shape.

"Second brother, fifth brother, you just need to wear this talisman on your body. Those people won't recognize you!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

She has used magic to cover up their blood aura, and also used magic to spread this aura to other places.

If those people want to arrest her two brothers, they will be led to other places.

"That's it? No need to change your appearance? For example, pretend to be a beggar or something?" Xiao Jingxun asked doubtfully.

"Well...if Fifth Brother is worried, it's not impossible to pretend to be a beggar. Ranran will buy you a broken bowl and a dog-beating stick!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Xiao Jingxun: "..."

"You are such a good sister!" Xiao Jingxun said with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment~" Xiao Naituanzi agreed unceremoniously, "Fifth brother, there is no need to thank Ranranda too much. Ranran knows that she is very generous, and I know it without you having to say it!"

Xiao Jingxun: "..."

Xiao Jingyi: "..."


Wang Wenxin couldn't help but laughed again.This little girl can really piss people off with her mouth!

What does it mean to have a little friendship but not much?
That's it!

"There are no broken bowls sold on this street!" Xiao Jingxun muttered angrily.

The little breast dumpling's ears were pointed, and when he heard this, he immediately showed a disgusted expression, "Fifth brother is so stupid, there is no broken bowl to sell, why can't Ranran just buy a good one and smash it into a small hole?"

Xiao Jingxun: "..."

Is this still possible?
The feelings in this little girl's mouth are worthy of a broken bowl!


Wang Wenxin laughed unkindly again.

Xiao Jingyi was also amused by the small breast dumplings and couldn't help laughing.

"Beggars are treated like that, even if they give you a broken bowl, they still think highly of you. There are many beggars on the street who don't even deserve a broken bowl!" Xiao Jingyi coughed lightly and said calmly.

Xiao Jingxun: "..."

Isn’t it okay if he doesn’t pretend?
Rolling his eyes, Xiao Jingxun hid in the corner and silently shut himself up.

Wang Wenxin cleared her throat and asked: "Second Young Master Xiao asked me to spread the word about Yonglin's formation. Can I make the tiger leave the mountain?"

"Yes." Xiao Jingyi nodded, "That's what I mean!"

"According to what Master Xuan Yin said, there must be many inner Taoist priests on the Wuming Mountain at this time! None of these people are vegetarians! If we can attract their attention through us, then there will be fewer Taoist priests on the mountain. some people."

"In this way, if we take the opportunity to attack Wumingshan, the chance of success will be much greater."


Wang Wenxin nodded, "Then I'll do it immediately. The Wang family and the Li family have very strong connections, and the news will spread within two days."

"Thank you!"

Xiao Jingyi stood up and bowed to Wang Wenxin respectfully.

"Young Master Xiao, you are so polite. If it weren't for Ran Ran, my brother and I would have been poisoned by someone else. We are doing what we say we should do! What's more, my cousin is getting engaged to your Xiao family. .”

"Yes, yes, you're welcome~" the little breast dumpling said crisply.

Wang Wenxin laughed happily when she heard this.

He rubbed the little breast dumpling's head and went out to give orders.

Xiao Naituanzi asked Xiao Jingyi to write down their plan and then passed it on to Xuan Yin.

In the next two days, Xiao Naitanzi spent time treating those people at Huichun Hall.

At the same time, Mr. Li, the new magistrate from the Yamen, also announced the murder of the Li family in Huaiyang. The truth about the death of not only the Li family in Huaiyang, but also that of Governor Zhou was also announced. .

Both of these were considered major cases, and once they were announced, the entire Ba County felt like it was exploding.

The magistrate of Ba County, Mr. Sun, was immediately brought out, as well as Ye Zhengyong, who came to investigate Governor Zhou's case.

After some fermentation, the trend naturally turned into a connection between the two people, and finally it evolved into the fact that Ye Zhengyong was planning behind the scenes to bewitch people and raise puppets.

Master Li was very satisfied after hearing the remarks outside.

(End of this chapter)

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