Chapter 429 Ye Zhaozhao is ill!

After so many years of enduring humiliation and burden, he finally breathed a sigh of relief!
"Sir! Why do you want to announce this matter? Don't forget that you..."

Guard Chen Liang heard the rumors outside and walked in in a hurry. He asked questions without saluting.

Mr. Li's eyes turned cold.

She turned around and stared at him for a moment.

Chen Liang's heart trembled, and he felt a little cold for no reason.

Sir, what happened today?
It looks exactly the same as before, but why is this look so scary?
It's like... it seems like it's trying to eat people.

No, no, no, this must be my illusion!
He is your lord's savior. Your lord has been very tolerant to him over the years because of this incident. Even Li Xian, who has been with him since childhood, is not as popular as him in front of your lord. How could your lord have any other thoughts about him? Woolen cloth?

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Chen Xian continued to speak: "Sir, this time you announced this matter, but you made Master Ye unfair! You..."

"Chen Liang!"

Before Chen Liang finished speaking, he was interrupted coldly by Mr. Li!

"Big... lord!"

The uneasiness in Chen Liang's heart suddenly surged up again.

"Chen Liang, do you think I am stupid?" Mr. Li stood with his hands behind his hands, and his aura as an imperial envoy kept him calm and intimidated.

It was obviously just a simple question, but it made Chen Liang tremble in his heart.

"Your Excellency, you are extremely intelligent. At a young age, you are the fourth-ranking Dali City Shaoqing. If your Excellency is stupid, then I am afraid there will be no smart people in the world!" Chen Liang replied bravely.


Mr. Li laughed mockingly, and then asked: "Since you think I am so smart, and you have been lurking beside me for so many years, do you think I will not know about it? Or do you think you are better than me?" The official is smart!? Huh?"

Hearing this, Chen Liang's eyes widened in shock, and he didn't even try to hide it.

After reacting, he stammered and asked: "Sir, what are you...what do you mean!?"

"What do I mean? You should know it very well! You have conveyed so much news to Ye Zhengyong over the years. Do you think I really don't know anything about it?"

"I..." Chen Liang choked, and then quibbled: "Sir, isn't it Mr. Ye that you are loyal to? If it weren't for Mr. Ye, how could you now..."

"How did you get to where you are now?" Mr. Li's eyes were full of sneers, and he reached out and pinched Chen Liang's neck, tightening his fingers little by little, "You didn't say that I am smart just now. You have reached your current position at such a young age!?"

"Loyalty to the person named Ye? Haha! Who is he named Ye? Does he deserve it?"


As soon as his words fell, there was a sound of broken bones, Chen Liang's neck tilted, and he died with a glance.

Until his death, he didn't realize why this man who had always been tolerant and generous to him suddenly ended his life!

You know, he is his savior!

"grown ups!"

Li Xian came in with a basin of water and stood respectfully in front of Mr. Li.


Lord Li lowered his eyelids and washed his hands slowly.

He looked as if he was not the one who had just killed someone.

Li Xian, who was in front of him, seemed to have been used to such a scene for a long time, and he didn't even look at Chen Liang who was lying on the ground.After wiping his hands, Master Li said in a deep voice: "Deal with the person, arrest the person named Sun, and... give this token to Fourth Master Xiao!"

"Tell him that I need the support of Jiangnan Governor's army! From now on, arrest those in Wuming Mountain who are persecuting the people."

"In addition, spread the word about the Taoist priests in Wuming Mountain who arrested people to make elixirs and used poison to control puppets. The more we fight, the better. It is best to stir up disputes in the world."

"Finally, the bigger the news, the bigger the better."


In a series, Mr. Li issued many orders!
In less than a day, the popularity of the entire Ba County increased several degrees again.

The people spontaneously wanted to go up the mountain to find the Taoist priests to seek justice for the dead people.

All the major sects in the martial arts world are rushing towards Wuming Mountain one by one, with such momentum that they really want to level the entire Wuming Mountain to the ground.

It's a pity that the Wuming Mountain has steep terrain and vast terrain. These people can't even figure out where the door is, let alone fight their way up the mountain!
For several days, these people in the world didn't even get the slightest clue.

This had to make everyone feel a little discouraged.

On the nameless mountain.


Ye Zhaozhao raised his hand and slapped Taoist Nanhuai on the old face.

Taoist Nanhuai didn't dare to dodge and accepted her slap forcefully.

Her whole body was knocked to the ground by her powerful force, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

He climbed up from the ground silently and with difficulty, standing in front of Ye Zhaozhao with his shoulders slumped and his head lowered, not daring to say a word.

At this moment, a black aura emerged from Ye Zhaozhao's body. Her whole body was shrouded in black mist, and her young face gradually revealed a ferocious look that did not suit her age.

Seeing this, Taoist Master Nanhuai was shocked.

Not caring about anything else, he quickly ran away.

However, before he could escape out the door, a big hand suddenly grabbed the collar behind him!
Nan Huai struggled desperately, his face full of panic.

Ye Zhaozhao is sick again!
Once she gets sick, she needs to absorb the essence of the cultivator.

In the past, she took away the power of luck from the Xiao family, which could temporarily block the erosion of this black energy.

But later, the Xiao family's power of luck could no longer be deprived of them.

Once Ye Zhaozhao is eroded by this black energy, he must absorb the essence of Taoists to heal.

At first, it was one person for a month, and then it was one person for half a month. Now... It has only been three days since the last time she took Qingli's essence, and she fell ill again!
Now there is only herself in front of her. No matter how strong she is, she can't resist the black energy lingering around her, let alone get rid of her shackles.

However, even though he knew that he was about to be drugged to death, human instinct still made him struggle and resist.

"Ha, you want to escape? Impossible! Since you are so useless, let me absorb your essence and cultivate your energy for my enjoyment!"

Ye Zhaozhao's voice suddenly changed. At this time, she was like a messenger from hell. Both her face and her tone were extremely frightening.

Taoist Master Nanhuai couldn't break away, and he could feel his cultivation draining away from his Dantian bit by bit.

"Master, this disciple is here to bring you food!"

At this moment, Xuan Yin's voice sounded at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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