Chapter 431 Xiao Xiaoliu escapes
After leaving Taoist Master Nanhuai's place, Xuan Yin still felt like he was in a dream.

Almost, almost died!

Xuan Yin touched the peace charm he placed on his chest.


It's not broken yet?
Isn't his disaster over yet?
No way?
Even if it’s like that, doesn’t it count as overcoming the tribulation?
It seems that after entering the inner sect, I have to live a more cautious life!

However, if you count the days, such days will not be too long!
Xuan Yin thought for a while, then went to Xiao Jingyan and the others with the food.

As soon as they entered, they saw Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinghan walking around the house, looking very anxious.

Xiao Jingyan, who had always been calm, frowned unconsciously and held a cup tightly in his hand.

As soon as he heard his movement, Xiao Jingrui immediately went over to greet him.

"Master Xuanyin, why did you come here!?"

Xuanyin: "???"

"What's wrong?" Xuan Yin glanced at them in confusion. He didn't see the Xiao Xiaoliu who was giving him chin powder in the room. Xuan Yin was startled, "Where's your Xiao Liu?"

"We were just about to ask you!" Xiao Jinghan asked, "Have you seen our Xiaoliu?"

Xuan Yin was confused.

"Isn't that kid staying with you all the time?"

"When you left in the morning, he said he was going to the toilet! But he never came back. We searched all over the place and couldn't find him at all." Xiao Jingrui said anxiously.

Xuanyin: "???"

"Do your brothers have any magical powers? Can they break this barrier?"

"If he had this ability, how many days would we still be trapped here?" Xiao Jinghan replied.

"Master Xuan Yin, do you still have the talismans on your body?" Xiao Jingyan asked coldly.

Xuanyin: "..."

"Lost...lost some!" Xuan Yin replied subconsciously, and then his eyes widened in shock, "You mean, he took away the talisman on my body?"

"If my guess is correct, it should be!" Xiao Jingyan took a sip of tea and said solemnly.

From the previous correspondence with his second child, he had a vague feeling that this Xiaoliu was no ordinary child.

If his guess was correct, the reason why he was able to escape from Lao Er was probably because he gave Lao Er some croton powder.

The second child has such a cautious temperament, and Xiao Liu has some abilities. How could he be fooled?
In the past two days, after he learned that Xuan Yin was Xiao Nai Tuanzi's senior brother, he had been asking the third and fourth children about Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

The third and fourth children only thought that he liked his sister and wanted to know her better before seeing her again.

But what he didn't expect was that he got interested after knowing that Xiao Naituanzi had given Xuan Yin a lot of talismans.

He directly took away all those things on Xuan Yin's body.

He must have used the invisibility charm in the morning and secretly followed Xuan Yin out of the barrier.

"Have you lost your talisman?"

Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui looked at Xuan Yin in disbelief.

Xuanyin: "..."

He really didn't know what to say at this moment.

He should really be glad that he saved a hand and separated those talismans.

Otherwise, that naughty kid Xiao Xiaoliu would have taken all his talismans away today, and I am afraid that his life would be in the hands of Ye Zhaozhao today.

However, it is not a bad thing that those talismans were taken away by Xiao Xiaoliu.

It's better than everything falling into Ye Zhaozhao's hands.

That's Ran Ran's thing! "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him after I go out. At least after such a long time, there hasn't been any movement on the mountain."

"However, this is the last meal I bring to you!" Xuan Yin told the story of running into Taoist Ye Zhaozhao and Nan Huai, and then said: "After I went to the inner sect, I came into contact with Those alchemy matters! Other things will be much more convenient!"

"In the evening, I will quietly get you the token to break this barrier. You take it first! I believe it won't be long before there will be some movement from Ran Ran and the others. Then you can take the opportunity to leave."

"Yes." Xiao Jingyan and his brothers nodded, "Sorry to trouble you, Master Xuan Yin."

Xuan Yin sighed silently in his heart, speechless.

After leaving the barrier, Xuan Yin went around to inquire if there was any movement on the mountain today.

But after asking for a long time, there was no news at all. On the contrary, the fact that he became an inner disciple made those people jealous for a while.

at this time.

Inside the alchemy room.

Xiao Xiaoliu was hiding on the eaves at this time, watching those people put the medicinal ingredients that he had pissed into the furnace bit by bit and stir them, and he couldn't stop feeling happy.

Let you people catch me!

Let you people do bad things!
It will be an advantage for you if I let you taste my boy's urine.

Smiling, smiling, Xiao Xiaoliu couldn't help but laugh out loud.


Suddenly, someone heard the sound and looked around.

Xiao Xiaoliu rolled his eyes, pinched his mulberry with his hand and said, "I died so miserably... I died so miserably!"

"You pay for my life... pay for my life..."


When the Taoist priest below heard Xiao Xiaoliu's words, he snorted coldly and said with disdain, "Ghost? Since you don't want to be reincarnated, then just follow the poor Taoist!"

As the Taoist priest spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and with a movement of his eyes, he accurately locked his gaze on Xiao Xiaoliu.


Xiao Xiaoliu was startled and almost fell from the beam.

Doesn't it mean that this invisibility charm can hide oneself?Why does this smelly Taoist priest seem to be able to see him?
And also...

The scene in front of me seems a little different from what I imagined.

Aren’t normal people scared by ghosts?
Why is this person still thinking about collecting ghosts?
However, before he could react, his hand was suddenly grabbed by someone.


The Taoist priest held his hand and pulled hard, and Xiao Xiaoliu was pulled down.

His butt landed heavily on the ground, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Ha! It turns out it's a little brat who's playing tricks here!"

The Taoist priest sneered and put away the bottle in his hand.

Xiao Xiaoliu blinked his innocent peach eyes hard, patted his butt and stood up, "Can you see me?"

"It's a small trick, it's embarrassing." The Taoist said disdainfully.

Xiao Xiaoliu: "..."

Sister, what the hell are you doing? You’ve tricked your dear sixth brother before we even met!
"If you stayed up there peacefully, I wouldn't have noticed you with your invisibility skills, but you exposed yourself! Tell me, did you run out from the back mountain? How did those people look after you? !”

The Taoist priest's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stretched out his hand to catch Xiao Xiaoliu, "Since you have run out, let you get into the pot and refine the medicine first!"

(End of this chapter)

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