Chapter 432: Knocked out!

Xiao Xiaoliu suddenly had one head and two heads!
His feelings were not cheated by his unknown sister, but by himself!
"Look, what is that!"

Xiao Xiaoliu was caught off guard and suddenly pointed to a place and said in surprise.

When the Taoist priest heard this, he subconsciously looked towards where he was pointing.

Xiao Xiaoliu turned around and ran away.

Although he is thin and small, he can run away extremely fast.

The Taoist priest accidentally let him slip out of the alchemy room.

"You bastard! How dare you lie to me!" the Taoist priest gritted his teeth.

Just as he was about to chase him out, a strange fragrance came out of the alchemy furnace next to him.

That's the smell of medicine.

Taoist priests have made countless elixirs, so they naturally know that this is the critical moment for elixir condensation.

He has been refining this elixir personally for quite some time, so he cannot take it lightly at this time.

After looking at the direction Xiao Xiaoliu left, the Taoist gritted his teeth!

"Brat, don't let me see you again!"


Xiao Xiaoliu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Taoist priest didn't follow him.

"so far so good!"


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the alchemy room just now.

Xiao Xiaoliu was startled, and driven by curiosity, he quickly found a place to hide and looked at the alchemy room.

It is common for furnaces to explode in the alchemy room. These Taoist priests have experience and skills. Basically, they will protect themselves when condensing elixirs.

So after more than ten years, no one has been injured.

This time, everyone only thought that the furnace explosion was a common occurrence.


What they didn't expect was that an accident happened this time.

The Taoist priest inside had no time to protect himself with magic, and the alchemy furnace exploded!
He was blasted out of the room, and he flew out and fell heavily to the ground, unconscious.

Xiao Xiaoliu waited outside for a while, but no one came to help the Taoist priest for a long time.

hey-hey!Xiao Xiaoliu covered his mouth and smiled, then walked out swaggeringly.

"You bitch, if I make you do bad things, if I make you want to kill me, I will kill you!"

As Xiao Xiaoliu said this, he kicked the man unceremoniously.

After kicking him, Xiao Xiaoliu still couldn't relieve his anger, so he took another blow from the Taoist priest's arms.

A pile of pills and banknotes were found from his arms.

Looking at the banknote, Xiao Xiaoliu's eyes lit up!

Ouch... With these banknotes, he won't have to live a tight life in the future!

Looking at those pills, Xiao Xiaoliu laughed twice more, and then poured them all into the Taoist priest's mouth.

After doing this, Xiao Xiaoliu clapped his hands, turned around and left!

The way he walked without acknowledging his relatives and his air of arrogance made anyone who saw him want to beat him up.


However, before he could stand up for long, someone gave him a slap from behind.

Xiao Xiaoliu: "..."


who is it!Who dared to knock him! ?

However, before he could clearly see the person behind him, Xiao Xiaoliu rolled his eyes and fainted.

When he woke up again, it was night.

It was pitch black and it was hard to see clearly what was around, but you could vaguely hear a few breathing sounds around you.

Xiao Xiaoliu's mouth was sealed and he couldn't open his mouth at all.

His hands and feet were also tied, and he could only move his little butt little by little toward a place where he could breathe.

When he met a person next to him, he clearly felt that person flinch.


Xiao Xiaoqi whined at him.

However, the people next to him didn't react at all.

(End of this chapter)

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