Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 433 Xiao Xiaolu was kidnapped, and Ran Ran became even cuter!

Chapter 433 Xiao Xiaoliu was kidnapped, and Ran Ran became even cuter!

There was a "squeak" sound, and the door was suddenly opened from the outside.

An old man about fifty came in.

Xiao Xiaoliu stared at the old man who secretly walked in with a candle.

The old man couldn't help but take a steady look at him through the light.

"Are you really that girl Ranran's sixth brother?"

As the old man spoke, he looked Xiao Xiaoliu up and down.

Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoliu's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and immediately a bright light flashed across his eyes. Unable to move his hands and feet, he excitedly twisted his body, his little head bit by bit.

"Yes." The old man nodded, "In that case, just stay here honestly for the next few days!"


Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi was instantly confused!

Doesn’t this old man know Ran Ran?
Why not save him?
Seemingly sensing Xiao Xiaoliu's doubts, the old man added, "You kid, you are really not afraid of tigers like a newborn calf. You can run around without even looking where you are!"

"Since you are restless if I let you go, then I'll lock you up!"

"As long as your eldest brother and your brothers are brought here by Xuan Yin, it will be fine as long as they don't die!"

After saying that, the old man ignored him, gave each of the other three children in the room a bun, and left the room on his own.

Xiao Xiaoliu: "..."

Where is his bun?
He is also hungry!

Woohoo, brothers are so cruel!
The old man saw Xuan Yin after he went out.

"How is he?"

"As you said, he is not a peaceful master!" the old man said.

"But don't feel bad for him. He'll be restless even if he's been hungry for two days!"

"There are several other children inside, but we can't let his willfulness harm him!" "I guess it won't take long before Ran Ran and the others will lead their men to attack the mountain!"

Hearing this, Xuan Yin glanced at the room and nodded slightly.

"You're right, we can't let that naughty kid come out and cause trouble!"

Those children were saved by him and Old Man Dan with great difficulty in the past few days. They must not be harmed because of an ignorant kid!

Even if that person is Xiao Naituanzi's biological brother, that won't work!

Xuan Yin and Old Man Dan exchanged a few words and left quickly.

The next morning, as soon as Xiao Naitanzi woke up, he saw a familiar figure sitting beside his bed.

The little breasted dumpling blinked, then rubbed it again, and then blinked hard again.

When he was sure that the person sitting in front of him was the real fourth uncle, he immediately pounced on him.

"Uncle Four!"

The little breasted dumpling had a look of joy on her face, and her voice was soft and sweet.

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Jingzhe's face, and he reached out to hold the little breast dumpling in his arms.

God knows how anxious he was when he received the news from Ba County.

He rushed here day and night with almost all the soldiers he could mobilize.

Despite this, he was still afraid that something would happen to her, so he rushed over to see her without even taking a rest as soon as he got here.

Xiao Jingzhe looked at the fat little ball-like breasts, stretched out his hand and pinched her little face, and said with confusion: "You haven't changed for so long, why have you gained weight? "

Little milk dumpling: "..."

She pinched her cheeks subconsciously, and suddenly smiled and said: "It's not that Ran Ran is fat, it's that Ran Ran is cuter!"

(End of this chapter)

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