Chapter 434 Min Shenxing’s changes!

"Yes, you are cuter!" Xiao Jingzhe followed his words, his eyes full of doting.

The little breasted dumpling sat up from the bed and jumped down.

He patted the bed in front of him and said, "Uncle Four is tired. Uncle Four, please take a nap!"

Xiao Jingzhe's fatigue disappeared instantly when he heard her heart-warming words.

"it is good."

Xiao Jingzhe pinched her little face with a smile on his face.

"Then Ranran goes to eat first."

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded heavily on his little head, turned around and ran out.

Before leaving, she cast a small soundproofing spell on the room to prevent any noise from disturbing Xiao Jingzhe's sleep.

Unless he wakes up on his own, no one or anything can disturb him!
As soon as the little girl arrived at the door of the living room, she saw her second brother Xiao Jingyi and fifth brother Xiao Jingxun coming out, looking a little anxious.

"Second brother, fifth brother, why are you going?"

The little breasted dumpling looked confused and looked at the two of them doubtfully.

"Ran Ran, where is the fourth uncle?" Xiao Jingxun asked.

"Sleeping!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi replied, his eyes wandered around their bodies, and Nai Hui said, "You can't disturb the fourth uncle."

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi left them behind and walked into the living room.

Xiao Jingyi and Xiao Jingxun looked at each other and then looked back.

Wang Wenxin looked at the two of them and chuckled: "Ran Ran is right, you better not disturb your fourth uncle. We can wait until he wakes up to say hello. I looked at his expression this morning. He probably hasn't taken good care of himself in a few days." It’s time to rest!”

"Yeah." The two brothers hummed softly.

After having breakfast, Xiaonuituanzi went to see Wu Tong. Wu Tong was in good physical condition and recovered quickly from minor injuries after taking the antidote.

After seeing Wu Tong, she went to Huichun Hall.

As evening approached, Xiao Naituanzi was about to go back when he saw a familiar figure at the door.

"Brother Min!"

Looking at Min Shenxing standing at the door, Xiao Naituanzi's eyes lit up and he called out sweetly.

Then a pair of big eyes stared at Min Shenxing non-stop.

"Hehe, Brother Min has grown stronger!" Xiao Tuanzi smiled so hard that his eyes turned into crescents.

Min Shenxing touched his cheek, then he smiled and said: "How is it? I haven't seen your brother Min for so long, do you miss me!?"

"!" Xiao Naituanzi answered in a crisp voice after considering it seriously for a while.

When Min Shenxing heard this, he immediately looked like he was about to cry.

"You little girl, you really make me so sad!"


Seeing this, the little breasted dumpling couldn't help but giggle.

"Hmph!" Min Shenxing snorted at her, "Fortunately, as soon as I arrived in Ba County and knew you were here, I came to see you immediately. I didn't expect that you, a heartless little thing, would almost forget about me. "

"No, no!" Xiao Naituanzi quickly stepped forward to comfort him, "Ran Ran still remembers Brother Min!"


Min Shenxing rolled his eyes when he heard this, and said angrily: "Let's go, as your bodyguard, I will escort you home!"

"Okay, okay!"

The little girl nodded her little head with a smile.

Today's Min Shenxing is very different from before. In just two months, not only has he become taller and stronger, but his skin has also become much darker.He looks healthy and not as thin as before.

On the way back to the other hospital, Min Shenxing told Xiaonai Tuanzi what had happened in the past two months.

It turns out that after the second master of the Min family died, the soldiers under the second master of the Min family started making trouble.

The second master Min had been bewitched before, which led him to give some wrong orders. Although the fourth master and the fifth master Min went there in time with Mr. Min's token, they could only save some.

Because of this incident and the malicious slander and provocation by someone in the army.

So these Min family troops were divided into two factions.

Fourth Master Min and Fifth Master Min had no experience in leading troops and could not suppress them at all. Old Master Min was also old, so Old Master Min accepted Xiao Jingzhe's proposal.

The position of Governor of Jiangnan was handed over to Xiao Jingzhe.

Prince An and Uncle Min were present at the court, and Xiao Jingzhe had that ability, so Xiao Jingzhe quickly secured his position as the governor of Jiangnan.

But Mr. Min also made a condition for Xiao Jingzhe, that is, let him accept Min Shen as his disciple. When the Xiao family returns to its former glory, the position of governor of Jiangnan will still belong to the Min family!

Xiao Jingzhe's original intention was not to recruit these troops from the Min family, but he just needed these people to do things for them at this time, so he readily agreed.

And Xiao Jingzhe didn't accept his disciples casually.

After Min Shenxing washed his menstruation and cut his marrow, his body and bones were much better than before.

Following Xiao Jingzhe for the past two months, Xiao Jingzhe was able to make him wonderful.

Therefore, in just two months, under Xiao Jingzhe's training, Min Shenxing transformed from a weak little chicken into an eagle that can soar high.

After Min Shenxing experienced what happened to his second uncle, he grew up a lot in an instant.

Therefore, he has really learned a lot from Xiao Jingzhe in the past two months.

"Brother Min, Ranran is happy for you!"

After hearing what Min Shenxing said, Xiao Naituanzi was also happy for him.

Min Shenxing also likes himself very much now. Although he is not strong enough yet, he will work harder in the future.

As soon as the two returned to the other courtyard, they saw many soldiers standing at the door of the other courtyard.

When those people saw Min Shenxing, they bowed their hands to him respectfully, and shouted in unison, "Little Governor!"

Hearing the address, Min Shenxing glanced at Xiaonuituanzi subconsciously, and there was a suspicious hint of shyness on his somewhat dark cheeks.

Then he straightened his face and said in a deep voice: "What do you call me, little governor! Just call me by my name!"

"Yes, little governor!" everyone shouted in unison.

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Okay, you boy!"

At this time, Xu Yan's voice sounded from behind, and the two of them turned around to see his sizing eyes falling on Min Shenxing, with a smile on his lips, "You can do it!"

"When I knew you went to the military camp with Fourth Uncle Xiao, I thought you wouldn't be able to hold on for a few days before you would come back crying! I didn't expect that not only did you persist, but you also looked like you had changed a lot!"

Xu Yan said, and put his arm around Min Shenxing's shoulders, "Come, come, come, our little governor Min, please tell me how Uncle Xiao taught you, did you hide secretly behind anyone's back?" Cry in bed!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Min Shenxing bumped his stomach with his elbow, curled his lips and distanced himself from him.

"Stop burying me here!"

Xu Yan chuckled lightly and put his hand on his shoulder again.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go in and talk in detail!"

(End of this chapter)

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