Chapter 435 Cold face and warm heart!

After the three of them entered the room, they saw brothers Xiao Jingzhe, Xiao Jingyi and Xiao Jingxun sitting together.

The atmosphere between the three is a little delicate.

Especially Xiao Jingxun, he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

When they saw them coming in, there was an obvious movement of relief.

"Ran Ran, you are back!" Xiao Jingxun smiled.

Call ~
that's nice!

The little tit dumpling is finally back!
When I stayed with my fourth uncle and didn't talk, the atmosphere was so depressing!
"Yes, yes!" Xiaonuituanzi looked at this, then at that, then grinned at them, revealing two cute dimples, "What are you talking about!"

"I didn't say anything, I was just waiting for you to come back." Xiao Jingzhe rubbed her soft hair, his face full of indifference.

"Oh!" Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded his head, but without asking any further questions, he held his belly and said, "Ranran is hungry, she needs to eat something full!"

"Let's go, let's fill our stomachs first." Xiao Jingzhe stood up immediately, bent down and held the little breast dumplings in his arms, and walked towards the dining room.

Xu Yan and Min Shenxing looked at each other from behind, and then Xu Yan introduced Min Shenxing and the Xiao brothers to each other.

The three of them greeted each other.

We chatted quickly.

"Brother Min, what's so special about you? That my fourth uncle accepted you as his disciple?" Xiao Jingxun put his arms around Min Shenxing's shoulders familiarly, full of curiosity.

Fourth uncle is a man of few words, but has a strong aura!When you're with him, he has to be careful even when he breathes.

Boring and uninteresting.

Taciturn and indifferent.

He was very curious about how Min Shenxing became a disciple of his fourth uncle, and how he managed to survive being trained in his hands.

Hearing this, Min Shenxing touched his nose with some embarrassment, "I have nothing special about me, so Master had no choice but to accept me as his disciple!"


When Min Shenxing said this, brothers Xiao Jingyi and Xiao Jingxun became even more curious.

Min Shenxing briefly explained the process of Xiao Jingzhe accepting him as his disciple, and then said: "At first, like you, I was frightened when I saw the master, but then after getting along with him for a while, I discovered who the master is. In fact, he is a cold-hearted person."

"Cold-faced and hot-hearted? Are you sure you are talking about my fourth uncle?" Xiao Jingxun couldn't believe that the person Min Shenxing was talking about turned out to be his fourth uncle. All he had heard before was how cruel he was in the past. How to deal with people decisively and so on.

"Of course."

Min Shenxing said: "It was only after I actually entered the military camp that I understood a lot of truths."

"Master looked cold, but he didn't hide anything in his teachings to me! Brother Xu Yan knows best how I used to be! If it weren't for Master, I would still be the dragster standing behind others."

"Master said that he is strict with us on weekdays so that we will have less sacrifices when we actually go to the battlefield one day! He usually looks cold and cold, but he is extremely concerned about the situation of every soldier. Many of them He would personally ask about trivial matters."

"You will understand after you have really been together for a while. "

Xiao Jingyi thought for a while and said: "The fourth uncle's prestige and reputation in the military cannot be solved by relying on brute force alone."

Xiao Jingxun also nodded in understanding.

Even so, it still couldn't change the cold image of his fourth uncle in his heart.

"Not bad, you boy!"

Xu Yan looked at Min Shenxing approvingly.

His growth in these two months was faster than his growth in the previous ten years.Min Shenxing smiled calmly and said, "It's all the master's teachings."

After dinner, Xiao Jingzhe called everyone together to discuss how to attack Wuming Mountain.

Xiao Naituanzi showed Xiao Jingzhe all the letters that Xuan Yin sent her in the past few days.

After Xiao Jingzhe read it, he looked at Xiao Jingyi approvingly, "Your response is good!"

"Master Xuan Yin said that in order to capture our Xiao family, many people were sent down to Wuming Mountain." Xiao Jingyi said in a deep voice: "Should we take this opportunity to capture Wuming Mountain?"

"How is your agency prepared?" Xiao Jingzhe did not answer Xiao Jingyi's question. Instead, he looked at Xiao Jingxun and asked.

Xiao Jingxun suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He subconsciously sat up straight and coughed lightly before replying: "We have secretly set up the mechanism in the past two days, but we are not completely ready yet. It will take another two days." .”

"One day! I'll give you one day, get ready!" Xiao Jingzhe said seriously, with a tone that said he could not refuse.

Xiao Jingxun: "..."

"This...I'm afraid..."

Xiao Jingxun was a little hesitant. After all, they only dared to go there in the evening.

"I will arrange for a hundred people to go with you." Xiao Jingzhe saw his hesitation and added.

Those Taoist priests are not easy to mess with. Although Ran Ran has arranged a formation in Yonglin, there is no guarantee that they will not use other methods to lure the Xiao family out.

Therefore, they must rush to catch all the Taoist priests in Wuming Mountain before they break through Yongji.

Calculating this way, there is not much time left for them.

The soldiers came here today and rested outside the city for a day. It would be just the right time to attack the mountain the next day.

"That's no problem!" Xiao Jingxun said confidently.

What they lack is people. If they had people, everything would be easier.

"Okay, let Min Shenxing order a hundred soldiers to follow you later." Xiao Jingzhe said while looking at Min Shenxing.

Min Shenxing stood up immediately and responded, "Yes."

Then, a few people briefly chatted about how to go up the mountain and some strategic arrangements.

Xiao Jingzhe's plan was set up perfectly, and everyone else followed his arrangements and went down to prepare.

That night, Xiao Jingxun and Min Shenxing took people to the foot of Wuming Mountain. They worked on the mountainside all night before descending the mountain before dawn.

Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Naituanzi got up early and went to the county government office.

Master Li seemed very excited to see Xiao Jingzhe, and his eye circles turned red unconsciously.

"Li Boming has met Mr. Xiao!"

Xiao Jingzhe raised his eyebrows slightly and looked a little confused when he saw Master Li who was so respectful to him.

"Master, this Master Li seems to be a little unusual towards you." Qin Shi whispered in his ear.

You must know that Xiao Jingzhe does not have any official position now, and even the current position of Governor of Jiangnan is only temporary!

That’s right, it’s only temporary!

This moment is not worth mentioning for a fourth-rank official like Mr. Li, so his gift... seems a little unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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