Chapter 436: Killing on the mountain!
"Let's take a look first and then talk!" Xiao Jingzhe looked very calm.

Since this person is my brother's guarantor, he is a person worthy of trust.

Moreover, he also knew from Wang Wenxin before that his eldest nephew had tested him and had already killed the suspicious guard.

"Master Li!" Xiao Jingzhe returned the greeting, polite and distant without losing his courtesy.

Mr. Li raised his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes, "It's Bo Ming's good fortune to see Fourth Master Xiao again. Please come to Fourth Master Xiao!"

Xiao Jingzhe caught the word "him" and thought about the appearance of Mr. Li in his mind, but he didn't have any impression.

Xiao Jingzhe glanced at Qin Shi, and saw that Qin Shi's eyes were also full of doubts.

The two of them sat down calmly with their little breasts.

At this time, Master Li said excitedly: "Fourth Master Xiao may not remember me. We met 20 years ago. If it hadn't been for you and Third Master Xiao, our family and even our whole village would have died."

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

Qin Shi: "..."

This happened 20 years ago, no wonder they have no impression of this Mr. Li.

"Master Li, that happened 20 years ago, so there is really no need to worry so much!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"No, no, no!" Master Li said hurriedly: "To you, this may not be anything, but to me and my tribe, it is a blessing to survive."

"A few years ago, when I was on my way to the capital, if it hadn't been for Miss Xiao, I wouldn't have made it safely!" As he said that, Mr. Li glanced at Xiaotai Dumpling, with tears faintly flashing in his eyes.

"Have you met my little sister?"

When Xiao Ning was mentioned, Xiao Jingzhe's voice was obviously trembling and excited.

"Yes." Mr. Li nodded, "That was when I first came to Beijing, and I encountered danger at the foot of the Yongfu Temple in the capital. She was the one who saved me at that time!"

"I was robbed of money and was penniless, so she took me to Beijing and gave me some money."

"But I didn't know who she was, and there was no way I could repay her. It wasn't until I met Mr. Xiao Wu two years later, who looked just like her, that I realized she was a young lady from the Xiao family."

"But at that time, Miss Xiao had already..." Mr. Li said, and his eyes turned red unconsciously.

Then he smiled bitterly, his eyes fell on Ran Ran, and there was a trace of hope in his eyes, "Whose child is she...?"

"Is Miss Xiao not dead yet?"

When Xiao Jingzhe heard this, he pursed his lips tightly and said, "Ranran is indeed my sister's child, but... we don't know what happened back then. Ranran was picked up and raised by her master. !”

"Master Li, the past is over, so don't worry too much about it."

Hearing this, Master Li took a deep breath.

"Make Fourth Master laugh!" Mr. Li quickly calmed down his emotions and got to the point.

The little breasted dumpling didn't care what they were talking about, he just kept stuffing things into his mouth.

While Xiao Jingzhe was chatting with Mr. Li, he also did not forget to take care of the little breast dumpling.

The image looks natural and harmonious.

Such a scene made the adults watching on the side feel a little incredible.

It's hard to imagine that someone like Mr. Xiao could be so gentle and considerate to a little baby.

This is not my child. If this was my child, it would really hurt to hold it in my hands!

Xiao Jingzhe didn't know what Master Li was thinking at this time, but if he knew, he would probably sneer at him.His own child... If it is a girl, he will naturally hold it in his hands, but if it is a boy, humph...

It's a pity that the woman he wants to have children with no longer belongs to him!
So...he will never have a child of his own in this life!
During the meal, Xiao Jingzhe was eating dumplings, Master Li was talking, and Xiao Jingzhe put forward his own opinions from time to time.

An hour passed, the little milk dumplings were full, and Xiao Jingzhe and Mr. Li had finished talking.

As soon as they left the county government office, Mr. Li ordered his bodyguard Li Xianjiang to arrange the solution discussed with Xiao Jingzhe.

Not only that, he also asked Li Xian to imitate the notes of the previous guard named Chen and send a letter to the person behind him.

Xiao Jingzhe led his troops, and the movement was not small.

After such publicity from the county government, many people from the Jianghu community who stayed in Ba County were willing to join Xiao Jingzhe and the others to slay demons.

In the afternoon, Zhao Hu, under Xiao Jingzhe's instructions, gathered all the people who were willing to follow them to Wumingshan Jianghu.

The soldiers Xiao Jingzhe brought this time were not many, only 8000.

These people are ordinary soldiers, incomparable to those who have been on the battlefield. Although they train regularly, if you really talk about it, they are still not as good as those who have martial arts skills.

But fortunately, under Xiao Jingzhe's training, these soldiers are very good at team fighting.

In some aspects, it is much better than these people in the world who have little organizational discipline.

After Xiaotuanzi came back from the county government office, he locked himself in a room and drew talismans.

The talismans and seals were sacrificed one after another, forming a thick pile on the side.

After drawing the talisman, she started refining the elixir.

There was not enough time, so she only refined two or three furnaces of elixirs.

Xu Yan was not idle here either. He prepared a lot of medicinal materials and sent them to Xiao Jingzhe and the others in case of emergency.

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed!
Early that morning, Xiao Jingzhe led these people in the world to Wuming Mountain according to the drawings given by Xuan Yin.

Zhao Hu, on the other hand, led those people in the arena at the forefront.

It was nearing Youshi time that everyone arrived at the foot of Wuming Mountain.

Looking at this towering mountain peak, everyone's heart was filled with doubts.

"Is this really here? We have been to this place before, but there is no way up the mountain at all."

"Yes, yes! And the mountain is so high, can people really live here?"

"Is there a mistake!? Boss Zhao, is the news you got true? Don't you want to trick us!?"

"No! No matter how I look at it, this mountain doesn't look like a place where people can live!"


"Everyone, don't worry. Since we came straight here, it means that we have already determined that this is where the Taoist priests gather." Zhao Hu stood at the front, calming the emotions of these people.

Seeing that they became quiet, he continued, "The mountains here are all connected together. Take a closer look. Except for the fog rising from the top of this mountain, is there no fog on the other mountains?"

"What... what does this mean?"

"It's really strange to say that!"



Seeing this, Zhao Hu stopped pretending and said in a deep voice: "We couldn't find this way before. That's because someone set up a formation here. As long as we break the formation, the way up the mountain will be there." In front of you!
(End of this chapter)

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