Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 438 Overestimating one’s own capabilities! ?

Chapter 438 Overestimating one’s own capabilities! ?
"Want to eat Ranran? Ranran is very chewy!"

There was no fear on the little girl's face, instead she was smiling.

"Princess, Ran Ran used a sound spell to spread what you just said! Now everyone under the mountain knows about you!"

"Hey, isn't it a surprise?"

"Isn't it surprising?"

"No need to thank you too much Ranranyou~"

"Ran Ran has made you famous!"

"You!" Ye Zhaozhao's expression changed instantly when he heard Xiao Naituanzi's words.

She had been lurking in Dazhou for so many years, trying hard to please the incompetent Emperor of Dazhou, and giving herself a good reputation just to blatantly cultivate her own power.

Now that the great cause has not been accomplished, if the incident in Wumingshan spreads out, her many years of operation may eventually be ruined.

When he thought of this, sparks appeared in Ye Zhaozhao's eyes.

"Okay, in that case, no one who comes to Wuming Mountain today can leave alive!"

"A little girl thinks she has some abilities and thinks she can shake a big tree!? She is simply overestimating her abilities!"

"Nan Huai! Put all the puppets down the mountain, leaving no one behind!" Ye Zhaozhao ordered, and immediately attacked Xiaonai Tuanzi.

Xiao Naituanzi dodged cleverly, and the talismans flew out of her hands one after another.

"Come on, come on, come and eat me!"

The little breasted dumpling was smiling, without any sense of nervousness at all.

But it was her attitude that made Ye Zhaozhao's already distorted psychology even more distorted.

"court death!"

Ye Zhaozhao grinded her back molars, then clasped her hands together to form a move that was natural. A red umbrella came out from her chest, spinning, spinning and expanding.

The sharp thorns on the side of the umbrella exuded black evil energy.

Xiao Naituanzi's heart trembled, and she didn't dare to be careless at the moment.

He raised his little hand and the money sword appeared in his hand.


Hearing her chuckle, the money sword instantly spread out, surrounding the red umbrella.

Each gold coin exudes golden light, constantly absorbing the evil energy emanating from the red umbrella.

Ye Zhaozhao looked at this scene in disbelief, with a trace of astonishment appearing on his immature face.

The hand in her hand was constantly changing, and she was controlling her magic weapon in an attempt to break free from the shackles of Xiao Naituanzi's money sword, but no matter how hard she tried, it was to no avail.


Suddenly, she sneered, no longer obsessed with the contest between the red umbrella and the money sword.

Turning her palm upward, a box instantly appeared in her hand.

Xiaonaituanzi had seen such a box once.

That time it was in the hands of Qingfeng, and what was inside was the evil god's clone.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

She is waiting!
Waiting for Senior Brother Xuan Yin to appear.

But after such a long time, Senior Brother Xuan Yin still hasn't made any move.


Ye Zhaozhao looked at Xiaonuituanzi's sudden change in expression and thought she was scared, so he started laughing.

"You still think it's so powerful? Are you scared now?"

The small-breasted dumpling pursed her lower lip slightly, turned her palm over, and a burst of inner energy shot out from her palm. "boom!!!"

There was only a bang, but in a matter of seconds, the formation covering the Wuming Mountain was broken in an instant.

Seeing this, Ye Zhaozhao was stunned for a moment.

He reacted instantly, his voice sharp and disbelieving, "You did it on purpose! You didn't break the formation on purpose!"

The little breasted dumpling didn’t tell her so much nonsense!
The hands condensed, and golden rays of light came out of the palms.

A formation was formed instantly, covering Wuming Mountain again.

Then, talismans came out from the palm of her hand, emitting golden light, expanding and expanding above the formation, almost lighting up the entire mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, everyone was watching this scene.

Xiao Jingzhe was very pleased, but at the same time his face was full of worry.

But at this time, it was not the time for him to lead his men up the mountain, so he could only wait anxiously on the spot.

Over there, Taoist Master Nanhuai and his two apprentices led a puppet down the mountain.

Seeing that their previous formation was broken, they were inevitably a little panicked.

"Master, we all underestimated that little girl! That formation was set up by you and Master yourself! I didn't expect it to be broken so quickly!" said a disciple.

Taoist priest Nanhuai looked ugly and looked up at Ye Zhaozhao who was drinking and playing with small breast dumplings at the top of the mountain.

If it hadn't been for her, why would he have become like this! ?

At this time, his skill is not as powerful as that of his apprentice!
"Stop talking nonsense, they have nothing but a little girl who knows magic! All of our disciples in Wumingshan know magic, but they can't just attack at will! There is a master who can hold that one back Little girl, the others are vulnerable!" Taoist Nanhuai said.

In today's situation, we have no choice but to deal with it head on.

What's more, they may not lose in the current situation.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the top of Wuming Mountain was suddenly enveloped by another formation.


The other two Taoist priests looked at this formation that affected spiritual power in disbelief.

Taoist Priest Nanhuai couldn't help but panic when he saw this.

Is that little doll so powerful?
The disciples of Wuming Mountain were all trapped in the formation. At this time, they were like turtles in an urn.

"Look, there's a puppet here!"

At this moment, Zhao Hu and Xiao Jingxun appeared with people not far away.

Taoist Priest Nanhuai sneered and looked at Xiao Jingxun and others with disdain, "A bunch of ants, since you are seeking death, then I will help you, poor Taoist!"

As he said this, Taoist Master Nanhuai winked at his two apprentices.

The two understood and immediately controlled the puppets to attack Xiao Jingxun and the others.

Xiao Jingxun was not afraid at all, he just stood there and looked at the Taoist priests with a half-smile.

When the puppets attacked, they led the puppets in one direction.

Among the people selected by Zhao Hu, although their martial arts skills are not the last, their light skills are definitely the best!

Although they couldn't defeat these puppets, they could lure them away.

"Master, do you feel that something is not quite right about these people?" After a while, a Taoist priest felt that something was not quite right and looked at Taoist Nanhuai with confusion.

"What could be wrong!???" Taoist Master Nan Huai didn't see anything wrong at all. On the contrary, he was very proud of himself.

See, these people are overestimating themselves!

How can ordinary people like them defeat these immortal puppets!

(End of this chapter)

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