Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 439: The formation is broken, the lost dog!

Chapter 439: The formation is broken, the lost dog!

Taoist Master Nan Huai's face flashed with anger, and the doubtful man immediately did not dare to say anything more.

Just at this moment, one of them was accidentally knocked to the ground by the puppet and screamed in pain.

The doubts in the Taoist priest's mind no longer existed.

"Master is right, these are puppets! They can't be beaten to death! These people just know the Kung Fu of a three-legged cat, how can they compare with puppets! Even if they are tired, they will be exhausted to death!" One of them said the disciple.

Not to be outdone, another disciple looked at Taoist Master Nan Huai and praised, "Master is still awesome!"

After hearing such praise, Taoist Priest Nanhuai's unhappiness immediately disappeared and he felt extremely comfortable.

However, before they were happy for long, they saw a "boom" of fire not far ahead.

The fire was fierce and fierce, but within a short time all the puppets were surrounded by it. Look at those people in the world...

At this moment, where is the slightest trace of them?

Taoist Nanhuai's expression was extremely gloomy.

The joy just now disappeared without a trace in this moment.

The smiles on the faces of the other two Taoist priests froze directly on their own faces.


One of the Taoist priests swallowed his saliva and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"What are you still waiting for? Come on now!"

Taoist Master Nan Huai took action and pushed the two people out.



After a while, the screams of two Taoist priests came from the mountainside.

Not far away, Xiao Jingxun looked at the puppets and the two Taoist priests in the sea of ​​fire with his hands folded across his chest, a contemptuous smile on his face.

This fire is not an ordinary fire, but the three-flavored real fire that Ranran has prepared a long time ago.

This fire cannot be put out casually by incompetent people.

Just these puppets and the two Taoist priests, just wait to die!

Taoist Master Nan Huai saw that the situation was over and that he was not strong enough at this time, so he turned around and ran away.


Looking at the man running away like a lost dog, the corner of Xiao Jingxun's mouth twitched.

If they didn't have other more important things to do, he would have to kill him!
"Fifth Young Master, we should go pick up the First Young Master and the others!" Zhao Hu reminded.

"Yeah." Xiao Jingxun nodded.

Xiao Jingyan and the others took the children and left from the back mountain road. They didn't meet any Taoist priests along the way, so it was very safe!

It's just that these children have been locked up for too long and are weak. Even their courage is very small. It's a bit difficult to take them away with them.

When Xiao Jingxun and Zhao Hu received them, they were carrying several children on their backs.

Zhao Hu hurriedly ordered people to escort them down the mountain, and then took out a signal bomb from his waist and put it into the air.

When Xiao Jingzhe saw the signal flare, he immediately led his soldiers up the mountain.

After Xiao Naituanzi saw the signal, he quickly drew a few talisman seals in the air and offered them up.

within the array.

Ye Zhaozhao and her disciples endured the violent storms and rain in the formation for a while, and endured the sun, wind and sand for a while. Each one of them was about to go crazy from the torture.

And Ye Zhaozhao was also tortured severely.After all, she underestimated this little breasted baby.

He was obviously just a five-year-old baby, but he didn't expect this technique to be so powerful.

Even if she uses the evil god's clone, she can only protect herself within her formation. It is basically impossible to find the formation eye to break the formation!

Because this formation is unpredictable, its formation eyes are constantly changing.

Ye Zhaozhao was known as a genius in the past, but compared to this little baby in front of him, he was so inferior.

Ye Zhaozhao was unwilling to give in!

Very unwilling!

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the pressure within the formation weakened, and a look of joy immediately flashed across her eyes.

This means that the little girl outside can no longer hold on.

"Disciples of the Wuming Mountain, listen to the order, steady your mind, hold your breath and concentrate, we will break the formation within seven miles!"


Upon hearing this order, everyone responded in unison and took action to gather all their inner energy together.



Everyone heard a violent bang, and the formation covering the top of the mountain dispersed instantly.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and there seemed to be a haze covering the sky, not even a single star could be seen.

Without the inner pressure of the formation, the Taoist priests in Wuming Mountain all climbed up one by one, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

The small breast dumplings slowly landed in front of them, with no emotion or joy visible on their small faces.

Compared with the embarrassment and weakness of those Taoist priests, Ye Zhaozhao seemed like a fine person.

At this time, she was standing opposite Xiao Naituanzi, staring at Xiaonan Dumpling with her eyes as if she had spit poison.


"What other tricks are there? Just use them, but this... is not enough to fill the gap between my princess's teeth!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

What kind of bullshit princess is she? She’s not very capable, but she’s really good at talking big!

Compared with Qingfeng and others that she met before, she is indeed not bad!

But if she hadn't used the power of the evil god in the formation, did she think she could still maintain her dignity?
The group of Taoist priests standing behind her all felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing what she said.

Compared to Ye Zhaozhao, they listened more to the orders of Taoist Nanhuai. If Taoist Nanhuai had not been so respectful to this little princess and ordered them to call her "Master", how would they have listened? Her order?
If he hadn't used their strength to break the formation, did he think she could come out safely?

But in the end, they still didn't complain about this at this time.

Xiao Naituanzi glanced around at the faces of these people, and finally saw his senior brother Xuan Yin in a corner.

Xuan Yin knew that Xiaonuituanzi was looking at her, so he couldn't help but blink at her.

The little girl's eyes also blinked, and then she looked away, looked at Ye Zhaozhao and said crisply: "What on earth are you? You look like a demon but not a devil, you look like an evil but not evil! You don't look like a human being, you don't even look like a human being." Not a ghost!"

"Hmph! Want to know?" Ye Zhaozhao sneered, "Little girl, do you know that the more some people know, the faster they die!?"

"Want to know what I am!? It's very simple. Once you get into my belly, I will definitely tell you!"

Ye Zhaozhao said, and suddenly attacked the little milk dumplings!

But just as she made a move, a sharp blade suddenly struck her not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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