Chapter 440 She was born to defeat her!

Ye Zhaozhao was startled, turned over and dodged, and took several steps back before he could manage to steady himself.


The arrow was nailed to a big pillar, and half of the arrow was submerged in the pillar!

Such a powerful internal force!

Ye Zhaozhao looked at the arrow with horror in his heart.

Just now, if I hadn't reacted quickly, the arrow would have penetrated her right now!

Ye Zhaozhao came back to his senses, looked forward, and saw Xiao Jingzhe leading a group of soldiers in a hurry!

At this time, he was holding a big bow in his hand.

Obviously, he was the one who shot the arrow just now!

Sure enough, as expected of the Xiao family, even in this great Zhou Dynasty where there was no spiritual power, they were able to develop such extraordinary strength.

It would be a pity if such a person died later!
"Ha!" Ye Zhaozhao snorted coldly, "Another one is here to die! Very good!"

Xiao Jingzhe's face was expressionless. He didn't show the slightest concern or waver when he heard her words. Instead, he looked at the little breast dumplings and asked softly, "Ranran, are you okay?"

The little breast dumpling pursed his lips in grievance and looked at Xiao Jingzhe pitifully, "Uncle Fourth, I'm hungry!"

After working for such a long time, she was really hungry.

"Miss Ranran, I know you're hungry, this is for you! You eat it!" Qin Shi hurriedly walked forward at this time and directly stuffed a roast chicken into Xiaonuituanzi's hand.

"We were waiting at the foot of the mountain just now. Who knew that this chicken came over so ungratefully? We just roasted it and gave it to you as a midnight snack, Ranran!"

Qin Shi said it in a relaxed manner, which could be said to have completely ignored those Taoist priests.

The little girl stretched out her hand to take it, and smiled as she removed the leaves wrapped around the roasted chicken. Immediately, the roasted chicken revealed its fragrant and alluring smell.

" smells so good! Thank you, Uncle Qin Shi!"

As the little girl said, she pulled off a piece of big chicken drumstick, put it to her mouth, blew on it gently, and then started to eat it.

When Ye Zhaozhao and others saw this, their faces turned green with anger.

She was used to living her life surrounded by stars, but how could she bear being so ignored all of a sudden?
Xuan Yin, who was standing in the crowd, was also speechless by his junior sister.

Is this time to eat?

Look at those people who don't know why, they might think that they are deliberately despising them and deliberately provoking them!
Sure enough, the next second I heard one of the Taoist priests gritting his teeth and saying: "Master, you deal with that little baby, and leave the rest to us!"

"Okay! Keep the one named Xiao! Don't keep the rest!" Ye Zhaozhao said.

"Yes!" the Taoist priests responded.

Then I saw them rushing towards the soldiers one by one.

Although these Taoist priests are powerful in their magic, they had consumed a lot of energy because of the little breast dumplings.

None of the soldiers were vegetarians. Before they were ready, they rushed over quickly and accurately, leaving them no chance to take action.

Seeing this, Ye Zhaozhao's face became even more ugly, and he ordered: "Go and bring me those people from the Xiao family! Bring me the children from the back mountain as well!"

When Xuan Yin heard this later, his mouth twitched.

Have they all reached the bottom of the mountain by now?

Isn’t it a bit late to think about it now?

But now, as Ye Zhaozhao's "most trusted" disciple, Xuan Yin immediately responded after hearing this, and then left the place in a hurry.

It just so happened that he was still thinking about how to leave!
It’s not a good thing to expose yourself at this time!
Xuan Yin winked at Xiao Naituanzi and left quickly.

Seeing Xuan Yin leave, the little girl couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After eating the roast chicken in her hand, her strength recovered a lot. When she saw Ye Zhaozhao coming to attack, she immediately went up to meet him.

The little girl didn't have the slightest worry, stopped playing around with Ye Zhaozhao, and directly revealed the golden light of her merits.Seeing this, Ye Zhaozhao couldn't help but feel horrified, his face full of disbelief.

"How could it could you have so much merit and golden light on your body?"

"Hehe, Master said that one good deed per day is worth three thousand. Of course, a person like you who harms others and is neither a human nor a demon would not know it!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.


This battle can be won with only the golden light of merit!
It’s so easy!
She doesn't have much else on her body, but she still has a lot of golden light of merit!

This is all thanks to senior brother Xuan Yin!
If it weren't for Senior Brother Xuan Yin, she wouldn't have known that this witch's weakness was actually her golden light of merit!

Therefore, she was born to defeat her!
After saying this, Xiao Naituanzi no longer hid his strength as secretly as before, and directly used the golden light of merit.


As soon as the black energy on Ye Zhaozhao's body met the golden light on Xiao Naituanzi's body, it was completely dissipated in an instant.

Ye Zhaozhao, who was shrouded in the golden light of merit, had a look of extreme fear on his face.

Sounds as shrill as ghosts crying and wolves howling constantly came out of her mouth, which made people's hair stand on end.

Seeing their master being unilaterally crushed by the opponent's little girl, all the Taoist priests couldn't help but feel frightened in their hearts.

Xiao Jingzhe took the opportunity to launch a violent attack.

The Taoist priests soon couldn't resist and were defeated.

"Little girl, let me go! Let me go quickly! Otherwise, none of the Xiao family members will be able to leave this Wuming Mountain alive today!" Ye Zhaozhao said with a twisted face.

Even though she was now under control, the threatening words were still so arrogant when she came out of her mouth.

"Really?" Xiao Naituanzi chuckled and said, "You are wrong, my brothers have already gone down the mountain!"

Hearing this, Ye Zhaozhao's heart skipped a beat.

Thinking of the formation just now.

Whether it was breaking the formation or the formation formed by this little girl, she was clearly capable of breaking the formation quickly, but she had to stand in a stalemate with them.

They are stalling for time.

and so……

There are spies among their people!
Ye Zhaozhao's face became even more distorted when he thought that they were being fooled around like this.

A feeling of being looked down upon and despised arises spontaneously.

"Ah! You did it on purpose! You are playing tricks on me!"

At this moment, Ye Zhaozhao burst out with powerful black energy because of his anger.

She was in a state of madness.


The black mist and golden light collided with each other at this time, making a violent sound.

The little breasted dumpling immediately took back his power and was so shocked that he took a few steps back before he could stabilize his small body.

"Ran Ran, are you okay!"

Seeing this, Xiao Jingzhe looked over worriedly.

However, at this critical moment, the Taoist priest opposite him waved the talisman in his hand towards him.

"Master, be careful!"

Qin Shi exclaimed and quickly dodged over, the long sword in his hand heading straight for the Taoist priest's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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