Chapter 441 Xuan Yin was caught and threatened!

The sword in Qin Shi's hand cut off a Taoist priest's arm. At the same time, Qin Shi was also injured by the whisk in the Taoist priest's hand.


Qin Shi immediately vomited out a mouthful of donated blood. He stretched out his hand and wiped his mouth vigorously. He didn't care about his injuries at all. Instead, he looked at Xiao Jingzhe and asked worriedly: "Master, are you okay!?"

"Nothing!" Xiao Jingzhe shook his head and watched Xiao Nai Tuanzi attack Ye Zhaozhao with the golden light of merit again. He breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time was a little worried about Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

I'm afraid Xiaotai Tuanzi has forgotten how important this golden light of merit is to her! ?
Using the golden light of merit to fight against Ye Zhaozhao is tantamount to using one's own life to fight against her.

These golden lights are what she uses to extend her life!
It seems that after today, she will accumulate more merit and golden light for her!

Xiao Jing felt panicked at the thought of something happening to the little breast dumpling.

"Qin Shi!"

When Xiao Jingzhe came to his senses, he saw Qin Shi standing in front of him, with considerable injuries on his body.

His eyes were sharp, he held the sword in his hand and moved forward to kill.


After a scuffle, an energetic voice suddenly came over.

At this time, they saw Taoist Priest Nan Huai holding a dagger on Xuan Yin's neck and slowly appeared in front of them.

Xiao Naituanzi's heart trembled, and she burst into anger. She hit Ye Zhaozhao fiercely with ten levels of inner strength.


Ye Zhaozhao had no time to dodge and was hit by Xiao Naituanzi's move. He screamed and fell from above.

"Senior Brother Xuanyin!"

The little girl rushed towards Xuan Yin and landed in front of Taoist Master Nan Huai, "Let go of my senior brother Xuan Yin!"


Hearing this, Taoist Master Nan Huai burst out laughing as if he had heard some funny joke. "It took a lot of effort for Taoist Priest to catch this spy. Do you think I will let him go easily?"

"A little baby is just a little baby. He really doesn't understand martial arts at all!"

"Since he is your senior brother, he should be very important in front of you!? Hahaha... I didn't expect it!"

"Let Master Xuan Yin go, we will let you go!" At this time, Xiao Jingzhe came over and said with cold eyes.

When Taoist Nan Huai saw Xiao Jingzhe, he couldn't help but be shocked by the cold aura on his body.


Taoist Nanhuai wanted to agree, but Ye Zhaozhao limped over at this time and refused, "We don't believe you, especially this little baby! Unless she takes my three palms or commits suicide." One arm.”

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiao Jingzhe's eyes turned cold, and before he could speak, Xuan Yin started shouting, "You are a female devil who is neither a human nor a ghost. You can kill or cut into pieces as you please! I, Xuan Yin, am definitely not that kind of person." Such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Ran Ran, kill her!" Xuan Yin said coldly: "These people have done many evil things. The corpses of the people who died in their hands over the years can be piled up in mountains. If we don't kill them today with such a good opportunity, we can avoid future troubles." , more people will die in their hands in the future!"

"Ran Ran, go back and tell Master and my brothers that I am a great hero and I deserved to die today!"

With that said, Xuan Yin stretched out his neck and moved towards Taoist Nanhuai's dagger.


Ye Zhaozhao knocked the dagger out of Taoist Priest Nan Huai's hand with sharp eyesight and quick hands, "Want to die? You have to see if I, Ye Zhaozhao, agree or not!"

After saying that, Ye Zhaozhao glared at him fiercely and scolded him in a cold voice: "Watch it carefully!"

"Yes!" Taoist Nanhuai replied reluctantly.This Ye Zhaozhao could obviously take someone hostage and leave quickly, but she had to pull some tricks like this.

If this was not the time for internal strife, I would indeed be a little afraid of her, otherwise I would have to open her head to see if what was inside was tofu!

It only took one glance for Xiao Jingzhe to see that Taoist Nanhuai was dissatisfied and dissatisfied with Ye Zhaozhao.

So he said again: "Let Master Xuan Yin go, I can let you go! As for anything else, don't even think about it!"

"You have also seen that Master Xuan Yin is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If the stalemate continues... Humph! It will be worth it if we sacrifice one of us and kill all of you evil villains!"

Xuanyin: "..."

However, although……

Knowing that this was Xiao Jingzhe's expedient measure to save him, hearing these words... still made me feel uncomfortable.

"Fourth Master Xiao, Ran Ran, leave me alone! Kill them to avoid future troubles!" Xuan Yin gritted his teeth.

Master and Ran Ran both said that he had a death disaster to go through!
He already knew it in his mind.

Die or die!

He has done a lot of good things, and he has died a worthy death. He may be able to live in a good family after being reincarnated in his next life!
After saying that, Xuan Yin closed his eyes and looked like he was ready to die just for you to kill him.

Xiao Jingzhe's words and Xuan Yin's attitude towards death were already here, which made the Taoist priests suddenly panic.

"Give you one more chance, let Master Xuan Yin go, I'll let you go!"

"If you are still hesitant after I have called you dozens of times, then today I, Xiao Jingzhe, will do justice for heaven."

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Xiao Jingzhe's voice full of pressure echoed through the empty night.

As the voices sounded one after another, the Taoist priests' hearts instantly rose to their throats.

Just before Xiao Jingzhe finished his last count, many Taoist priests spoke one after another.

"Let us go!"

"Yes, let us leave! Master, I promised them!"

"One life is worth the lives of so many of us!"

"That's it! We're leaving!"


"Shut up, is there something wrong with your brains? Who do you think Xiao Jingzhe is? Will he let us leave?" Ye Zhaozhao listened to these people talking about how they couldn't wait to leave, with a full face. It is a gloomy color.

At the same time, she also felt as if something was about to burst out of her Dantian!
This feeling is so familiar to her!

That was a sign that the demonic energy in her body was corroding her!

The little girl's eyes had been falling on Ye Zhaozhao. Then she suddenly saw her eyes turn red. She was suddenly startled and quietly pulled Xiao Jingzhe's sleeves.

Xiao Jingzhe understood and saw the changes in Ye Zhaozhao.

From Xuan Yin, they already knew that Ye Zhaozhao could suck people's spiritual energy.

Now it seems that she may not be able to bear it anymore!

At this time, it should be their chance to rescue Xuan Yin!

"You idiots! Now that people outside know what we have done, do you think you will have a way to survive if you go out? Only by killing this little girl in front of you will you have a chance to survive!"

(End of this chapter)

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