Chapter 443 Reinforcement Formation!

Immediately, Xiao Naituanzi and Xuan Yin looked at each other.

Xuan Yin nodded towards Xiao Naituanzi.

Xiao Jingzhe was right. Forming the formation was faster and easier than breaking the formation.

Instead of wasting the golden light of merit to break the formation, create a merit formation.

This formation can not only restrain Ye Zhaozhao, but also consume more of her abilities and internal energy when she breaks the formation.

Even if she breaks out of the formation, they won't be so passive.

Sure enough, Xiao Jingzhe was worthy of being a military strategist, and his brain was better than the average person's.

Xuan Yin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi had a perfect understanding, and a formation formed by consuming the golden light of merit soon appeared.

The golden light array directly enveloped Ye Zhaozhao's array.

Within the formation, the moment the golden light formation enveloped him, Ye Zhaozhao instantly felt a huge pressure.

She held herself up and continuously absorbed the energy and spirit of all the Taoist priests in the formation.

The Taoist priests didn't even have the ability to resist, so they could only let the energy and spirit in their bodies be drained away bit by bit, and finally turned into powder and disappeared into the world, leaving nothing behind.

"Ran Ran, hurry up! We don't have much time!"

Seeing those Taoist priests decreasing one by one, Xuan Yin shouted.

He could clearly feel that Ye Zhaozhao became more and more powerful after absorbing the spiritual energy of these people!

They must strengthen this formation.

After hearing Xuan Yin's words, the movements of the little girl's hands became faster and faster.

Xiao Jingzhe and the other soldiers were very anxious when they looked at them.

But there was no way, they couldn't help at all, they could only watch helplessly.

Not long after, Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui went up the mountain.

Seeing this formation, Xiao Jinghan immediately stepped forward and said, "I'm here to help too!"

With that said, he also followed Xuan Yin's prompts to help strengthen the formation.Xiao Jinghan originally practiced formations, and after returning to Yonglin, Xiao Naituanzi also taught her some, and even gave him a lot of talismans not long ago.

Therefore, he quickly integrated into it.

Xiao Jingrui took out the Xiao hanging from her waist and said in a deep voice: "I'm here to help too! My piano music can mess up people's minds, so it's perfect to join the formation!"

After Xiao Jingrui finished speaking, he found a high place and started to play Xiao Lai.

Xiao Jingzhe hurriedly ordered other people to plug their ears.

With the help of brothers Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui, Xiaonai Tuanzi and Xuan Yin suddenly felt much more relaxed.

In particular, the sound of Xiao Jingrui's piano seemed to have a great influence on Ye Zhaozhao.

As the sound of the piano sounded, Ye Zhaozhao's face couldn't help but twist.

His chest kept rising and falling, and his breathing was very unstable.

Occasionally, he even groaned in pain.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Jingzhe couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Xiao Naituanzi's serious little face, I felt happy and worried at the same time.

"Qin Shi, go find where there is food!" Xiao Jingzhe ordered.

"Yes!" Qin Shi responded and hurried away with the two soldiers.

About another stick of incense time passed, and Ye Zhaozhao absorbed the spiritual energy of all the Taoist priests in the formation.

At this time, the black energy on her body became more and more intense.

At this time, except that she looked like a child in height, her appearance looked like an old witch.

The melodious Xiao sounds were constantly introduced into the formation, affecting Ye Zhaozhao's mind.

She covered her ears, as if going crazy.

Her hands kept hitting the barrier, making a "bang bang bang" sound.

(End of this chapter)

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