Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 444 Ye Zhaozhao breaks out of the formation!

Chapter 444 Ye Zhaozhao breaks out of the formation!

Xiao Naituanzi and others outside the formation clearly felt the formation trembling.

Ye Zhaozhao's strength obviously increased several times after absorbing the spiritual energy of the Taoist priests.

"Resist!" Xuan Yin supported himself and said with difficulty.


"Those who don't overestimate their own capabilities, do you think you can trap me with just the strength of a few of you?"


Ye Zhaozhao looked at Xiao Naituanzi and the others with contempt, and his tone was extremely mocking.

"It's not clear who is overestimating one's abilities. You are neither a human being nor a monster!"

Xiao Jinghan said through gritted teeth.

Comparing the paleness of Xiao Naituanzi and Xuan Yin's face at this moment, it was obvious that he couldn't hold on any longer!

As soon as Xiao Jinghan finished speaking, Xiao Jingrui couldn't hold on anymore and was knocked out by a powerful force and fell to the ground with a "bang", and a mouthful of blood spilled out of his mouth.

"Little five!"

Xiao Jingzhe hurried over and helped him up!
"I'm fine!"

Xiao Jingrui reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, staring fiercely at Ye Zhaozhao inside the formation.

Soon, Xiao Jinghan could no longer hold on, and blood overflowed from her mouth.

But even so, he is still holding on to himself and constantly strengthening the formation!

"Ran Ran, where are the compass that the fourth master gave you and the whisk that the fifth master gave you!? Take it out quickly!"

Xuan Yin suddenly thought of the things the masters had given him when he went down the mountain, and couldn't help but yelled at Xiao Naituanzi.

The compass and whisk are commonly used magical tools by masters, especially the compass, which is said to have powerful power that can eliminate all demons.

Xiao Naituanzi blinked her big innocent eyes when she heard Xuan Yin's words.

Then she suddenly remembered the two treasures she had placed at the bottom of her Qiankun bag.

Hearing this, Xiaotai Tuanzi hurriedly rummaged in his Qiankun bag.

Soon, two treasures were found.

Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly threw the fifth master's fly whisk to Xuan Yin, and quickly turned on the compass.

As soon as the compass appeared, bursts of fiery red light kept flashing. Without Xiao Naituanzi's control, the compass automatically flew to the top of the formation.


The fiery red light instantly enveloped the entire formation.

With the blessing of the compass and whisk, everyone felt a lot more relaxed instantly.

"Master, we've got some food!"

At this time, Qin Shi came back and brought back a lot of food.

These foods are all found in the kitchens of those Taoist priests!
Just some steamed buns!
However, this is the only food they can find!

"Master, these are the only ones I found, but I have sent people to find out if there are any pheasants in the mountains!"

"Well." Xiao Jingzhe patted Qin Shi's shoulder silently, and walked up to the little milk dumplings with a plate of steamed buns in his hand, "Ran Ran, while Ye Zhaozhao is under control now, let's eat something first. .”

"it is good!"

The small-breasted dumpling didn't mind the steamed buns in front of her. She had consumed too much, and now besides wanting to sleep, she was just hungry!
As soon as he saw the steamed buns, Xiaonuituanzi didn't mind, so he picked up the steamed buns and started eating them.

Xuan Yin was also hungry now and started eating without caring about anything.

"Ran Ran, are you okay!"

After eating and drinking, Xuan Yin also remembered what his master had said. This little girl needs to rely on her merits and golden light to survive!
The golden light of merit on her body was not particularly large to begin with, but now it has been consumed so much...

This is undoubtedly costing Ye Zhaozhao his own life.

The little girl shook her head, her face was full of exhaustion, and she said obediently: "I'm fine!" If she complained about suffering and tiredness, they would feel better!

But she was so sensible, which made them feel sorry for her even more!

Xiao Jinghan's eyes glowed red.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would practice the technique well after returning home today.

From now on, I can become Xiao Naituanzi’s right-hand man.

I don't know if it was because of the compass and whisk, but Ye Zhaozhao didn't make any movement for a long time.


When it was almost dawn on the second day, a "bang" was suddenly heard, and the formation broke.

Those who were closer were affected by the strong gas, and were knocked far away one by one.

At this moment, all the drowsy people suddenly woke up.

Xiao Naitanzi and Xuan Yin rushed to the formation as quickly as possible and saw the compass above the formation trembling.

"Not good!" Xuan Yin said: "I'm afraid the witch inside is about to come out. This formation will soon be unable to trap her!"

The little breasted dumpling made no sound, tapped her toes, and flew high into the sky.

One by one, the talismans transformed into golden light appeared from her little hand and flew towards the compass.

With Fu Zuan's blessing, the vibrating compass slowly stopped.

"Haha, little girl, you can't kill me! You can't kill me!" A devil-like voice came from the formation, and it could be heard that Ye Zhaozhao was at the end of his strength at this time.

Xiaonuituanzi didn't have the free time to talk nonsense with her and continued to draw his own talisman.


Ye Zhaozhao's shrill screams kept ringing in his ears.

Xiao Naituanzi always maintained his composure and coolness.


As the golden light of merit was consumed bit by bit, Xiao Naituanzi's small body also began to teeter.

Xiao Jingzhe watched from the side and was very worried.

At the same time, I also regretted why I didn't build the free school earlier, so that Xiao Nai Tuanzi would have more meritorious deeds.

Within the formation, Ye Zhaozhao's screams continued for nearly an hour.

Just as the warm sunshine was rising, her voice gradually weakened.

Hearing this voice, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that this woman may have died in the formation!" Xuan Yin said excitedly.

"Evil prevails over good. This is an eternal truth! Now that the mastermind behind this is dead, our Xiao family will never be the same again!" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Thanks to Ran Ran, it's all Ran Ran's credit! I have decided that when I go back, I will buy lots and lots of chicken drumsticks for Ran Ran and eat them until she gets tired of them!" Xiao Jingrui also said.

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but taunted, "Do you have any money on you?"


Hearing this, Xuan Yin couldn't help laughing.

However, at this moment, a loud "boom" suddenly came from behind, followed by a dizzy feeling as the ground shook.

Everyone turned their heads in disbelief, and saw Ye Zhaozhao, who was thought to be dead, suddenly break out of the formation, and a ball of black energy went straight towards Xiao Naituanzi.

"Ran Ran!"

Countless worried voices sounded at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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