Chapter 445 Xuan Yin is seriously injured!

Xuan Yin headed towards Xiao Nai Tuanzi as quickly as possible.


Ye Zhaozhao hit Xuan Yin's chest with a palm.

This palm was the one in which Ye Zhaozhao gathered all her remaining strength.

Xuan Yin was knocked away by this palm and hit a big tree not far away with a bang.


The big tree was cut down in the middle.


"Master Xuanyin!"

This scene was so fast that it caught people off guard.

By the time he came to his senses, Xuan Yin had already vomited blood, tilted his neck and fainted.

And Ye Zhaozhao also took this opportunity to turn into a wisp of black smoke and quickly disappeared from the place.

"Little girl, I remember you!"

"Today's revenge will be repaid a hundredfold one day."

In the air, Ye Zhaozhao's voice came from far to near.

Xiao Naituanzi stared at the direction of the black smoke, and then quickly ran in the direction of Xuan Yin.


The little girl's eyes immediately turned red when she looked at Xuan Yin's appearance.

Xiao Jingzhe hurriedly reminded, "Show it to Master Xuan Yin quickly!"

The little girl touched her tears, sniffed, and then put her hand on Xuan Yin's wrist.

At this time, Xuan Yin didn't look alive at all, and even had almost no pulse.

There was still a black aura lingering in his body, as if it was going to devour him.

The little girl hurriedly took out a pill from her pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. Then she laid his body flat, took out a silver needle and pricked him one by one.

In a short time, Xuan Yin's body was covered with silver needles.However, at this time, Xiao Naituanzi's face was not relaxed at all, but instead became more and more serious.

Then he saw her trying her best to mobilize her inner energy, and then continuously input her inner energy into Xuan Yin's body along the tail of the silver needle.


As the inner energy entered, Xuan Yin's entire face became distorted, his brows furrowed fiercely, and he made a little sound in pain.

The little girl glanced at him and kept moving her hands.

Immediately afterwards, he asked her to take out cinnabar wolf hair, yellow paper and other things.

Each piece of talisman and seal was drawn from her hand.

Every time a talisman is drawn, a golden light flashes, then disappears.

After drawing ten talisman seals, the rosiness on Xiao Naituanzi's cheeks had disappeared, replaced by an endless pale color.

Xiao Jingzhe, Xiao Jinghan and others were very worried when they saw this.

Especially Xiao Jingzhe, at this time he had already guessed what the golden light appeared on the talisman that Xiao Naituanzi had just drawn.

But even so, he couldn't stop it!

The relationship between Xuan Yin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi is not ordinary deep. If he stops it, Xiao Nai Tuanzi will probably hate him for the rest of his life!
Now, he only regrets that his reaction was a step slower, otherwise...

After the ten talisman seals were drawn, Xiaonaituanzi put these talisman seals into Xuan Yin's body one by one.

After a while, Xuan Yin's body began to twitch.

Black mist began to escape from his body.

Seeing this, the stiff expression on the little breasted dumpling's face relaxed a little.

As long as the black color leaves senior brother's body, it will be easy to handle!

Time passed little by little, and more than 2 people were surrounding them, but no one dared to speak. Even their breathing was subconsciously held back.

I was afraid that if I made any noise, it would affect the little breast dumpling.

Finally, about an hour later, all the black energy in Xuan Yin's body dissipated, and some rosy color returned to his cheeks.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi did not dare to be careless at the moment. He drew another ten talismans and hid them one by one into Senior Brother Xuan Yin's body.

(End of this chapter)

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