Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 446 Ye Zhaozhao escaped and Xiao Naituanzi died! ?

Chapter 446 Ye Zhaozhao escaped and Xiao Naituanzi died! ?

It wasn't until Xuan Yin's face returned to ruddy color and his breath became stronger that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fourth Uncle, keep these elixirs! Give them to Senior Brother Xuan Yin when he wakes up. He knows what to eat! And I'll give you all the money!"

The little breasted dumpling held his breath and said this, and then fainted.

"Ran Ran! Ran Ran!"

Xiao Jingzhe caught her little body and felt panicked when he saw her lifeless appearance.

With a trembling hand, he slowly placed it under the nose of Xiaotuanzi.

After a breath, Xiao Jingzhe fell to the ground in a daze, looking very depressed.


"Uncle Four!"

Brothers Qin Shi and Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but blush and feel sour in their hearts.

"Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, Xiao Jinghan reached out and slapped herself twice.

"It's all my fault! If I were more powerful, why would I let a little kid like Ran Ran have to bear all this!?"

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault!"

Xiao Jinghan said, giving herself two more slaps!
"Third brother, what are you doing!?" Xiao Jingrui's eyes were red and she pulled Xiao Jinghan.

Is he the only one who is useless?And him!
He always thinks that he is very powerful and has learned the master's secret skills!He even boasted that he would teach Ran Ran.

As everyone knows, in this world, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

He thinks he is very powerful, but in the eyes of others, it doesn’t matter! ?

"Qin Shi, come down the mountain! Let's take Ran Ran back!"

Xiao Jingzhe ordered in a deep voice.


Qin Shi responded, turned around and went to give the order!

Xiao Jingzhe carefully held the small-breasted body in his arms and glanced at Xuan Yin, who was unconscious on the ground.

"Little three, little four! Bring Master Xuan Yin with you!"

"Yes!" The two brothers answered in unison.

When they arrived outside the city of Ba County, Qin Shi arranged these soldiers outside the city.

Wang Wenxin, Min Shenxing and others rushed over after hearing the news.

Looking at the small breast dumpling being held in Xiao Jingzhe's arms, everyone was in disbelief!

"What happened to Ranran!? She just fell asleep, right!? She must be too tired. Every time she used a spell, she would fall asleep for several days! It must be like this now!"

"Yes! It must be so!"

Min Shenxing murmured to himself, but his eyes still turned red unconsciously.

The others were silent, with sad expressions on their faces.

Xiao Jingzhe walked through the crowd holding the small breast dumplings in his arms.

All the people stopped to watch and mourned spontaneously!

After returning to the other courtyard, Xiao Jingzhe put her on the bed, while he sat next to her, staring at her constantly.

Several brothers of the Xiao family, except Xiao Xiaoliu who had not yet woken up, and Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiaoba who were far away in other places, were all standing in the room.

Xu Yan was hurriedly pulled out of a pile of medical books by Min Shenxing.

When Xu Yan heard Min Shenxing say that something had happened to Xiao Naituanzi, Xu Yan's first reaction was not to believe it.

"Are you kidding? As for that little girl Ranran, who can beat her? I believe in anyone who gets into trouble! Only her, it's impossible!" Xu Yan said.

Min Shenxing smiled bitterly with red eyes, "Yeah, no one's accident can happen to her. How old is she!? She's only five years old! Five years old is such a good age. When I was five years old, I was still putting my old man's teapot in his house. Peeing in it!"

Xu Yan saw Min Shenxing crying as he spoke. The disbelieving expression on his face disappeared bit by bit and soon turned serious.

After being stunned for a while, he quickly left his room and rushed to the other courtyard.At this time, in the other courtyard, there seemed to be a layer of haze hanging over the eaves due to the small breast dumplings.

Everyone waiting in the courtyard looked sad.

After hearing about the little milk dumpling, everyone admired the little milk dumpling.

They couldn't help but feel sad when they thought of the joy and laughter she had brought to them during her stay in the other hospital.

What a lovely little girl, how could she just say she is gone?

Xu Yan ran to the other courtyard in one breath, and when he stood at the door of Xiaonaituanzi's room, his steps stopped!
He became inexplicably timid!

It seems that if he doesn't see Xiaonuituanzi, Xiaonuituanzi will be fine!

"Master Xu!"

At this time, Wang Wenxin came over and stood in front of him, looking sad.

Xu Yan turned to look at her and moved his lips, but he didn't know what to ask!
"Go in and see her!" Wang Wenxin said softly.

When Xu Yan heard this, he moved and then stopped.

After a while, he took a deep breath and then went to Xiao Naituanzi's room.

In the room, all men stood in a row, and all of them looked extremely ugly.

Xiao Jingzhe was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding the little hand of Xiaonuo Dumpling tightly with his big hand, and his ink eyes were staring at the lifeless little breast dumpling on the bed for a moment.

Xu Yan moved to the bed step by step.

Looking at the little breasted dumpling lying calmly on the bed, tears fell uncontrollably.

"Ran Ran..."

He opened his mouth, but found that his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

After a long time, he walked forward slowly and reached out to feel the pulse of the little breast dumpling.

Immediately, his eyebrows frowned fiercely, and then he looked deeply at Xiao Jingzhe.

Xiao Jingzhe glanced at him with dark eyes.

Xu Yan's face tightened and he pursed his lower lip slightly.

The interaction between the two fell into the eyes of Xiao Jingyan and Xiao Jingyi.

The two looked at each other, and both saw something unusual in the other's eyes.

As for the other people, they were just immersed in their own sad world and didn't notice it at all.

After a long time, Xiao Jingzhe said, "Qin Shi, please go down! The army will set off tomorrow."

"Let's take Ran Ran home!"

Xiao Jingzhe's voice was hoarse and low, with a strong sense of exhaustion.

After he finished speaking, he gently put down the little breasted dumpling's hand, and his eyes lingered on her little face.

Even though the little breast dumpling was no longer breathing at this time, the breasts on her face were pink, and her mouth was also pink with cherry blossoms.


Qin Shi said yes in a deep voice and retreated.

"You guys should go out too and get ready! We'll leave early tomorrow morning!"

"Yes!" Several brothers from the Xiao family responded in unison.

Soon everyone walked out, leaving Xu Yan, Xiao Jingzhe and the little girl lying on the bed alone in the room.

"Uncle Xiao, Ran Ran..." Xu Yan looked at Xiao Jingzhe with confusion.

"You also think something is wrong with her, don't you?" Xiao Jingzhe said solemnly.

"Yes." Xu Yan nodded heavily and said seriously: "Ranran's breathing and pulse are gone, but after such a long time, her body is still hot, just like a normal person!"

"I've never seen this phenomenon before, so..."

Therefore, he is not sure whether the little breast dumpling is... gone!
(End of this chapter)

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