Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 447: Tribute to the little hero. Good luck to the little hero!

Chapter 447: Salute to the little hero, have a good journey, little hero!
Of course, he hoped more than anyone else that Xiaonuituanzi would just fall asleep.

"Perhaps Master Xuanyin will give us an answer when he wakes up."

"Ranran was so cute, smart and kind, I can't believe she just disappeared!"

"Her appearance has changed too many of our inherent perceptions, and maybe... her life has been the same!"

Hearing this, Xu Yan remained silent.

Indeed, as Uncle Xiao said, they saw too many things in Ran Ran that were beyond their knowledge.

Perhaps, so is her fate.

"Then why did Fourth Uncle Xiao act like Ran Ran...even the brothers Xiao Jingyan had to hide it?" Xu Yan asked doubtfully.

Xiao Jingzhe didn't want to explain, but he thought that Xu Yan might need to take care of the little breast dumplings in the future. After thinking about it, he explained briefly and concisely, "If she wakes up, I don't want her to follow Ye Zhaozhao's path."

Don’t you want her to follow Ye Zhaozhao’s path?
Xu Yan was a smart man, but he immediately understood the meaning of Xiao Jingzhe's words.

After this incident, Xiao Naituanzi’s ability and skill are beyond the reach of her even if she wants to!
Those in power are greedy for power and even want to live forever.

Ye Zhaozhao was afraid that taking advantage of this, he would be named a princess.

And it is precisely because of this that the Ye family has become a different existence in the entire Zhou Dynasty.

The little girl is good at refining elixirs, magic, and medical skills...

Take any of these things casually, and some people will not be able to achieve them in their entire lives.

But these are also coveted by others.

Once Xiao Naituanzi is pushed to that position, the status of the Xiao family will naturally be different.

But there are also many potential dangers.

The Xiao family has fallen to this level in a short period of time since it was the Duke of the Kingdom. Xiao Jingzhe knows very well what it means to be overwhelmed by the cold at high places and what it means to have the heart of a superior.

I also understand better that sometimes when you are in a high position, you can’t help yourself.

In this case, it is better to take this opportunity to let the small breast dumpling gradually disappear from the public's sight.

He... is paving the way for Xiaonuituanzi.

It gives little breasted dumplings more choices instead of being at the mercy of others.

Xu Yan thought, if Xiaonuituanzi really goes the same way as Ye Zhaozhao one day in the future and is forced to do something she doesn't like, based on the attitude of the Xiao family towards her, I'm afraid this big Zhou will have to change her surname to Xiao!
Only in this way can she live a free and carefree life.

"Then why don't you tell Xiao Jingyan and his brothers about Ran Ran?" Xu Yan asked.

"Of course the more realistic the acting, the better. Let them know what they should know!" Xiao Jingzhe replied slowly.

After saying that, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Xiao Naituanzi, with some sadness in his eyes.

How he hoped that his guess was right!

I just don't know...

Xu Yan pursed his lower lip slightly and sighed in his heart: Fourth Master Xiao is worthy of being Fourth Master Xiao. This kind of brain speed and foresight are really not something ordinary people can have!
At the same time, he also admired him!
If an ordinary person had such a talented child in their family, they would probably have to go out and publicize it with gongs and drums!

But he had to cover it up tightly.

This pattern is really not comparable to ordinary people!
Xiao Jingzhe stayed in Xiao Naituanzi's room all day long in order to complete the play.

The air pressure in the other courtyard is also very low.

In order to cooperate with Xiao Jingzhe's plan, Xu Yan looked a little lost when he left the hospital.

Many people in Ba County know about his relationship with Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Seeing his expression, everyone could almost conclude that Xiaonuituanzi had really "gone!"

Soon, word spread in the county that the army outside the city was getting ready to leave!
The news that Fourth Master Xiao is taking his niece home has also spread!
The next morning.

Before it was fully dawn, Xiao Jingzhe took several brothers of the Xiao family to prepare and say goodbye to Wang Wenxin, preparing to leave and return to Yonglin.

But the moment they opened the door to the other courtyard, everyone in the Xiao family couldn't help but froze on the spot.

I saw people holding lanterns in their hands standing solemnly on both sides of the street.Let the originally dark streets be brightened.

As soon as they came out, the people knelt down one after another.




Everyone kowtowed together without saying a word, but their expressions were extremely solemn, and their eyes were filled with deep respect and gratitude.

In Ba County, if it weren't for Xiao Naituanzi, they would still be living in lies and deceptions one after another.

Without her, it would be impossible for those kidnapped children to come back.

Without her, Ba County would become a puppet in the hands of those liar Taoist priests within a few years.

Without her, one life after another would end and one family after another would be torn apart.

However, Ba County now has peace, but their little hero has passed away at such an age!

Their hearts are filled with sorrow!

They feel guilty!

There is no peace in their hearts!

"Salute to the little hero! Have a good journey, little hero!"

Suddenly, the leader shouted loudly and knocked heavily in the direction of Xiao Jingzhe and the others.

Seeing this, others followed suit.

Sounds came and went in this silent alley.

"Salute to the little hero, have a good journey, little hero!"

Xiao Jingzhe looked at these people and couldn't help but feel moved.

Ran Ran deserves this!

When Xiao Jinghan and others saw this, their eyes turned red again.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I'm so touched!" Xiao Jingrui couldn't help crying.

Xiao Jinghan raised her hand and secretly wiped the corners of her eyes, her nose was red!
Xiao Jingxun's heart was also extremely sour!
Although the little breasted dumpling has only been with him for a few days, who wouldn't like a sister like this! ?

Such a lively little girl, just like this... ugh...

Not long after he woke up, Xiao Xiaoliu, who loves to be naughty and mischievous, was sitting quietly and obediently on the side and stopped causing trouble!
His sister is younger than him! ?

But my sister sacrificed herself to save these people, and he was already ten years old, and he still made his brother and parents worry so much!

For the first time, Xiao Xiaoliu realized his recklessness, ignorance, and mistakes!
He thought, if he hadn't stolen the talismans on Xuan Yin's body, would it have been easier for them to deal with Ye Zhaozhao?

Blame him!

It's all his fault!
"Qin Shi, proceed with caution and set off!" Xiao Jingzhe was silent for a while and then ordered in a deep voice.


The two of them suppressed the sadness in their hearts and responded.

Several carriages advanced slowly on the street, and the people followed behind and shouted spontaneously.

"Salute to the little hero, have a good journey, little hero!"

It wasn't until their carriage arrived at the city gate that the people were stopped by the soldiers.

After the large army left Ba County, their carriages were completely invisible, and the people slowly dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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