Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 448 Building a temple, Ye Zhengyong was arrested!

Chapter 448 Building a temple, Ye Zhengyong was arrested!
Xu Yan and Wang Wenxin stood behind the crowd, feeling very relieved when they saw these people.

"Even if they have a conscience, the little girl didn't save them in vain!" Xu Yan said.

"Yes!" Wang Wenxin sighed slightly, and then said to Xu Yan: "I am going to build a temple here and put a sculpture of Ran Ran in it! I think the people in Ba County should be happy to make offerings to her. ?”

Xu Yan pursed his lower lip slightly, took a deep look at Wang Wenxin, and said, "This is a good idea, count me in!"

"Okay!" Wang Wenxin nodded.

Suddenly, Wang Wenxin thought of what Xiao Naituanzi once said to herself.

She said, let her look back in the future.

Maybe she was right!
She used to be too persistent!
This time when she returns from Ba County, she will have to re-plan her future!
The rescued children in Ba County were all sent to the Yamen. Lord Li found their parents for them and sent them all back one by one.

Many of these children have been poisoned. Fortunately, Xu Yan has learned a lot about ways to undo the poison from medical books in the past few days.

Therefore, all the work of cleaning up the mess here was left to him.

The news in Ba County spread quickly, and Mr. Li quickly sent the situation here to the capital.

Today's emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is an old emperor who is over sixty years old.

After seeing the letter sent back by Mr. Li, Lei Lei was furious and spat out a mouthful of blood.



King An, several ministers and Ye Zhengyong were all in the study at this time. When they saw the emperor vomiting blood, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Imperial Physician! Imperial Physician! Come here, go and ask the Imperial Physician for me!" King An shouted loudly to the outside.

"No, no need!"

The old emperor waved his hand, then stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. A pair of turbid old eyes stared at Ye Zhengyong, who was pretending to care about the emperor at this time.

Ye Zhengyong couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart when he saw the emperor's eyes like this.

Isn't that the eight-hundred-mile express sent back by Mr. Li?

how come?
Could it be that Zhao Zhao's elixir was not refined again this time? ?

What are those dog things for?
As Ye Zhengyong was thinking about it, he saw the emperor suddenly throwing an inkstone on his desk towards Ye Zhengyong.

Ye Zhengyong didn't even dare to hide, so he could only bite the bullet and let the emperor say this.

"Your Majesty, calm down! Calm down!"

Seeing this, several ministers nearby knelt down to comfort him.

"Hmph! Calm down! Look what this bitch did outside behind my back! Cough cough cough..." The emperor was furious and threw out the document that had been rushed from [-] miles away.

Seeing that the emperor was so angry that he coughed, Prince An hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

Prince An has long known about the eight hundred miles urgent document.

After all, the horses and people can't run as fast as they fly in the sky.

He still understands his father. Even though he is a little confused when dealing with some things as he gets older, he is still a good emperor who is diligent and loves the people.

In recent years, he has been bewitched by Ye Zhaozhao, obsessed with elixirs, and believes in immortality.

But when he saw that the so-called alchemy and the so-called immortality were just a trap for Ye Zhengyong and Ye Zhaozhao to rebel, how could he not be angry!
That's right, it's treason!
If refining puppets in private is not rebellion, what is rebellion! ?
In addition, Master Li also teamed up with Ye Zhaozhao and those Taoist priests to use children to refine elixirs to bewitch the people, and used the mythology of Tianxian Temple to deceive the people... These things happened one after another, which one It's not a capital crime! ?

They either don't take action, or if they take action, they will kill all the Ye Party!

Let them die so that no ashes are left.

Others were also shocked after seeing it, and everyone showed disbelief in their eyes.

When Ye Zhengyong saw the crimes listed above, his head suddenly felt dizzy.

"No, it's impossible!" He shook his head in disbelief.

He knows nothing about refining puppets, using people to refine elixirs, colluding with Taoist temples, and spreading poison... He knows nothing about any of this!

Didn't Li Boming go to investigate what happened to Zhou Zhongren?how come?
And Zhao Zhao...

He loves his grown-up daughter so much, how could he be evil! ?
Could this be a mistake? ?

Ye Zhengyong's head was like that paste at the moment, a mess with no clue at all.

But there was one thing he knew very well, that was... Li Boming betrayed him!

If not, how could the messages he sent to him be different from those sent to the emperor?He was not prepared at all.

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged!"

Although Ye Zhengyong still doesn't know what happened, it doesn't stop him from calling for injustice!

Shouting injustice loudly and crying and pretending to be pitiful has always been what this old fox is best at!
"Your Majesty, my sincerity towards you can be seen from the sun and the moon, and can be expressed by heaven and earth! Don't you still know what kind of person I am? I am wronged!"

Ye Zhengyong burst into tears, as if he wanted to show his sincerity to the emperor.

Prince An snorted coldly in his heart.

Seeing this bitch like this, the depression in his heart for so many years has finally dissipated a lot.

But... right now, he should beg for mercy!

"Father, Mr. Ye's sincerity towards you is obvious to all of us! That Princess Protector is what we have grown up watching! Over the years, praying for rain or something, as long as you are looking for Princess Protector, There’s nothing that can’t be done!”

"Princess Protector is just an eight-year-old baby, how could she be evil!"

After Prince An finished speaking, several other ministers couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Yeah yeah!"

Although these ministers are all people whom the emperor trusts very much, two of the five are good friends with Ye Zhengyong. Although the remaining three do not like Ye Zhengyong, who has little ability to rely on, People who are attracted to women and daughters, but their nature is not to add insult to injury.

Even if he wanted to add insult to injury, he would not do it in front of the emperor.

So as not to lose your share!

After hearing these words, the emperor's expression became much better.

"Come here, take Prime Minister Ye and the people from Duke Wu's mansion to the Dali Temple Prison. After Dali Temple Minister Li Boming comes back to investigate clearly, we will make a decision!"

The emperor gave an order lightly.

Ye Zhengyong's heart trembled, and he was dragged off after shouting that he was wronged.

Prince An snorted coldly!
If Miss Li hadn't known where this bitch was hiding, she wouldn't have spared his life!
(End of this chapter)

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