Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 450 Deliberately irritating and plotting!

Chapter 450 Deliberately irritating and plotting!

"It turns out that in your heart, I am such a useless person, so why did you fall in love with me in the first place!"

Ye Zhengyong's face was full of anger, he didn't expect that she would look at her like this!

For her, he abandoned Ning'er, his childhood sweetheart who had grown up with him!

I didn't expect that she missed him so much!
All the tenderness and carelessness are false!

When I think about how I treated Ning'er back then, I feel very uncomfortable.

"Ha! Do you like you?" Wu Feiyan's face was full of ridicule, and her tone was very disdainful, "Ye Zhengyong, you don't even look at what you look like! Are you worthy of my status as a dignified princess?"

"Stupid, mediocre! You are still very ordinary in appearance. You only won a Jinshi in your thirties. What else do you have other than flattering others!? If you hadn't relied on me, the Duke of Wu, and Zhaozhao all these years, Can you survive today? Just dream!"


Ye Zhengyong looked at the woman in front of him, as if he didn't recognize her anymore, and raised his hand to slap her in anger.

But just as he raised his hand, he was stopped by Wu Feiyan.

"Ye Zhengyong, you still dare to hit me!? You're rebelling, aren't you!"

Wu Feiyan shook his hand away hard and snorted coldly.

Ye Zhengyong staggered, his face was in disbelief, his eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Since you despise me so much, why are you trying every possible means to seduce me?"

Wu Feiyan glanced at him lightly and said disdainfully: "Of course it's because you are stupid! You don't even look at how much you weigh! A fool who dreams of a successful career doesn't even look at whether he has that fate!"

Ye Zhengyong's eyes sharpened, and he suddenly thought of something and his eyes were as big as bells, "Ye Zhaozhao is not my child, right?"


"To say you are stupid is to overestimate you!"

"After so many years, you've only just figured it out now!"

"That's right, Zhaozhao is not your child. She is my brother's daughter. She is the upright princess of my Duke Wu's mansion!"

"No, it's impossible!" Ye Zhengyong didn't believe her words at all, "You... it's impossible for you! You are brothers and sisters!"


Wu Feiyan looked up to the sky and laughed, without directly answering Ye Zhengyong's words, she said: "Ye Zhengyong, do you know how disgusting I feel when I face you for so many years!?"

"For someone like you who even killed the wife he grew up with for the sake of power, do you think I will put my heart on you?"

"Do you know how your mother died? She was so angry that she knew you killed Xiao Ning!"

"You haven't even seen her for the last time, and you don't know if she has come back to you in the midnight dreams all these years!"

"And that stupid woman Xiao Ning is so stubborn! She actually gave up her own life for so-called kindness!"

"I, Wu Feiyan, am not that stupid!"


Hearing these words, all Ye Zhengyong's rationality disappeared in an instant, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Wu Feiyan, "Ah ah ah, I will kill you, you bitch! Kill me." you!"

He knew that the people in Duke Wu's palace had been looking down on him all these years. On the surface, everyone maintained a harmonious relationship, but privately they looked down on him.

I thought they disliked his birth, but I didn't expect that was not the case at all!

If Wu Feiyan hadn't said these words himself today, he would probably die without knowing the truth.

No wonder!
No wonder that daughter looks nothing like me!

No wonder that daughter has never been intimate with him.

Even if he calls himself father or daddy, it is without any warmth and his eyes are full of indifference.

On the contrary, when he was with people from Duke Wu's mansion, his expression was very different.

It turns turns out that he was a bastard!
They have been taking advantage of themselves for so many years!Use yourself to cover up!

When he thought of this and the green patch of green above his head, Ye Zhengyong started punching and kicking him like crazy.

"Ah! Stop it, Ye Zhengyong, stop it!"

"Ah, help! It's a murder!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ye Zhengyong, you must die!"

No matter how strong Wu Feiyan was, there was nothing he could do when faced with the ruthless Ye Zhengyong.

In just a short time, Wu Feiyan was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen!

Ye Zhengyong got more and more fierce as he hit her. He sat on top of Wu Feiyan and slapped her one after another.

Wu Feiyan screamed repeatedly and gradually lost consciousness.

"What are you doing!"

Realizing that something was wrong, two government officials outside the cell who were watching the show rushed over and pulled Ye Zhengyong away.

Today, they have finally seen what it means to fly separately when disaster strikes!

This husband and wife were usually the pair that everyone in the capital envied, but Ye Xiangchu had shown his affection to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, before this evidence was returned, they started a dog-eat-dog fight.

"Take our Mrs. Ye Xiang to the Wu family's prison and imprison her!" the cell leader ordered.


Several government officials responded and carried Wu Feiyan, who had been beaten unconscious, to the cell on the other side where the Wu family was being held.


Seeing Wu Feiyan being carried in, Wu Xi, the eldest son of Duke Wu, suddenly had a look of distress on his face.

Others from the Wu family also gathered around.

Wu Feiyan slowly woke up after the two government officials left.

"Brother, parents, I'm fine!"

Wu Feiyan stood up, not caring about any injuries on her body. Instead, she looked calm.

"Feiyan, you..." Wu Guogong pointed at Wu Feiyan's injury, full of doubts.

"I deliberately angered that coward and asked him to hit me!" Wu Feiyan said calmly.

Everyone: "..."

"You kid, why are you so stupid!" Mrs. Wu Guogong's face was filled with distress.

"How dare that coward named Ye do this to you? My brother will definitely make him miserable when he gets out! I'm going to vent my anger on you!" Wu Xi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

In the corner of the cell, Mrs. Wu Guogong's wife closed her eyes slightly and kept turning a string of Buddhist beads in her hand. When she heard Wu Xi's words, the beads in her hand paused, and a hint of ridicule appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Brother! Don't worry about him for now! We should make a good plan on how to get out of here." Wu Feiyan said.


Wu Guogong nodded, but there was no worry on his face. He touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we have already made everything ready when Zhao Zhao sent the news back." Get ready for the turn!"

After saying that, several people lowered their heads and started plotting again.

Although their voices were low, they were enough to be heard by Mrs. Wu Guogong's Crown Prince who was in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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