Chapter 451 Xuan Yin wakes up, the situation!
The Great Zhou Dynasty will come forever.

"Father, mother! Master Xuan Yin woke up!"

Xiao Jingrui ran to the front yard rashly and said with joy on his face.

This is already the tenth day of their return to Everlasting.

Ever since Xiao Naituanzi's accident, the atmosphere in the family has been tense.

After Mrs. Xiao learned about Xiao Nai Tuanzi's deeds in Ba County, she was both relieved and distressed.

I would go to her bed every day and secretly wipe my tears.

The same goes for Wang Wanqing and Jin Ling.

In order to make the play more realistic, they held a funeral for Xiao Nai Tuanzi a few days ago and invited a monk to recite sutras for her for three days and three nights.

Although the Xiao family knew that Xiao Naituanzi would most likely wake up in the future, they still couldn't help crying on the day of the funeral.

This also caused the entire Xiao family to be filled with gloom.

Xuan Yin's waking up is good news.

After hearing the news, several hostesses of the Xiao family rushed over immediately.

Xuan Yin was still confused when he woke up, thinking that he was in the underworld!
Later, when he saw Xiao Jingrui enter the room, he realized that he was not dead but had been saved!

Thinking that the little breast dumpling must have saved him, he was about to ask a few questions when he saw this idiot running out of the door in a hurry.

Xuan Yin climbed up from the bed. As soon as his feet landed on the ground, he felt as if his whole body was falling apart. The pain made him gasp.

He immediately sat back down and waited for a while before feeling better.

Not long after, Xiao Jingrui walked in with three women!

Xuan Yin stared blankly and quickly covered himself with a quilt.

He is really a little disheveled now!

"Senior Brother Xuanyin, these are my grandmother, mother and third aunt!"

Seeing Xuan Yin's expression, Xiao Jingrui hurriedly introduced him.

Hearing this, Xuan Yin stood up and saluted, but after moving his body, he shrank back in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Jin Ling said with a smile: "Master Xuan Yin, there is no need to be polite. This is Ran Ran's home. You are Ran Ran's senior brother and the benefactor of our Xiao family. Just treat this as your own home!"

"Yes, yes, treat it as your own home!" Mrs. Xiao also said.

As soon as the small breast dumplings were mentioned, Xuan Yin remembered what happened that day on Wuming Mountain. He glanced towards the door and asked, "Speaking of Ran Ran, where is she!?"

"Is she all right!?"

"What happened to Ye Zhaozhao in the end? Was he taken over by Ran Ran!?"

"That little heartless kid must be having fun again!"

"Thankfully, I got slapped by Ye Zhaozhao in order to save her, but she didn't even come to see me when I woke up!"

"She's so heartless, let's see how I teach her a lesson!"


Xuan Yin rambled on for a long time, and while he was talking, he suddenly saw that the four people in the room were not looking very well, and he paused when he realized something was wrong.

"Ran Ran, she..."

Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Jingrui and asked tentatively.

Xiao Jingrui glanced at his three mistresses and told everything!

"Master Xuan Yin, you are Ran Ran's senior brother, you must know what is right!?"

"Can she still be saved?"

"She's not dead, right!?"

After Xiao Jingrui finished speaking, Jin Ling and others looked at him expectantly.Xuan Yin frowned fiercely!
After a long silence, he finally spoke, "Can you take me to see her!?"


Several people looked at each other and nodded.

Now the little breast dumpling is placed in a secret room in the study.

In order to prevent the news from being exposed, only a few people in the Xiao family and a few close confidants knew that Xiao Nai Tuanzi was still alive.

When Xuan Yin saw Xiao Nai Dumpling, Xiao Nai Dumpling was lying so quietly on the small bed.

There was no breathing, no heartbeat, and his face was red.

With this look, if no one said anything, it would look like he was asleep.

Seeing her lifeless like this, Xuan Yin lowered his eyelids and walked over slowly.

Touching her little hand, it was just as Xiao Jingrui said, her body was still warm at this time.

Xuan Yin didn’t know what was going on!

I have heard from several masters that this child Ran Ran was born at the right moment and will have to earn merit throughout her life to survive!
He didn't know what was wrong with her!
Is it dead?

But she has warmth!

Are you saying you're not dead?

My breathing and heartbeat are gone!After such a long time, this physical body is still intact!

If he didn't know the truth, he would suspect that the baby was teasing him while breathing!
"Master Xuan Yin, what happened to Ran Ran!?" Jin Ling asked impatiently.

Xuan Yin smiled bitterly. Although he was a monk and a direct disciple of his master, Master Liao Kong, he had not learned his master's skills!

Compared with medical skills and magical techniques, this technique is actually better!
Later, after having Ran Ran, his direct master gave up on him!

"I estimate that she is not dead! But... I am not sure if she is alive! Let alone whether she will wake up in the future!"

"Master said she was born at the right time, but she was born without life! Her luck is also her destiny! So she is often taught to do more good deeds and accumulate more merit!"

"She learned how to make alchemy when she was very young! When she couldn't go down the mountain, it was us fellow apprentices who came down the mountain with the elixirs she refined, either to save people or to sell the money to help the poor!"

"Master said this can extend her life and accumulate merit for her!"

"I think... maybe if we help her accumulate more merit, one day she will wake up again!"

After Xuan Yin finished speaking, Mrs. Xiao and Jin Ling nodded hurriedly.

Mrs. Xiao said: "The fourth child also had the same guess. Ran Ran was unconscious and took out all the banknotes and pills from her pocket. I guess she also had this intention!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jin Ling also nodded hastily, "We shouldn't hide what Ran Ran did, we should let those who she treated thank her and help her accumulate merit! "

"Mom, sister-in-law, don't worry! The fourth child had already given instructions to Butler Sun when he left home! I believe Ran Ran will wake up as soon as possible!"

"Yeah!" Mrs. Xiao and Jin Ling both nodded at the same time.

After thinking about it for a while, Xuan Yin said: "Let's do it this way. After I recover a little, I will use the technique to write a letter to the master and ask the master and others. They should know better."

"Or, you can let me take Ran Ran back to Langya Mountain. Ran Ran is already a dead person here! Because of what Ye Zhaozhao did, even the entire Great Zhou Dynasty was shocked!"

"There are no clues for Ye Zhaozhao's escape, and the threat from the Xiao family still exists! It would be best for Ran Ran to follow me back to Langya Mountain!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Xiao family fell into silence!
Although they knew that Xuan Yin was right, they were reluctant to let Ran Ran go.

But now the Great Zhou Dynasty is in turmoil, and the mountain rain is about to come!

The third child left for the military camp more than a month ago after recovering from health, and the fourth child also took several juniors with him a few days ago.

It can be said that it will soon fall into a situation of internal and external troubles.

After all, if you want to completely pull out the Ye Party, there will definitely be a lot of darkness involved!

(End of this chapter)

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