Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 452: Li Bo Ming and Zhang Jing suffered miserably!

Chapter 452 Li Boming returned to Beijing and suffered miserably!

"Mom, Master Xuan Yin is right, it will be more dangerous for Ran Ran to follow us!" Jin Ling said.


After Mrs. Xiao weighed it, she nodded.

The matter of taking the little breast dumplings back to Langya Mountain has been decided!

Xuan Yin rested peacefully at Xiao's house. After three days, his internal energy recovered a lot and he sent letters to several masters.

The next day, the letter from Taoist Master Xuanming came!

It is said that Xiao Naituanzi just closed his consciousness and retained a trace of his own breath.

Once she accumulates enough merit, she will be able to live longer!
However, the merits must be accumulated as soon as possible. After all, Xiaonai Tuanzi lives by merits. If she lives for one day, the merits will be consumed.

Now that her heartbeat and breathing are gone, her good fortune must be in arrears!

Xuan Yin gave the letters from the masters to Mrs. Xiao and others to read. After several people received such confirmation, all the gloom was replaced by joy for a while!
Xuan Yin rested in Xiao's house for less than half a month, and his body fully recovered!
For the sake of the little naughty dumplings, the Xiao family did not hold back Xuan Yin much. After preparing a bunch of things for him and several masters, they sent him away!
Watching the carriage go away, Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing helped Mrs. Xiao back to the Xiao family residence, one on the left and the other on the right!
At this time in the capital.

Lord Libo Mingli encountered several interceptions and killings on his way back to the capital, and finally entered the capital under the protection of Xiaoyao Palace.

As soon as he arrived in the capital, Li Boming didn't care about his serious injuries and entered the imperial city overnight to see the emperor.

What he did was naturally because he wanted to show off in front of the emperor, and secondly, he had to let the emperor see how many people behind this didn't want to make this matter public.

The old emperor had been having nightmares for several days in a row. He dreamed that he had eaten the elixir made from the hearts and livers of children and common people, and then the common people turned into ghosts and came to seek his life.

He was not in good health originally, but after having nightmares for several days in a row, the dark circles under his eyes were as big as those of a giant panda!
When Mr. Li entered the palace, he had just woken up from a fright and was being served by his personal eunuch to drink medicine.

As soon as he heard that Li Boming was back, the old emperor immediately waved his servants to send the message, "Announce his coming in!"

When the personal eunuch saw that the emperor had heard the news of Li Boming's return, he immediately became energetic and quickly gave the little eunuch a wink.

Li Boming was carried in by his bodyguard Li Xian and a young eunuch.

The injuries on his body, the blood on his clothes, his pale face, his weak breathing... all pointed to the thrilling journey back to the capital from Ba County.

"Your Majesty, Li Boming, please see the Emperor."

Li Boming waved away the two hands holding him, knelt on the ground slowly and with difficulty, kowtowed heavily, and immediately started crying, "Your Majesty, I am so miserable!"


This...this is Li Boming! ?
Could it be that he got hit by something evil and had his core changed? ?

Isn't this person always quiet and selfless?
Not only was the emperor confused, but Chen Xian, the bodyguard who had been with Li Boming for many years, saw his master like this for the first time.

This is a miserable is really a sell-off!

However, Li Boming didn't feel anything at all and acted even harder.

When the emperor saw him telling the story with tears streaming down his face, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood again.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please calm down! No matter how angry you are, you have to protect your own body!" The old eunuch comforted him while helping him calm down.

"Your Majesty, Eunuch Fu is right. You must take care of yourself, so that those moths that harm the Great Zhou Dynasty can be brought to justice!" Li Boming said hurriedly. "When will the evidence arrive?" the emperor asked solemnly.

"When we return to the emperor, those few witnesses have asked Fourth Master Xiao Jingzhe to escort them! They should arrive in the capital in less than two days!"

The fourth child of the Xiao family?

"Didn't he have a broken leg? An imperial doctor once said that he would not live for more than a few years! Why now..."

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten? A few days ago, Prince An reported that Fourth Master Xiao met a miracle doctor, who not only cured his illness but also helped him temporarily take over the position of Governor of Jiangnan!" Eunuch Fu reminded from the side.

"Yes, yes, how could I forget this?" The old emperor patted his forehead, and then suddenly remembered, and then sighed again, "Everyone in the Xiao family is a good son!"

Eunuch Fu did not dare to answer these words. After all, the affairs of the third master of the Xiao family had not yet been fully investigated.

Who knows if the emperor will suddenly think of something.

But Eunuch Fu didn't dare to accept these words, but Li Boming did!

Not counting the Xiao family's life-saving kindness to him and the fact that they were in the same camp, he also had to take credit for the things that little girl Ran Ran and the young men of the Xiao family did in Ba County.

Especially the little girl Ran Ran, who lost her life at a young age.

He couldn't wait to let everyone in the world know that the Xiao family had such an outstanding child.

If the Xiao family hadn't sacrificed their lives to protect the people in Ba County, I'm afraid more people and more families would be torn apart and suffer!
"What the Emperor said is that all the sons of the Xiao family are brave and resourceful. The reason why this minister was able to investigate these matters so smoothly is thanks to the help of the sons of the Xiao family!"

"Especially the battle at Wuming Mountain. If it weren't for their help! With the formations and barriers set up by those Taoist priests, ordinary people like us would not even be able to find our way up the mountain."

"In addition, Xiao Ran, the little girl of the Xiao family, is also the key to injuring the demon Ye Zhaozhao..."

Although Li Boming did not go with him to Wuming Mountain, he copied everything the storytellers in the city said, completely forgetting that he was still suffering in front of the emperor at this time.

But at this time, the emperor heard it with great interest, how could he remember so much! ?
However, just when the emperor wanted to see the child, Li Boming suddenly changed the topic and burst into tears.

"My dear, what's wrong with you?" The emperor didn't know why, and was completely caught by Li Boming's story.

"Your Majesty, this poor child died in that battle! Wuwuwu..."

When the emperor heard this, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Among the men in the Xiao family, Xiao Ning was so painful that it hurt like eyeballs, but he didn't expect to lose it later!

Now, finally, a female doll was born, and because of Ye Zhaozhao...


Thinking that all these years, he was deceived by Ye Zhaozhao and mistakenly believed in the art of immortality... Now it seems that this is just using his guise to do things in the country!
He killed so many people, he was guilty!

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

The emperor couldn't help coughing heavily as he thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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