Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 453: Ye Zhengyong was dismembered by five horses, and the Wu family was exempted!

Chapter 453: Ye Zhengyong was quartered by five horses, and the Wu family was absolved!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you must take good care of yourself!"

Eunuch Fu said with worry.

The emperor's health is getting worse and worse!

"It's okay! I'm okay!" The emperor waved his hand and shook his head.

"Fu Ming, let Master Li rest in a palace today, and then find a great doctor to look at his injuries. Ahem, cough, cough..."

"Yes!" Eunuch Fu responded.

Li Boming hurriedly thanked him and followed the young eunuch to retreat.

Early the next morning, everyone knew that Li Boming, the minister of Dali Temple, had returned to Beijing.

Many people in the imperial court were Ye Party members. Since Ye Zhengyong and the people from Wu Guogong's mansion were imprisoned, these people have not had a peaceful night's sleep.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will be killed and beheaded.

Therefore, these people are low-key and low-key!
Just waiting for this matter to pass quickly!
The emperor has three sons in total, the second prince, the third prince and the fifth prince.

Among them, the second prince was born to the late empress and was now named King Huai.

The third prince, Prince An, had an unpopular concubine. His health had become extremely weak since giving birth to him, and he died when he was ten years old.

The fifth prince is the youngest and was born to the current queen.

King An has not been favored since he was a child. In the eyes of outsiders, he has always been an existence that cannot be supported by mud. In recent years, he has clung to Ye Zhengyong's party, which has won the favor of the emperor and also attracted many ministers. Thinking of such a prince.

But on the surface, King An still looks like a young man who spends his days and nights with no big ambitions. He just spends his days in restaurants drinking and dreaming.

Therefore, in the eyes of the second prince who was the direct descendant of the former empress and the fifth prince who was the direct descendant of the current empress, they did not take him seriously at all.

In the past, these two brothers of King An would not have bothered to say even half a sentence to him.

But later, after he clung to Ye Dang, these two people naturally wanted to cling to Ye Zhengyong through him.

Therefore, in the past two years of getting along, he and the other two brothers were relatively harmonious.

However, what they don't know is that the reason why Ye Zhengyong and Wu Guogong's government let him cling to him is just because he is "stupid" and has no background!

All they need is a puppet!
He is just a puppet with royal blood, but he can do whatever he wants.

As for his imperial brother and younger brother, their backgrounds were too powerful and they were not the ones they chose at all.

After Ye Zhengyong and Wu Guogong were imprisoned, the second prince and the fifth prince were more and more thankful one by one. Fortunately, they had nothing to do with Ye Zhengyong and Ye Zhaozhao, otherwise they might not be implicated at this time!

This morning, the emperor's body was not in full swing.

After going to court, the Ye party members stopped King An at the door one by one.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Li Boming has come back and is living in the palace. Have you heard anything?" The man named Wang asked doubtfully.

"What? Mr. Wang is going to find another way to join the team so soon!?"

King An raised his eyebrows frivolously and looked at Mr. Wang with a half-joking expression.

If you look carefully, you can still see the sarcasm in his eyes at this time.

He knew exactly what kind of people these people were.

But it’s not completely useless!

"Hey, look at what Prince An said, we are all subjects of Zhou Dynasty, ministers of the emperor. They only care about the emperor. Although we are closer to Ye Xiang on weekdays, it is all because of our colleagues. .”

"Now, of course we have to ask him if something happens to him!" Master Wang smiled coquettishly, not forgetting to show his sincerity when speaking, and at the same time, he also distanced himself from Ye Zhengyong.

After he said this, everyone else kept echoing his words.

"For this man, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and heaven will reincarnate! How about the details? You might as well wait and see?"

"But Mr. Wang has a saying that is right. You are all subjects of Zhou Dynasty and my father's subjects! If you are dedicated to the people, to the country, and to me, you are good subjects of Zhou Dynasty. My father is a wise king. I won’t treat you badly, what do you think?”

After Wang An said something pointedly, he swung his sleeves, waved to these ministers in a nonchalant manner, and said loudly: "There is a new girl in the Red Mansion. I want to go and take a look." !”

The ministers behind him couldn't help but shake their heads when they saw King An acting like this with disappointment on their faces.

This Prince An is such a thing that mud can’t support the wall!

But what he said is correct. Instead of earning a share of the dragon's merits, it is better to be a royalist!
Although it wasn't such a big achievement, at least the head on the neck and the heads of his family were saved.

Not far away, the second prince looked at the third prince and snorted disdainfully.

He wouldn't even bother to fight with such a person!

When he ascends to the throne in the future, he will be merciful and grant him a happy prince!
The next day, October [-]th.

Dali City and the Ministry of Criminal Justice jointly tried the case of Ye Zhaozhao.

Ye Zhaozhao killed people on the pretext of refining elixirs, used bewitching techniques to make puppets to hide his evil intentions, bewitched the Holy One, and killed young children. His crimes were heinous.

Li Boming of Dali Temple provided witness and physical evidence, and this crime was established.

Because Ye Zhaozhao was on the run, the Ministry of Punishment also issued a high reward to hunt down Ye Zhaozhao.

In addition, everyone related to Ye Zhaozhao must be thoroughly investigated.

Among them, Ye Zhengyong and Wu Feiyan, who were directly related to Ye Zhaozhao, were sentenced to death.

The rest of the Ye family, the men were exiled and the women were slaves.

In addition, Li Boming also revealed the truth about the murder of the Li family in Huaiyang and the death of Governor Zhou, and brought out all the people involved in the matter.

The first person to bear the brunt is Ye Zhengyong!

As soon as this incident came out, everyone pushed down the wall, and people who made trouble came one after another.

All the people who were interested in Ye Zhengyong and Ye Zhaozhao came out!

What about selling an official position, accepting bribes, committing crimes, setting up a private court...

Ye Zhengyong was unable to argue his case, and was finally ordered to be quartered by five horses and executed immediately by the emperor himself!
Ye Zhengyong died like that!

His criminal law was executed by Xiao Jingzhe himself!

Xiao Jingzhe looked at his dismembered body. There was no sympathy on his face, but only happiness!

After Ye Zhaozhao's incident happened, Wu Guogong's Mansion accepted the investigation.

However, something unexpected happened, Duke Wu's mansion was extremely clean, and nothing was found during the investigation!
Apart from normal interactions between them and Ye Zhaozhao, there was nothing wrong with them!
After the trial, Duke Wu personally spoke and expelled his daughter Wu Feiyan from the Wu family.

Because of Ye Zhaozhao's incident, Wu Guogong asked the emperor to take back the title of Duke Guofu.

In addition, a small amount of military power owned by the Duke of Wu was returned to the emperor.

He used this to prove the innocence of Wu Guogong's mansion. In addition, the old Duke Wu's father passed away was a meritorious official, so the emperor took back the title and military power of the Duke's mansion, and even confiscated a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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