Chapter 455 Planning!

"Of course we can't wait!" Xiao Jingzhe said solemnly.

"Fourth brother, what do you want to do? Aren't you worried that this is a trap?" Xiao Jingyao was a little worried.

If Ye Zhengyong is really the scapegoat specially found by the Wu family, then the Wu family would be too scary.

Could it be that he had anticipated today and thought of a way to escape early?
But that's not right. This old Duke Wu was a figure who fought with Emperor Taizu in the past.

He had only passed away a few years ago, by which time Ye Zhaozhao had already been born.

They can still trust the old Mr. Wu Guogong as a person!

Thinking about it this way, how could the Wu family be so early...

Not only Xiao Jingyao thought so, but even King An thought so too!
"I know what you are thinking, but right now we are afraid we can't sit still and wait for death!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"Lao Wu has Xiaoyao Palace behind him. He secretly sent people to investigate the Wu family's movements in the past ten years, as well as who they have had contact with, or whether something unusual has happened."

"Yes!" Xiao Jingyao nodded heavily.

Xiao Jingzhe thought for a moment and said, "Send someone to approach Mrs. Wu and observe her secretly for a few days to see if we can see any flaws or clues."

"If the note was really written by her, then we might as well investigate the life experiences of Prince Wu and Wu Feiyan!"

"After all... not many parents would watch their two biological children mix together."

After experiencing Zhang Biao, Zhao Hu and others lurking, and experiencing officials being replaced, Xiao Jingzhe had to think more.

Perhaps, it’s not necessarily the case that this Wu family is not the Wu family!
Xiao Jingyao responded in a deep voice.

"What do you need me to do?" King An asked humbly, looking at Xiao Jingzhe.

Although he was the king and Xiao Jingzhe was his minister, King An still respected Xiao Jingzhe very much.

"Prince An can remain the same as before, but... he can add more fire to the Wu family!!!"

"Plus the fire!?"

King An glanced at Xiao Jingyao, his face full of doubts.Immediately, he bowed respectfully to Xiao Jingzhe and said, "Please give me some advice, Fourth Master Xiao."

"Prince An, the snipe and the clam are fighting over each other and the fisherman gets the advantage! Why don't you be the one watching from the other side?"

King An was not stupid at all. Xiao Jingzhe understood it instantly after giving Xiao Jingzhe some pointers!

Ye Zhengyong fell from power, and his former henchmen were like helpless flies. This was the time for his elder brother and younger brother to win over people's hearts.

The more this time comes, the more they can find some loopholes.

As long as he pays attention, it is easy to find some clues.

He would take the opportunity to provoke a few words, and then he would be able to make them stumble without any effort.

His father's body can't hold on for long, and I'm afraid that once the storm of this matter is over, the queen will mention the position of prince.

"Thank you, Fourth Master Xiao, for the tip. I understand!" Wang An said.

He used to use "my king" before, but now he uses "I", which is enough to show his attitude.Xiao Jingzhe glanced at Xiao Jingyao, and the meaning was self-evident.

Xiao Jingyao smiled and winked at Xiao Jingzhe.

This was the first time since Li Qingqiu disappeared that he showed such a relaxed expression.

Xiao Jingzhe sighed in his heart, but didn't say much.

Seeing that Xiao Jingzhe had made arrangements for Xiao Jingyao and Prince An, Mr. Li said unsatisfied: "What about us? What can we do!?"

Mr. Li Liu also looked at Xiao Jingzhe eagerly.

Xiao Jingzhe thought about it carefully and said slowly: "The Li family is a big fat family. I don't believe those people had no intention of arresting Miss Li."

"So, right now, you have no other choice but to wait. Of course, there is nothing wrong with entering the palace properly, chatting in front of the emperor, showing off your misery, and then promising some benefits or something."

Everyone: "..."

What you say... is so artistic!All he had to do was say bluntly and buy it with money.

At this time, Xiao Jingzhe continued: "If we can confirm what is written on this note, it is not impossible for us to directly pour water on the Wu family's head."

"Given the Li family's reputation among the people, if the Wu family wants to keep a low profile and avoid being caught out, they must either find someone to take the blame or give up the Li family's meat."

"I'm afraid that's not all what Fourth Master Xiao is planning!?" Mr. Li looked at Xiao Jingzhe with a half-smile.

"Of course! What I picture is not just superficial!"

"Anyone who hurts my Xiao family, hurts my Ranran family! Of course I won't let him go!" Xiao Jingzhe said in a deep tone.

He, the Xiao family, protects his shortcomings the most.

One is Xiao Ning, and the other is Xiao Ning.

The treasures that the Xiao family regards as treasures are all involved.

Several of their brothers endured hardships and hardships, and the sons and daughters of the younger generation were forced to leave home for several years.

How could he feel comfortable with such hatred and hatred?

What's more, what happened on the battlefield that year, and the fact that the third child was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason has not yet been thoroughly investigated!
Everyone talked in Prince An's Mansion until late at night, and then quietly left.

In the morning of the next day, Li Boming mentioned the matter of building a temple for Xiao Nai Tuanzi in Ba County.

The emperor felt very pity when he thought of this little girl he had never seen before.

Hearing Li Boming mention this, the emperor immediately ordered that the matter of Xiaonai Dumplings be publicized throughout the capital, and specially ordered workers to build a temple for Xiaonai Dumplings in the capital.

The Ministry of Industry provides people and the Ministry of Household Affairs provides money.

After hearing the emperor's order, the two of them stood up hurriedly to accept the errand.

As soon as he came down from court, Prince An took the second prince and the fifth prince to mention the people who had been with Ye Zhengyong, intentionally or unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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