Chapter 456 Chapter 457 Mrs. Wu

As soon as the two heard this, they felt that this was the opportunity to win over those ministers.

So after leaving the palace, the two began to think about how to win over these people.

However, in the next few days, they could attract very few people.

If these people take sides at this time, aren't they looking for death?
So at this time, King An made some vague provocations.

The two parties quickly started fighting over this matter.

At the same time, Xiao Jingyao's people had also secretly sneaked into the Wu Mansion and approached Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu's original name was Nie Xueqin, and her father was just an official the size of a sesame seed.

After Nie Xueqin was attracted to marry the eldest son of Wu Guogong, her father was also promoted to serve in Tai Changshi.

Over the years, because of the relationship between the Wu family, the Nie family's life has been prosperous.

Although their status is lower, no one dares to bully them. Who allowed them to give birth to a good daughter!
After living in poverty for a long time, he suddenly started to live a good life, and because Nie Xueqin married into a high-ranking family, the situation inevitably swelled.

Nie Xueqin's elder brother and younger brother gradually became fascinated by the prosperity of Kyoto.

In the third year after Nie Xueqin married into the Wu family, she successfully became two fools who were good at eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

Prince Wu Wu Xi also slowly exposed his true nature in this process. is so difficult for Mrs. Wu to leave at this time! ! !
So he asked himself to be removed from court on the grounds that he was infertile.

However, it was not easy for the Wu family to find such a suitable woman to cover up the embarrassing incident, so how could he let it go so easily?
Mrs. Wu resisted, but to what avail?

Her parents, brothers and sisters were all in his hands. What could she, a woman with nothing and nothing, do?

Gradually, even if Mrs. Wu was dissatisfied, even if she discovered some dirty things about the Wu Xi brothers and sisters, she would turn a blind eye.

Later, she escaped into Buddhism and lived in a small Buddhist hall, eating fast and chanting Buddha's name.I originally thought that I would always be accompanied by the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng and die alone.

But Ye Zhaozhao's scandal was revealed, and he was seriously injured and disappeared, which could not help but make ripples gradually appear in her heart.

The Xiao family is back. Maybe he can cooperate with the Xiao family to expose the Wu family's crimes to save his own life.

As for his parents, older brother and younger brother, if it weren't for them, she wouldn't be where she is now.

Let her be selfish for once and live for herself!
Inside the Wu family's small Buddhist hall.

The sound of the wooden fish was extremely loud.

Mrs. Wu closed her eyes slightly, and the movements of her hands were very regular.

When Xiaoyao Palace guard Xueying entered the small Buddhist hall dressed as a little girl, Mrs. Wu's hands obviously paused, disrupting the rhythm of her tapping.

But she quickly returned to normal, and she didn't stop until she finished reciting a scripture.

"Aren't you that girl from Bihe?! Are you from Fourth Master Xiao? Are you here for that note!?"

Mrs. Wu stood up slowly, bowed to the Bodhisattva in front of her, and asked three questions without looking back.

Although she was asking, it was clear from her tone that she was determined!

Xueying's identity was revealed instantly, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

But the words in her mouth were enough to prove that the note was indeed what she sent!

But what makes Xueying even more curious is how this Mrs. Wu knew about her disguise!

(End of this chapter)

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