Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 457 Madam Wu’s request, the emperor’s plan!

Chapter 457 Madam Wu’s request, the emperor’s plan!

"You smell different from that girl in Bihe, and your walking sounds are also different! That girl kicks the door every time she comes in, but you push the door open!"

Before Xueying could speak, Mrs. Wu started talking to herself.

When she finished speaking, she had finished worshiping the Bodhisattva in front of her, turned around slowly, and glanced at Xueying's body indifferently.

"How can Madam be sure that the person coming is not another girl?"

After being exposed, Xueying didn't panic and asked calmly.

Mrs. Wu smiled, "There were people guarding my temple at first, but later I probably didn't pose any threat. In order to prevent me from dying, Wu Xi sent a girl like Bihe to watch over me! "

"Although you look very similar in disguise, Bihe's reluctance to be evil is something you don't have! For example, the food in your hands!"

"If it's her, I'm afraid she can smell the bad smell right now."

Xueying: "..."

"Girl, are you from the Xiao family?"

Xueying pursed her lips and did not answer.

Mrs. Wu did not wait for her answer and continued: "I asked my cousin to deliver the last note to Mr. Xiao."

As she said this, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Wu Feiyan and Wu Xi, this pair of bitches, have had an affair for a long time. I knew it! But what I didn't expect was that Ye Zhaozhao was actually the daughter of Wu Feiyan and Wu Xi! Ha! It's so ironic that the daughter of a biological brother and sister is born. of!"

"How can Mrs. Wu conclude that Ye Zhaozhao is their biological daughter!?"

"Wu Xi and Wu Feiyan admitted it themselves in the cell that day, and the two old guys didn't object."

"Wu Xi was indeed kind to me in the early years, but at that time Wu Feiyan regarded me as a thorn in his side, which puzzled me until I saw their adultery discovered with my own eyes... and everything changed!"

"Then Ye Zhengyong is just a puppet. All the things Ye Zhengyong has done over the years are just the plans of Wu Xi and that old guy!"

"Girl, go back and tell the Xiao family that if you want to find out the flaws of the Wu family, you may be able to investigate from Yanglin, Xuzhou, Yuzhou and Buzhou."

"This is the place Wu Xi has taken me to over the years. In name, he took me to see some famous doctor, but in fact he would disappear for a long time once he arrived at these places."

"So I suspect that he probably did something during these days when he disappeared!"

"By the way, this is for you! Give it to Master Xiao for me!"

With that said, Mrs. Wu took out a piece of paper and handed it to Xueying.

Xueying took a look and her pupils shrank slightly.

Mrs. Wu said: "This is a seal pattern hidden by Wu Xi. We have seen it once or twice when our relationship was relatively good! Seeing that he is very cautious, I guess it is something important."

"The picture above is based on my impression. It may not be accurate, but it is roughly what it looks like!"

"Mrs. Wu, do you have any conditions for doing this?" Xueying asked.

"All I want is peace, real peace! I have been trapped in a place like this all my life, and I am not willing to accept it! I want to be free..."

"I understand!" Xueying glanced at Mrs. Wu with some sympathy and said.

Xueying put the paper away and left in a hurry.

After Xiao Jingyao got the seal from Xueying, he immediately asked people to investigate the origin of the seal and the relationship between the places mentioned by Mrs. Wu and the Wu family.

At the same time, Xueying was also asked to continue to play the role of a girl named Bihe and follow Mrs. Wu.

On the one hand, he protects Mrs. Wu, but on the other hand, he can also spy on the Wu family's activities.

But a month passed, and there was still no movement from the Wu family.

Even Wu Xi's father, the former Duke of Wu, took leave of absence and did not go to court.

He stayed at home all day, either fighting cocks and walking dogs, or reciting poems and painting.

At this moment, people couldn’t even get the slightest clue.But in November, the weather suddenly turned cold, and the old emperor in the palace became seriously ill.

Because of this, the struggle for power between the second prince and the fifth prince became more and more serious.

Even if the emperor did not attend the morning court, many people in the court still wrote to the emperor asking him to establish a prince.

The old emperor looked at the records, either those who made the second child the prince or the fifth child the prince. He was so angry that he became even sicker.

He had six princes in his life, but only three survived.

The second child is rebellious, arrogant and cruel, while the fifth child is vicious and only knows conspiracy.

Only the third child... is extremely intelligent, but his mother's family is weak. It has been difficult to protect himself these years. If he were to become the prince at this time, he would probably be swallowed alive by the second and fifth children.

"Fushou, do you think I was wrong!?"

The emperor sat at the table and sighed.

Eunuch Fu turned to his side with his head lowered. After hearing the emperor's words, he raised his head slightly and thought about it before saying: "Your Majesty, you are doing this for the good of the princes!"


The emperor chuckled lightly, then coughed heavily again without saying anything.

Eunuch Fu quickly took the clothes and put them on the emperor's body.

"Your Majesty, it's getting cold, you'd better rest early!"

The emperor gathered up his clothes and said in a deep voice: "The news will be spread tomorrow, saying that I dreamed of the late empress last night. The late empress asked me why I didn't make my second son the crown prince. When I woke up, I told you The queen misses her very much."

"Your Majesty, what are you..." Eunuch Fu was startled and looked at the emperor in astonishment.

"Bliss and longevity, I don't have long to live! It's time to make a decision!" the emperor said with his eyes slightly closed.

After hearing this, Eunuch Fu knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, you will live a long life!"

When the emperor heard this, there was a hint of pain on his face, "Get up! How many innocent lives have I killed in order to live longer?"

"This man is never satisfied..."

Hearing this, Eunuch Fu looked up, and at that moment he actually saw endless regret and self-blame in the emperor.

When Eunuch Fu saw this, his eyes turned red.

If it weren't for Ye Zhaozhao's bewitchment and deception, how could the emperor be like this?

The emperor is blaming himself!

"Do what I want, go down!" The emperor waved to him without looking at Eunuch Fu again.


Eunuch Fu resigned, and the emperor picked up the pen and started writing on the paper.

The next day, Eunuch Fu told the story about the emperor's dream.

As soon as this news came out, the queen couldn't sit still.

The fifth prince was immediately summoned to the palace for discussion.

After some discussion, the fifth prince came out of the palace and immediately summoned the people around him to make a plan.

Contrary to the fifth prince and the others, the second prince and the others were extremely happy.

The former empress was the emperor's first wife, and she died for the emperor, so the emperor treated her differently.

Nowadays, the power of the second prince and the fifth prince are equally matched. If the crown prince's position is decided because of such a dream, for the second prince and his party, this is simply a waste of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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