Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 458 The new Minister of War, Xiao Jingzhe!

Chapter 458 The new Minister of War, Xiao Jingzhe!
The study room of Prince An's Mansion.

"My lord, what do you think of this news!?"

Xiao Jingzhe looked at Prince An who looked calm and indifferent, raised his eyebrows and asked.

Prince An naturally understood that Xiao Jingzhe's words were meant to test him, so he smiled and said: "The second emperor brother and the fifth emperor brother are equally powerful, and I, the prince, have no status in the eyes of my father." His background is just that he is greedy for pleasure, and I am afraid that he wants to make the two of them fight, or maybe he also wants to test me."

"What are Prince An's preparations?"

King An smiled and said: "No, it is the same as it was in the past, and it will be the same now."

"No!" Xiao Jingzhe shook his head.

Prince An looked at him doubtfully, raised his hands to him, and said respectfully: "What is Mr. Xiao's opinion? I'd like to hear the details!"

"Your Majesty thinks he has hidden himself very well over the years, but he doesn't know that the Emperor's eyes are everywhere. The Emperor may not be aware of the fact that Your Majesty sent the young prince out of the capital."

"Even if the emperor doesn't know, if Prince Ruoan wants that position, he should let the emperor know at this time."

Hearing this, Prince An lowered his eyes.

If the father had known about his ambition, then he would have indulged him regardless of fear.

With this move, the fight between the second emperor brother and the fifth emperor brother is likely to intensify.

The two sides are evenly matched, and the outcome is likely to be a loss-lose situation for both sides.

So...father is paving the way for him! ?

Thinking of this, Prince An suddenly opened his eyes wide.

I felt a little excited in my heart, and felt faintly unbelievable.

You must know that the father has never looked at him seriously in these years.

Later, because of the Xiao family's affairs, he walked to Ye Zhengyong's side, which reminded his father of his son.

How could my father...

"In the royal family, being indifferent is not a form of protection!?" Xiao Jingyao said lazily beside him.

Hearing this, Prince An was shocked again.

Suddenly there was a feeling of clearing away the clouds.

The dark clouds that had been weighing on my heart all these years were completely dispersed in this moment.

"Prince An, Xiao Jingzhe has something to ask for."

At this time, Xiao Jingzhe suddenly spoke, Rumo's eyes fixed on Prince An.

King An came to his senses and raised his arm slightly, "Fourth Master Xiao, if you have anything to say, it doesn't matter. We are in the same camp now, so there is no need to be so polite."

Xiao Jingyao also looked at Xiao Jingzhe, with doubts on his face.

What does Fourth Brother want to say? ?

"Please, Lord An, please ask for a favor in front of the emperor to allow Xiao to enter the court."

"Fourth brother, do you want to enter the court?" Xiao Jingyao stood up excitedly and said, "If this is the case, doesn't this mean that we have told the emperor that we, Tongan Wang..."

"Master Xiao, are you sure?" Prince An was not as excited as Xiao Jingyao. He even wanted Xiao Jingzhe to join the court.

Xiao Jingzhe is brave and resourceful, courageous and courageous.

This is a rare talent.

His entry into the imperial court as an official was of no benefit to him.

"Sure! But don't expose our relationship just yet!"

"Huh?" King An was a little confused.

Xiao Jingzhe explained, "Although the Xiao family is not as good as before, it has recently established some prestige among the people in the court because of the domination of the county."

"It would be detrimental to Prince An to expose our relationship at this time!" "Prince An just needs to let the emperor know about it. In addition, it is reasonable and reasonable to ask Li Boming to write a letter to draw attention to him!"

King An nodded, "I wonder what position Fourth Master Xiao wants!?"

"Just find me a position in the Ministry of War, no matter how big or small!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

When King An heard this request, he was a little stunned.

I thought Xiao Jingzhe wanted a bigger official position.

did not expect……

King An didn't understand Xiao Jingzhe's intention, but Xiao Jingyao guessed it right away!

The fourth brother probably wanted to investigate what happened on the battlefield when he entered the Ministry of War!
The Xiao family escaped death because of insufficient evidence for what happened back then.

However, the Xiao family was injured one after another, and the eldest brother was targeted in the court, so there was no way to investigate the events of that year in depth. Now the fourth brother entered the Ministry of War to give the third brother and the Xiao family a clean slate.

The news that the third brother is alive has not spread yet. Once it spreads, it will definitely become a reason for others to criticize the Xiao family and wrongly accuse the third brother.

Only by repaying the third brother and the Xiao family's innocence can this hidden danger be eliminated from the source.

The defeat that year was not only due to spies in the army, but also because of problems with the weapons.

The weapons sent to the battlefield turned into inferior products, which led to heavy losses.

Therefore, Fourth Brother wants to investigate from the Ministry of War.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jingyao looked at King An and said: "The current Minister of War seems to be the person recommended by Ye Zhengyong in the past. After the Ye family was defeated, the Minister of War seems to be sitting in this position well. Why not take advantage of this Any chance you can get it for him?"

King An: "..."

How could a minister of the Ministry of War just do it on his own initiative! ?
However, before they could take action, the Minister of War was taken down by others!

Moreover, the reason for being taken down actually involved the battle between the Xiao Family Army and Southern Xinjiang seven years ago.

The reason is this.

The relationship between the second prince and the fifth prince is now like fire and water.

It was rumored that the second prince was going to be established as the prince. Many of those who had been with Ye Zhengyong placed their money on the second prince, hoping to gain the merit of being a follower of the dragon.

There were several people among them that the second prince had tried to win over before but had been rejected. In order to surrender, he would naturally have to give the second prince some valuable "gifts".

No, it just so happened that the fifth prince was forced to jump over the wall and promised to win over the Minister of War with the heavy diamond promise.

Unexpectedly, he was given the "gift" of surrender and everything that the Minister of War had done was revealed one by one.

Originally, the second prince wanted to use this to threaten the Minister of War into taking him under his command, but at this time Li Boming came out and killed him.

It is said that Xiao Jingyao went to Dali Temple to sue the Minister of War, which caused heavy losses to the Xiao family army that year.

Someone has reported this, and Dali City will naturally investigate.

The second prince was also surrounded by someone from Prince An, who persuaded him that the friendship of the Xiao family was more valuable than the Minister of War who had many problems.

The second prince felt that it was polite, and he could also take this opportunity to suppress the fifth prince and the queen's party.

Why not do this! ?
Therefore, before Xiao Jingzhe and the others could investigate, the second prince sent evidence and witnesses to them.

The Minister of War accepted bribes and made false accounts during that war.

This can be regarded as a crime of collaboration with the enemy and treason.

This matter had such a great impact that the emperor immediately put the Minister of War in jail and executed him at a later date.

As expected, Xiao Jingzhe was elected as the new Minister of War by the people of Prince An and the second prince.

Xiao Jingzhe did not think that the Minister of War was the only one responsible for what happened that year, so he continued to investigate what happened that year after becoming the Minister of War.

(End of this chapter)

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