Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 459 The emperor is critically ill, please wait!

Chapter 459 The emperor is critically ill, please wait!
At this time, the Wu family.

"Dad, it's not good. I just received news that someone is investigating us!" Wu Xi came back from the Wu family study in a hurry, with a worried look on his face.

"Look at you, why are you panicking!" Wu Youyou, the former Duke of Wu Kingdom, calmly took a pen and practiced calligraphy on the paper. There was no trace of panic on his face. He said calmly: "Zhaozhao has been exposed. We are his relatives. Even though he has cut off Yiwei and them We broke away from the relationship, but what we did was too clean and it made people suspicious."

"It's a bad thing that no one is investigating this."

Wu Xi: "..."

Seeing his father's calm expression, his heart slowly calmed down.

"What dad said is that his son is making a fuss out of a molehill!"

"Expose some information that can be exposed! Attract their attention!" Wu Youyou said.

"Yes." Wu Xi responded and retreated.

As soon as Wu Xi left, Wu Youyou threw away the pen in his hand and said, "Come out!"

At that time, a man in black robes came out of the darkness and said, "Master!"

"Is there no news from Zhaozhao yet?" Wu Youyou's tone was filled with anger.

"No reply to the master yet!" the man in black replied.

After saying that, the man in black said again: "Master, the people of the Xiao family are pressing harder and harder now. Do you want to... advance..."

"Need not!"

Wu Youyou said coldly: "Now is not the time, the puppet man's plan has been seen through! We have lost a lot of chips! There is no news about Zhao Zhao now, so it is not a good time to take action."

"But Xiao Jingzhe is not someone to be trifled with. He's very thoughtful! If we let him continue his investigation like this, we're afraid we'll expose him!"

Hearing this, Wu Youyou pondered.

After a while, he ordered: "Let people prepare!"


The man in black responded and stepped back.


Wu Youyou broke the pen in his hand with a click.

As soon as Xiao Jingzhe arrived at the Ministry of War, he immediately started an aggressive investigation.

The Xiao family's matter was already a major case, and the Xiao family's contribution to the Ba County matter was so great that the emperor allowed him to investigate the case. Therefore, the Ministry of War and Dali City also actively cooperated with him in the investigation.

At the same time, Xiao Jingyao also investigated some information based on the clues provided by Mrs. Wu.

What they found at the beginning was nothing more than useless information about Wu Xi who was promiscuous and had some concubines hidden in various places.

But later, Xiao Jingyao discovered that most of these so-called concubines of Wu Xi came from one place, that is, brothels.

Logically speaking, this is not a strange thing, but it is such a coincidence that a certain seal used by the brothel is very similar to the seal given by Mrs. Wu.

So the people from Xiaoyao Palace secretly investigated these brothels.

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.

In this brothel, the people up and down are not simple.

Especially the girls in this building, many of them have been specially trained.

These people were given to some dignitaries or wealthy businessmen.

This brothel also sells news, and most of the news is brought back by the girls who left the brothel.

Some people even had their families destroyed because of these girls from brothels.

On the surface, it seems that these people are given women, but in fact, they are given housewives.

The wind blows in the ears of these women, and all these drunkards are willing to surrender.

It is conceivable that if all officials in the Zhou Dynasty were like this, wouldn't they be controlled by those behind them?

After discovering this, Xiao Jingyao was shocked.Then through these sisters, these officials and wealthy businessmen were found.

It was found that among the places mentioned by Mrs. Wu, an iron mine appeared in one of them.

And this iron ore mine has been mined.

Private mining of iron ore is a serious crime of decapitation!

The local officials hid it and arranged for people to mine without being discovered. You can imagine what they wanted to do!

In addition, grain, horses, cloth, etc. were also hoarded in other places.

I kept checking along this line, but for a while I couldn't find the whereabouts of this thing.

But behind all these things is the Wu family, and it has become a fact that the Wu family wants to rebel!
When Xiao Jingyao reported these things to Xiao Jingzhe and Wang An, they were also shocked.

Counting from the time of Governor Zhou's accident, it has only been ten years now.

The Wu family has secretly corrupted Da Zhou into this state in the past ten years.

If you don't check it, you really don't know that this peaceful week is already in a state of crisis.

"The ambition of the Wu family is really big!" King An tightened his fist.

After so many years of hard planning and humiliation, it was just for that position.

But looking back now, even if I sit in that position, I will either become a puppet or give up everything!

How can this be!

"His Royal Highness Prince An, please enter the palace immediately and report this matter to the Emperor!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"No!" After Xiao Jingzhe finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao objected, "We don't have the evidence yet. If we act rashly, I'm afraid we will be controlled by others, and there is no guarantee that the old Wu family won't bite back."

"No, this matter can't wait! The emperor's body is now at the end of its strength, and I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long! It's winter now, and this is the time when southern and northern Xinjiang are experiencing friction and conflicts with the Great Zhou Dynasty. If I If your guess is correct, military reports from the border will be coming soon!"

"The Wu family holds horses, grain, cloth, weapons and money."

"If they don't move at this moment, I'm afraid they are just waiting for an opportunity!"

"Then instead of being so passive, why not take the initiative to lure the enemy deeper!"

"But my father's body..." King An was a little worried that the emperor would not be able to bear the news for a while.

"Prince An, those who achieve great things should avoid looking forward and backward! Your filial piety is commendable, but the emperor is not as fragile as you think."

"This is the time for you to reveal your new deeds to the emperor! Let him see your ability and your determination and confidence to defend the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Hearing this, Prince An remained silent for a long time and then said: "Okay!"

"Please, Your Majesty, persuade the Emperor to cooperate with us!" Xiao Jingzhe said with cupped hands.


Early the next morning, Prince An entered the palace.

I don’t know what he said to the emperor, which caused the emperor to become furious and vomit blood and fall into coma.

At the same time, King An also knelt outside the emperor's palace for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it and was carried back.

The emperor is critically ill, and the happiest party is the second and fifth princes.

Because of the emperor's dream, they had trouble sleeping and eating these days.

Originally, they had roped in a minister of the Ministry of War, but they didn't expect that he would be brought down by the Second Prince's people in less than a day. They made a lot of trouble for nothing.

This breath has been deflated in my heart and I can't go up or down. It's really uncomfortable.

Now that he is well, the emperor is critically ill and the crown prince's position has not yet been fully determined.

The second prince has no mother and concubine, so this is a good opportunity for them.

As soon as the queen got the news, she dressed softly and happily went to the emperor's side to attend to his illness.

(End of this chapter)

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