Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 460 Wu Feiyan died, the murderer was Xiao Jingzhe! ?

Chapter 460 Wu Feiyan died, the murderer was Xiao Jingzhe! ?

The emperor's illness directly frightened the second prince and his party.

The second prince, who was originally happy, couldn't help but become worried.

He tried every possible means to catch the little pigtails of the fifth prince party, and he couldn't wait to step on them a few times.

For a time, the situation in the court became tense.

It was at this time that the Li family suddenly launched an attack on the Wu family, saying bluntly that the Wu family had arrested their Li family's daughter, Li Qingqiu.

Many people know that Li Qingqiu was caught and disappeared, and the head of the Li family has been in the capital for the past two months.

The Li family also scattered a lot of money, and anyone who provided clues would be rewarded heavily.

Earlier, they found out that this person had contact with Ye Zhengyong. Later, they lost the clue when the steward of the Ye family died. Now, the Li family suddenly targeted the Wu family.

Many people started speculating.

Because of the Li family's contributions to the Zhou Dynasty over the years, many people believed in the Li family and helped the Li family to denounce the Wu family outside.

The Wu family suddenly became the target of public criticism.

Mr. Li took his people to the Wu family to make trouble twice, and they quarreled with Wu Youyou, the old man of the Wu family.

It ended with Wu Youyou fainting.

The second time the Li family came to make trouble, the Wu family's door didn't even open.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the Li family to attract the Wu family, Xiao Jingzhe, the minister of the Ministry of War, reported that iron ore had been discovered in Xuzhou. No one from Xuzhou, from the prefect to the county magistrate, reported the discovery.

Not only that, these iron ores have been mined.

As soon as this incident came out, the ruling and opposition parties were shocked.

The emperor finally got better, but he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Order Dali City and the Ministry of Punishment to supervise the arrest of Xuzhou officials, large and small, and conduct a thorough investigation.

This came and went, and more than half a month passed quickly.

When Li Boming was examining the case, he found out about the brothel again.

For a time, those officials who had many concubines in their homes felt a chill in their hearts.

Who would have thought that this gentle villager would become the hero Taku in just an instant?
These officials were frightened when they thought about what information had been inadvertently obtained by the concubines.

Almost as soon as the news came out, officials took the initiative to sell out all the concubines they had received in recent years.

This move can be said to make the principal wives feel very happy.

Because of this incident, many ladies specially sent some food to the officials of Dali City and the Ministry of Justice to thank them.

Wu family.

"Dad, we can't wait any longer! If we wait any longer, we will be passive!" Wu Xi was full of anxiety, with black and blue circles around his eyes.

He also didn't expect that such a secret matter would be discovered in such a short period of time.

As soon as the iron ore incident came out, the brothel was also investigated!
Most of their people were lost here.

If there is no further action, I am afraid that all of them will be dug out by Xiao Jingzhe!
"Contact the second prince!" Wu Youyou said in a deep voice.

"Second prince? Dad, behind the second prince is General Zhu Guo. What benefits can we get from cooperating with him!" Wu Xi looked at Wu Youyou in disbelief.

Wu Youyou didn't look very good. If they could, why would they seek skin from a tiger?
But now, most of their power has been pulled out, and if they act rashly, they may be regarded as a stepping stone.

After all, the forces behind the second prince and the forces behind the fifth prince are not easy to mess with.

Now that the Xiao family has turned into ashes, it is back again, and this power cannot be underestimated.

If they want to succeed, they must consume the power of others.

"It's just cooperation, and... don't forget that General Zhu Guo was behind the Xiao family's affairs."

"Xiao Jingzhe is now suspicious of us. If we continue like this, we will be exposed." "The emperor is seriously ill, the queen is ill, and the dispute between the fifth prince and the second prince is becoming more and more serious. It's obvious! Let's openly cooperate with the second prince to get rid of the vicious fifth prince and divert Xiao Jingzhe's attention."

"Reveal the clues from that year to Xiao Jingzhe, so that Xiao Jingzhe and the second prince can fight with each other and lose both sides! Only then can we fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to stabilize the situation."

"Until then, everything will still be in our pocket!"

Wu Youyou spoke eloquently, and Wu Xi's eyes became brighter as he listened.

After Wu Youyong finished speaking, he saw him giving a thumbs up, "The father's method is better, the son feels inferior."

"Although the process was a bit tortuous, it kept everyone in the palm of my hand."

"Back then, all the sons of the Xiao family were not your plan, but now they are just Xiao Jingzhe. How can they be my rival?"

Such compliments were very useful to Wu You.

He burst out laughing immediately.

"Dad, Feiyan's side...when will she be rescued?"

After talking about business, Wu Youyou was worried about his young lover Wu Feiyan who was still in prison.

Hearing this, Wu Youyou glared at him fiercely, "Look at your potential! Don't worry, she will be released after a while, have to watch out for the daughter of the Li family!"

"Dad, don't worry! As long as we don't release him, the Li family will never find any evidence." Wu Xi said confidently.


Wu Youyou nodded, "I'm still confident in your ability to do things! Go ahead and do as I tell you."


Wu Xi responded and retreated.

However, as soon as he left, he heard Wu Youyou say to a hidden place, "It's time to send my good daughter off!"

What he said was calm and gentle, but in this silent night, it seemed particularly cold and indifferent.

After all, the daughter he has called him for decades will be completely abandoned once she loses her use value and becomes an abandoned child.

"Master, what exactly is the lady..."

Before the man in black finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Wu Youhei, "Do as I say! Don't forget your own identity!"


The man in black immediately didn't dare to say anything anymore, pursed his lower lip slightly and retreated.

That night, Wu Feiyan died!
Died in prison!

Next to her body, the word "Xiao" was written in bright red blood.

This word "Xiao" instantly turned the blame on Xiao Jingzhe, the new minister of the Ministry of War.

Although Wu Feiyan was about to die, he was killed in prison, and the clues of the murderer pointed to Xiao Jingzhe.

This suddenly pushed Xiao Jingzhe into a storm of public opinion.

Making him a target of public criticism.

Xiao Jingzhe really didn't expect that someone else would come from the sky to take the blame in the Ministry of War.

It's just that he is too lazy to explain this kind of thing that comes out of nowhere!

However, precisely because of his lack of explanation, this further promoted the cooperation between Wu Xi and the second prince.

Xiao Jingzhe expected that the Wu family would choose a prince to cooperate with.

However, what he didn't expect was that the Wu family chose the second prince instead of the fifth prince.

After all, judging from the current situation, the fifth prince has a greater chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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