Chapter 462: Internal and External Troubles!

Soon, both Xiao Jingzhe and the fifth prince knew about the conspiracy between the second prince and the Wu family.

At the same time, some forces hidden in the dark by the Wu family gradually surfaced.

in the palace.

The fifth prince had a sinister look on his face, as if someone owed him hundreds of taels of silver.

"Mother, we can't wait any longer!" The fifth prince clenched his hands tightly, his tone was very firm, and his eyes revealed an aura of determination to win.

"Yes." The queen's slightly closed eyes opened slightly, and she nodded immediately, "Your father's side is already at the end of its battle. Originally, I wanted to wait. Since they are so impatient, it's no wonder. We are."

"Your Majesty, please go out and make contact! I'll leave matters outside the palace to you, and as for things inside the palace... I'll leave it to my mother!"

"Yes." The fifth prince responded, his tone slightly excited.

After waiting for so many years, they finally waited for this day.

Soon, he would be sitting in the position he always dreamed of.

The fifth prince tried his best to suppress himself, and then managed to maintain his composure.

After leaving the palace, the fifth prince secretly contacted his own people!
But what he didn't know was that every move he made had already fallen in the eyes of Xiao Jingzhe and the others.

It can be said that everything in this situation is now under their control.

The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind. They are the oriole!

Entering December, eight hundred miles of urgent traffic came from southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang.

Especially in northern Xinjiang, it can be said to be menacing.

Northern Xinjiang is different from southern Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang has less food, but northern Xinjiang has a vast territory and rich food and grass!

I don’t know why he suddenly took action against Dazhou this time.

As soon as this incident came out, Da Zhou was in trouble both internally and externally.

After the emperor heard about this, the disease became even more serious!
It is Zhu Guogong's eldest son who is currently guarding the southern border.The people guarding the northern border are Jin Ling's natal family, the Jin family.

Due to the scarcity of food in southern Xinjiang, frictions with Dazhou have been constant in recent years.

Especially in winter, smashing, smashing and looting are common.

However, Northern Xinjiang has maintained a good relationship with Da Zhou for decades. This year, for some unknown reason, they actually sent troops to Da Zhou!

For a time, everyone in the entire court was in danger and a sense of urgency spread.

Others don't know what Beijiang means, but Xiao Jingzhe knows it.

The Northern Xinjiang faction secretly sneaked into Dazhou and Southern Xinjiang, replaced some local officials of the imperial court, and used their power to do evil in the local areas. They even suspected that the poison had a close connection with Northern Xinjiang.

Northern Xinjiang's ambitions have long been obvious.

And the calmness for so many years is just that they are recuperating and dormant!
The war broke out and the emperor became seriously ill.

The emperor suddenly gave a directive, asking the second prince and the fifth prince to supervise the country to assist.

This kind of indication was undoubtedly like a thunder from the ground, exploding in front of everyone.

Letting the second prince supervise the country is an affirmation of the second prince's ability!
She fell in love with the second prince, so she entrusted him with such an important matter.

At the same time, those who liked to watch others prepare the dishes also turned to the Second Prince's side one by one.

For a time, the second prince was indistinguishable.

It seems like I am floating when I walk.

The difference from their side is that all the five princes on the other side have ugly faces.

Especially the fifth prince, whose whole face was covered with dark clouds, as if ink might drip at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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