Chapter 463: Stealing the Emperor, believe it!

On the evening of December [-]th, the weather was gloomy, and a thick layer of haze seemed to hang over the air.

The emperor fell into a coma for several days, and the imperial physician declared that he was too weak to survive and would die soon.

For a time, the entire palace was controlled by the queen and the five princes.

The rest wanted to see the emperor but could not.

The next morning at court, the fifth prince appeared with a document signed by the emperor himself and asked everyone to call him the prince.

The second prince and his party did not believe it, and their request to see the emperor was rejected by Prince Wu and the queen's party on the grounds that the emperor was seriously ill and should not be disturbed.

Some ministers from the court came out to testify, saying that this document was written by the emperor himself and there was no mistake.

On the night of December [-]th, the second prince and General Zhu Guo led troops into the palace on the pretext of King Qin.

At this point, the second prince's party and the fifth prince's party were fighting in the palace.

At this time, Xiao Jingyao, Prince An and Xiao Jingzhe were sitting in the study of Prince An's mansion.

There is a bright yellow figure sitting in the upper position of the study. If this person is not the emperor of Zhou Dynasty, who is he?

Several people sat opposite each other and were relatively speechless for a while.

On the other hand, Eunuch Fu, who was behind the emperor, lowered his head and looked trembling.

It was obviously winter, but strangely there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

He didn't even know how he came to Prince An's Mansion. He only knew that he had been forced by the Queen to speak for them. As soon as he refused, he was tied up by the Queen's people.

I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that I would be here when I woke up.

The emperor's expression was not much better at this time.

It's just that compared to his sickly appearance before, he now looks red, and his body's bones are visible to the naked eye.


After a long silence, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help it anymore, coughed lightly, and then winked at Prince An.

Prince An pursed his lips slightly, and glanced at Xiao Jingzhe, who was sitting next to him with an old look, and twitched his lips when he saw that he was indifferent, as if he didn't exist.

"Ahem, that father, please obey the authority in emergencies! We had no choice but to invite you here in this way. Please forgive me!" King An said cautiously.

In front of the emperor, he subconsciously still thought of the dandy prince, and his tone of voice was somewhat coquettish and flattering, which was completely different from what he usually did in front of Xiao Jingzhe and the others.

The emperor took a deep look at his son and hummed.

He discovered the differences in his most inconspicuous son very early on, and understood how difficult it was for a prince without a strong background to survive.

But what he didn't expect was that he was so capable, and that he even had people under his nose.

Not only that, his people were able to evade the guards of the queen's people and take him and Eunuch Fu out of the palace.

"When did you place an spy in the palace?"

"Uh..." Prince An hesitated for a moment, but replied truthfully: "The better people in the palace are all left by my mother, and the other thing is... Concubine Hui is my son's son!"

"Concubine Hui!?"

The emperor looked at his son in disbelief, as if he had just met him today.

"Yes." King An nodded, "Father may not know that Concubine Hui and my mother are both from the same place. My mother saved Concubine Hui's life before she entered the palace! Later, when Concubine Hui gave birth, if it hadn't been for my mother, she I’m afraid I won’t survive it.”

"My mother's status was low, and no one knew about it." "Later, my mother died! I was helpless because Concubine Hui was always helping me behind the scenes!"

"And later, the eldest brother disappeared on the battlefield... Father, does he know how the eldest brother disappeared? He did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died under the sword of his own people."

"And the person behind it...has nothing to do with the Queen's Party or the Second Prince's Party."

Listening to King An talk about his eldest son, melancholy inevitably appeared on the emperor's face.

The eldest prince is his favorite child, he is honest, kind and filial.

But he lost his life in the battle with Southern Xinjiang more than seven years ago.

He may not have meant to anger the Xiao family for what happened back then.

After the boss left, Concubine Hui became depressed, and later she even built a Buddhist temple in her palace behind closed doors.

If the third child hadn't mentioned it today, he might have forgotten that there was such a person in his harem.


The emperor couldn't help but sigh deeply when he recalled this.

King An looked at the gray-haired emperor and couldn't help but said: "Father, do you feel that your energy is better now?"


The emperor felt it carefully and felt that his body was indeed much better. He couldn't help but look at Wang An with some doubts.

King An said: "The decoctions and medicines I have given you these days were all changed by my ministers!"

"The Queen and the people of the Fifth Emperor gave you medicine. Drinking this medicine will not do any good to your father's illness! Not only that, it will also make your father's body become heavier and heavier until he falls into a coma. !”

"So, I asked someone to secretly put something else in your soup. Although the symptoms are the same! But they are all good medicine for my father's health!"

The emperor heard this and looked at each other with Eunuch Fu.

Eunuch Fu didn't say a word, and quickly lowered his head.

The corner of the emperor's mouth twitched.

He already knew the queen's thoughts, so he didn't drink any of the medicine!

His own body knew that even if he drank medicine, he wouldn't be able to survive for long.

However, looking at Wang An in front of him, he felt a lot more relieved, and then his eyes fell on brothers Xiao Jingzhe and Xiao Jingyao, with doubts in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao stood up and saluted the emperor, "Xiao Jingyao has met the emperor! The emperor is wondering how our brothers managed to be together with the prince?"

The emperor said nothing, but looked at him with his old eyes.

Xiao Jingyao briefly told the process of how he and Wang An got to know each other.

As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor said: "When the third son of the Xiao family took away the documents indicating that the third son of the Xiao family had collaborated with the enemy, I was still confused! Now I understand, it turns out that you have known each other for a long time!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jingyao and King An couldn't help but be stunned.

Even Xiao Jingzhe couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked over in confusion.


At this time, the emperor sighed deeply and explained: "Your father and I have been good brothers for many years. You children can be said to have been raised by me! What kind of characters are your parents? Sex, how come I don’t know what your character is?”

(End of this chapter)

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