Chapter 464: It’s over, let’s take action!
"It's just that I'm in this position, and you can't provide evidence to prove it, so I can only act in accordance with the law!"

"However, in the final analysis, I am also sorry for your Xiao family! Because... I made you angry because of the boss's affairs!"

After the emperor finished speaking, Eunuch Fu said: "Two young masters, the emperor had no choice but to do so! Back then, he sent people in time to steal the evidence, but Prince An took action in advance."

Xiao Jingzhe & Xiao Jingyao: "..."

King An: "..."

Before this, it is impossible to say that Xiao Jingzhe does not blame the emperor and does not have any resentment towards him!
But now that he knew the truth, he suddenly felt relieved.

"The past is in the past!" Xiao Jingzhe said calmly.

In the palace, the two parties of the second prince and the fifth prince were fighting fiercely, and it was not until dawn that they gradually stopped.

The queen died on the spot, and the fifth prince had one of his arms cut off and captured.

Subsequently, the second prince invited the imperial physician to enter the emperor's chamber, and within a quarter of an hour it was reported that the emperor was unconscious after being drugged.

In an instant, the crimes of the fifth prince and the queen were exposed to the world.

Some ministers were dissatisfied, but even if they were dissatisfied in front of the second prince, they could only hold it in themselves.

Four days had passed, and the "Emperor" in the palace was still unconscious. At this time, the second prince had begun to take over the affairs of the court and regarded himself as the heir apparent.

At this time, the war between southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang became increasingly tense.

Xiao Jingzhe suddenly received anonymous evidence, proving that the news about the Xiao Family Army's accident was related to General Zhu Guo.

Xiao Jingzhe clearly knew how this evidence came from, but he went to the General Zhuguo's Mansion to have a fight with General Zhuguo as the Wu family wished, and handed the evidence to the second prince, asking him to The prince severely punished the general of Zhuguo.

But General Zhuguo was the uncle of the second prince, and he became the biggest contributor after the second prince ascended the throne.

How could the second prince deal with General Zhuguo at this time?

However, the Xiao family has made contributions to Ba County, so they cannot treat the Xiao family the same way they treat others.

In addition, the war situation was tense, so there was a matter of the Zhuguo general going to the border to perform meritorious service.

Once the general of the Zhu Kingdom left, the second prince lost more than half of his backers.

At this time, the Wu family's tail was finally exposed.

On the night of December [-]th, Wu Youyou launched a coup!
The second prince without General Zhu at his side was no match for Wu Youyou, an old fox.

Under Wu Youyou's offensive, they were quickly defeated.

However, just when Wu Youyou was complacent, Xiao Jingyao and his brothers led troops to help and wiped out the Wu party.

The emperor "woke up" at this time and purged all the second and fifth princes as well as the Wu Party members.

Since then, the civil strife in Dazhou has ended.

On the first day of the new year, the emperor announced the canonization of Prince An as the crown prince. He also restored the Xiao family's innocence and canonized Xiao Jingzhe, Xiao Jingyao, Xiao Jingren and others.

The Xiao family once again restored its former glory.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the emperor ordered a joint trial of the Wu family and others.

According to the Wu family's confession, Wu Feiyan was the princess of Northern Xinjiang, and the Wu family's daughter died as early as five years old!

At that time, they didn't know that Wu Feiyan was the princess of Beijiang. They just thought about adopting her after their daughter left!
Unexpectedly, Wu Feiyan made eye contact with Wu Xi and tasted the forbidden fruit.

After one or two attempts, it was soon discovered.

It was at that time that the wife of the Wu family was furious to death because of this matter.

After that, the "brother and sister" stayed filial piety for three years, and then Wu Feiyan became pregnant.

It was also at this time that people from Northern Xinjiang came to the door.

They brought Ye Zhaozhao's "po".

They injected Ye Zhaozhao's "soul" into Wu Feiyan's abdomen and asked it to give birth to her.The Bei Zong promised a lot of benefits.

Wu Youyou is moved!

He originally felt that his father, Duke Wu, had made no less contributions to the Zhou Dynasty than anyone else. Why should the Wu family not have the emperor's turn, even if his status was not as good as that of the Xiao family?

So he refuses to accept it!

So they planned everything secretly.

When Ye Zhengyong passed the Jinshi examination, they focused on him. When they investigated his family, they found out that Xiao Ning, the missing daughter of the Xiao family, was actually Ye Zhengyong's daughter-in-law. With a revengeful mentality, they set out to The goal was quickly set.

Xiao Ning left the hall and Wu Feiyan came to the throne.

Ye Zhengyong was instigated to death by Wu Feiyan, who planned the day and deliberately drank drugs to induce labor during a palace banquet, and gave birth to Ye Zhaozhao in the palace.

Sure enough, as the envoy from Northern Xinjiang said, a vision came from the sky when Ye Zhaozhao was born, which earned them a lot of fame.

At this point, they became more convinced that their Wu family had rebelled against the royal family and that was their destiny.

So they planned more carefully.

They pushed Ye Zhengyong to the front as a shield, and used Ye Zhaozhao's skills and abilities to recruit people behind the scenes to build power.

Ye Zhaozhao was a goddess descended from heaven and successfully prayed for rain during several droughts, and became the protector princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Ye Zhaozhao is extremely talented and has made great achievements in fortune telling and magic. He also has experience in refining elixirs.

Who wouldn’t support such a person! ?
But how can you imagine that this person who is a goddess on the surface is more vicious than a witch behind her back?

Behind all this is one ambition after another?

After the Wu family recruited these people, everyone was shocked.

The emperor gave full authority over this matter to King An, who is now the prince.

The prince quickly ordered Xiao Jingyao and Li Boming to thoroughly investigate the Wu family and those who had colluded with the Wu family.

The prince's thunderous tactics quickly stabilized the hearts of the courtiers and completely calmed down the precarious Zhou court.

It was at this time that the courtiers discovered how resolute and decisive Prince An, whom they had always disliked and thought was a fool, was.

The affairs of the court came to an end, but Wu Youyou and the Wu family had never said anything about Li Qingqiu's whereabouts.

But what is certain is that the Wu family did hide Li Qingqiu.

Originally, they wanted to exchange Li Qingqiu for the Li family's wealth, so as to add fuel to the fire when the Wu family rebelled.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jingzhe appeared halfway to disrupt the situation.

And Xiao Jingren, who is obviously dead!
Not only did he come back alive, he actually hid a soldier somewhere!

If Xiao Jingren hadn't arrived in time with his troops, and if they had underestimated King An, why would this have happened?

At this time, everything turned into bubbles, but they were not willing to give in!

Unwilling to die like this!

Ye Zhaozhao is not dead yet, she will not ignore them!

So for now, all they have to do is delay!
Drag Ye Zhaozhao to give them the news!

And the only thing that can hold them back is the whereabouts of Li Qingqiu.

It has to be said that the two foxes Wu Youyou and Wu Xi were able to use this trick in seconds.

Li Qingqiu really held them back and made them take action!

(End of this chapter)

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